Rating: Pg-13

Spoilers: The ending of half-life 2.

Disclaimer: Everything half-life belongs to the Valve company.

"No, you fool! You'll kill us both!" Dr. Breen shouted within the portal.

At this stage in the game, Gordon didn't care. He knew he was intended to be used as a pawn by both the G-man and the administrator. If he killed Doctor Breen he might be able to do the world some good, regardless of the cost. He lifted his zero-gravity gun and snatched a golden globe of electricity from the power lines. He hurled it right at the portal.

The result was instantaneous. The protective shielding around the portal broke apart, and sparkling electricity danced along the vulnerable white core. The core instantly turned red-and-black. There was a flash of white light, blinding Freeman. When his eyes cleared he saw numerous aliens flying around the globe, some of which he had never before seen in his life.

With a shriek one of them flew towards Gordon. Gordon lifted his gun and fired. It seemed to have no immediate effect on the creature, who knocked the gun out of his hands and slashed at his arm. The gun tumbled over the edge into the abyss below.

Gordon stared at the bleeding gash which had torn his suit. 'Warning. Bio-toxins detected.'

"ARGH!" Doctor Breen screamed from within the blackened portal, which was now surrounded by fire. As Gordon watched machinery surrounding the portal exploded and collapsed. The whole room might implode at any moment-

"Gordon!" Alyx called out from behind the glass doors. With a yank of her screwdriver the doors were open. She gripped his shoulder. "Come on-we've got to get out of here! We're almost out of-"

The portal imploded.

Gordon and Alyx were immediately assaulted with a fierce wind, enough to push them backwards. Gordon could see a wave of fire headed towards them, yet at the same time he felt something weird happening inside of him. "Alyx! Hold on to me!" he shouted.

The next moment she was in his arms. Despite the dire situation, she couldn't help but smile a little. "What is it?" she shouted above the noise.

Gordon couldn't reply, even if he wanted to. He felt like he was being pulled...


"Oh boy, it worked!" Gordon could hear Barney's voice as the mist began to clear. "Are you both all right?"

Gordon looked around in surprise. They were both in Doctor Kleiner's laboratory.

Alyx took on step and immediately stumbled. "What...what happened?"

"It is most astonishing," Dr. Kleiner said, rubbing his hands. "We managed to do a recall and open up a temporary portal using your key vital signs."

"And for once, we did it perfectly," Barney added.

"Yes, I would say it worked out quite well," Dr. Kleiner said.

"Where's my father?" Alyx asked.

"Currently he and Dr. Mossman are recovering at his base. They'll be all right," Barney said.

Gordon released a deep breath. He had never felt so exhausted in his life. "We did it."

Alyx smiled. "Yeah," she replied. "For once we-"

"Congratulations," a dry voice said behind them.

Gordon didn't hesitate. He knew that voice and who it belonged to. He turned around, emptying a whole clip at the G-man.

The G-man smiled. "Please, Doctor Freeman. Do you think I would even be here if I thought any of you could even hurt me?" He brushed away his suit. "Impervious technology. I really do recommend it."

"Now see here!" Doctor. Kleiner snapped. "You can't just barge in here in my laboratory and-"

"What do you want?" Alyx demanded, backing away. She and Barney had heard about the G-man from Gordon plenty of times.

"I have come merely to collect my merchandise. Doctor Freeman has proven time and again that he is a resource to not simply be tossed away. Come along, Freeman. It is time we should be going."

"Nah. I don't think so," Barney said, moving in front of Gordon.

The G-man smiled thinly. "You think you can stop me? I come from a world beyond your simple comprehension. Though, perhaps not you, Doctor Freeman. You've been there before. Though I don't expect you to remember. Human minds tend to block out such things."

Gordon though hard. He couldn't recall, but yes, there was a sense of murkiness when he tried. Looking past the murkiness he could remember...

Blue. Nothing but blue.

"I have wasted enough of my time with you all," the G-man continued. "All of you have acted within required specifications and for that you are allowed to continue with your lives. For however long that may be."

"Maybe I'm not making myself clear enough," Barney said. "Gordon isn't going with you anywhere."

The G-man smiled. "Perhaps I do have time for a small demonstration." He shook his head. "Do you really think I would have allowed Doctor Freeman to progress this far if I wasn't a hundred percent in control of the situation the entire time? And I do mean all variables and possibilities." The G-man gestured at Doctor Kleiner. "Gordon Freeman. Kill this man."

Freeman couldn't stop himself. The gun was in his hand before he had even realized what had happened. He pulled the trigger, and Dr. Kleiner's head exploded in red.

Alyx jumped slightly. "Doc!" Barney cried out in shock.

"There. Now do you still believe you know this man?" the G-man continued pleasenetly.

Alyx stared at Gordon in shock.

"But why are you helping us? The rebels?" Barney demanded, kneeling beside Doctor Kleiner's body.

"My reasons, and the reasons of my employers, are our own," the G-man replied. "Best to leave it for people with considerably more intellect then any of you."

Alyx angrily took a step towards the G-man.

Gordon immediately raised his gun at her. Alyx froze.

"He would kill all of you rather then let a hair on my head be harmed," the G-man smiled thinly. "Come along, Doctor. Freeman. We've wasted enough time."

Gordon felt himself compelled to obey, and what's more, there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't even tell Alex how sorry he was. He walked towards the large pulsing golden light which had appeared in front of him.

"No!" Alyx called out.

"Gordon, wait!" Barney cried out.

Alyx ran to the G-man, who was bathed in golden light. With a sneer etched on her face she punched him in the head. The G-man laughed.

Alyx grabbed his briefcase.

Now the man's pale face was one of fury. "Gordon, help me!"

Gordon reacted instantly to the G-man's commands. But as quick as he was, Alyx beat him by a split-second and kicked the gun out of his hand. By now the portal had built up in intensity that Gordon disappeared.

"No!" Alyx cried out with her free outstretched hand. With the other she still held onto the briefcase.

At that moment the portal was enveloping the G-man, but he was struggling to hang on. "Give that to me!" he whispered. The pulsing portal illuminated his face which was now green...green...Alex blinked. For a brief second she saw what he truly was...something not human.

Alyx gave the briefcase one final yank, and it slid into her hand. With her other she took out her gun and fired. The G-man did not scream so much as hiss. Then, he was gone.

"Woah!" Barney said, gripping Alyx's shoulders and pulling her back. But it was not necessary. The portal had already dissipated into mist.

"You kicked his ass, Alyx!" Barney applauded.

"Mabye," Alyx replied heavily. "But he got what he wanted."

"So what's in the case?"

Aley put it on the counter and opened it. She gasped as she rifled through it. "I don't understand. It's just paper...blank paper..."

Some of it flew out of the briefcase. Barney stared in wonderment.


A short time later the G-man watched Doctor Breen's final moments in the portal on a T.V screen. "All in all, a success, if I may say so myself," he said, apparently talking to himself, but in reality talking to his superiors. "It is temporarily in our contract...and in our best interest to let the rebels win this day. As for tomorrow...well, we'll have to see. There was no trouble in retrieving Gordon Freeman, and for the moment he is where he should be. I am also posting a notice for all troops to watch this woman and the security guard carefully...they might be interesting."


Barney placed a white sheet on Doctor Kleiner, and looked up at Alyx. "So what should we do now?" he asked.

Alyx didn't reply for a moment. Then her eyes became firm. "Gordon always thought that he was pawn of Black Mesa. Not anymore." She stood. "This G-man had everything planned from the start. Well, not this. We're going to turn the tables on him, Barney. We're going to get Gordon back."

Barney straightened. "I'd hate to say it, but that's crazy, Alyx. We have virtually no idea where Gordon even is. For a we know he could be on a different...planet! I mean, who knows what we'll face where he is?"

"I have to try," Alyx replied. "You're either with me, or against me Barney."

"Hey," he protested, gripping her shoulders. "I'm with you. I'm just not sure how to start."

"We'll find a way," Alyx said firmly. "We'll make it work, and most of all, we'll take the battle to them this time."


A slight humming was all Gordon Freeman could hear. From his perception, he was constantly moving, as though on a train. In reality, he was asleep in a stasis chamber, and had been for several hours.

'Warning. Bio-toxins detected,' his suit informed him.

From the pitch-black train Gordon turned around in puzzlement. He had heard that voice clearly.

'Emergency. Seek medical attention.'

From his stasis chamber Gordon's veins turned black, then green. Alarms went off.

In the train Gordon gripped his stomach in pain and sank to the floor. The world dissolved around him to white light.

Gordon's red eyes opened.

The next instant his fist went through the stasis glass and slammed on the controls. The chamber opened.


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