Spoilers: Everything from the first half of the season.

Disclaimer: Don't own any of this :)

The day started like any other.

Jack awoke in the caves and washed his hands carefully with the boiled water that was there. He rubbed the stubble absent-mindedly on his cheek and wished, as he did every other day, that he awoke somewhere else. Somewhere off the Island. Taking a look around, Jack saw that everything in the caves were gone. He slept in late according to his watch. With a sigh Jack grabbed his belongings.


"Hey," Jack greeted Kate on the beach. He noticed that there were a lot of wood around, wood that had been clumsily chopped apart with an axe.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" Kate asked.

"Just thought I could use some fresh air. What's all this?"

"Sayid figured that we could create some shelters on the beach. Might protect us against the sun at night," Kate replied, taking a log. "Help me with this, will you?"

They both lifted it. "You know, Kate, my offer's still up," Jack said quietly.

"Someone's going to rescue us, Jack," Kate said. "I'd rather be here when they did."

Jack noticed, not for the first time, how close they were touching. "Listen-"

"Jack-have you got a moment?" Charlie asked, standing on a large rock.

"Sure," Jack said, and hurried up the hill towards him. "What's up?"

Charlie shook his head. "There's no easy way for me to say this, Jack, so I'll come out and say it. None of this is real. You're in a coma right now. The doctors are doing everything they can but you've got to snap out of it-"

"Woah, wait. Charlie, what are you saying?" Jack demanded.

Charlie stepped forwards. "You have to wake up, mate. They say that you can still reach people when they're under. You have to wake up, Jack. Please."

Seeing the serious look on Charlie's face, Jack backed away. "I don't-" He began, and noticed how cold the air around him had suddenly become. How dark it was. How...unreal everything was. "What are you talking about!?"

Charlie just shook his head.

Jack turned away from him onto a small path and ran up the hill entirely into the Jungle. He just needed to get away from there, he just needed time to think. He went through the trees and found that he was on a cliff overlooking the beach. He took a deep breath.

"Doc," Sawyer called from behind him.

Jack turned around. He never recalled a time in his life when he was more happy to see him. "Sawyer-" He turned, and his blood chilled.

Sawyer had a gun that was pointed at Jack. "You son of a bitch," he snarled. "I'm not going to let you get away with it."

"What-?" Was all the startled Jack could get before Sawyer pulled back the trigger. There was a loud explosion and Jack flew backwards. Off the cliff and into darkness-


Jack's eyes flew open. He was lying in a bed. There were people surrounding him. With labcoats. Doctors. When Jack tried to sit up hands pushed him back down. "Doctor, please calm down!"

"Where am I?" Jack shouted. He struggled. "Who are you people!?"

"Get the sedative, now!" A doctor ordered.

"Jack, you're going to be okay!" Charlie said, just off to his right. "Just calm down!"

"You can't be in here right now," Another doctor insisted, putting his hand on Charlie's shoulder.

"Charlie?" Jack whispered. He winced as the needle went into his arm. Immediately the room started to grey. "You made it...off the Island...too?" Jack blinked, and he lay back into the pillow, his eyes closing. The darkness rapidly approached.

But not before he heard Charlie's final words. "What's he going on about?"


It was morning when Jack next awoke to the sound of the heartbeat monitor. He opened his eyes and looked out the window. Confused thoughts came back to him, followed by a mingled sense of relief. He had made it. He had survived.

A sound. Jack knew it all-to-well. The sound of a trigger being pulled back. Startled, Jack turned his head.

Sawyer was standing in front of him, clean shaven wearing jeans and a white t-shirt. "Comfy, doc? Because you won't be in the next minute or so."

Jack blinked and straightened into a sitting position. "Sawyer, what-?"

"Don't you dare give me that amnesia crap. Not after everything we've been through together."

Jack looked away, thinking furiously. "I don't-" He looked up. "Did something happen on the Island?"

"What Island!?" Sawyer snapped.


The doorhandle jingled. Sawyer swore and put away his gun. He winked. "Another time. When there

aren't any witnesses."

The door opened, and Charlie entered. Charlie looked considerably startled. "Swayer. What the hell are you doing here?"

"No need to get flashed out. I was just welcoming the doctor back to wonderful paradise," Sawyer replied, grinning.

"Yeah? Well, I think you should leave. Now," Charlie ordered.

Sawyer snorted and smiled. "Already going. Why don't you pop some coke in you? Isn't that all what you're good for?" Sawyer opened the door, giving Jack a cheery wave. "So long, doc." The door closed.

Charlie swallowed and looked down. "Sorry about him. Not even sure how he got past the guys in blue." He pulled up a stool alongside Jack's bed. "Are you all right?"

Jack nodded silently. He had so many questions and wasn't sure which to ask first.

"Well, I know you could have done without Sawyer's little dance number, but..." the corners of Charlie's mouth lifted. "...welcome back, mate. It's good to see you."

Jack stared at Charlie for a moment. He was dressed in a white striped t-shirt, dark blue jacket, and blue jeans. But what drew Jack's attention were the bandages around Charlie's fingers. They spelled out two words. NO and FATE. Jack looked up. "How long was I-?" He closed his eyes.

"Out? Not too long. A few months. You haven't missed much." Charlie looked down. "Claire ah...she wants a divorce, Jack. But I guess you kinda figured on that."

Jack frowned. "So we escaped off the Island?"

"Island?" Charlie repeated. He looked at his hands. "Oh right. The Island. The doctors told me about that. Jack...there never was an Island."

"Wha-what do you mean?"

"It's true that you were in a plane crash off the pacific, but the rescuers found your lifeboat in the ocean a few days later. You were severely dehydrated. Hell, you almost didn't survive. But no. You were never on an Island, Jack. You never were."

"But...I remember..." Jack said.

"Jack, you were in a coma for three months. According to the doctors, well, that can do things to your head." Charlie stood. "The doctors said that they wanted to keep you a few days for observation. But I think I can pull a few strings. Get you out of here in just a tick." He made for the door.

Jack frowned. "Why does Claire want to divorce you, Charlie?"

Now Charlie looked extremely puzzled. "Me? No." He opened the door. "She's married to

you, Jack."


An hour later Jack was allowed to leave. When he and Charlie entered the parking lot Jack couldn't help but stare in astonishment.

Charlie grinned as he put on his sunglasses. "Bit different form the world you remember?"

"I just...honestly thought I'd never see it again," Jack replied.

"Come on," Charlie said, getting into the car. He started the engine. "I'll show you around."

For most of the day Charlie drove him around the city. They hanged out by the waterfront, and ate dinner at a fast food restaurant.

"So let me get this straight," Charlie said. They were in a table outside and he was still wearing his sunglasses. "We apparently were on this mystery Island together, and you can't remember anything from before."

"That's right."

"Wow. That's pretty wacked out." Charlie leaned forwards. "Jack-we've been friends for years and years." He looked up as the bill arrived. "I'm guessing currency wasn't on this strange Island of yours?"

Jack shook his head. "So are you still doing Driveshaft?"

Charlie was dealing out twenties and he paused slightly when Jack said this. He cleared his throat. "Yeah. I was on a three-year concert. Went back the moment I heard you were awake. It's...good, Jack. Real good."

Twenty minutes later the sun had set. Charlie parked next to a curb. They were beside a small house. "Well this is it. Your place," Charlie said. His voice was a tad bit uneasy.

Jack stepped out of the car, and immediately noticed that Charlie made no move to follow. "Aren't you coming in?"

Charlie swallowed and took off his sunglasses. "Jack...I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

"Charlie, you're the only person who knows what's going on." Jack stared at him. "Please."

Charlie hesitated, and stepped out of the car. He entered without knocking. Immediately Jack could smell food burning. Garbage was everywhere. "Hello?" Charlie called.

"In here," Claire said. They found her in the kitchen, slowly stirring a pot with a spoon. She was also heavily pregnant. Jack stared at her, not without a strange sense of relief. The last time he had seen her, after all, was just before she had been kidnaped by Ethan. Claire wouldn't meet Jack's glance.

"Hello, Claire," Charlie said.

Claire didn't reply.

"Jack's awake, Claire," Charlie said. "Isn't that..isn't that wonderful?"

Claire looked up without any real enthusiasm. She put down the spoon.

"Claire...he doesn't remember anything," Charlie implored, stepping forwards. "This is a chance..for you two to start over. To make a clean slate." He touched her shoulder.

She broke off angrily and grabbed a pot from the cupboard. She slammed it down on the stove top so hard that it echoed in the kitchen.

Charlie gave Jack a hopeless look. "Do you want me to cook?" he tried.

"You cook, Charlie!?" Claire snapped. "Since when have you ever cooked anything better then frozen food?"

"Well..it can't be more worse then whatever that smell is," Charlie said.

Charlie looked at him, her blue eyes sparking with fury. Charlie swallowed and looked down.

"He's telling the truth, Claire," Jack said. "I'm not sure what I did to you, but I swear-"

Claire, who was bending down to get another pot, suddenly cried out and touched her belly.

"Claire!" Jack said, reaching forwards.

Claire shoved him away. "Don't touch me! Don't touch my baby!" She burst into tears.

"Claire, you need to calm down-" Charlie began.

"Oh, just get out, get out, GET OUT!" Claire shrieked.

Charlie swallowed. "I'll ah...catch you later," he said to Jack, and hurried outside. The door slammed shut behind him.

"I'm not going," Jack said firmly. "You need a doctor, Claire."

"Oh really, Jack? Since when have you ever done anything for me!?" Claire snapped at him.

"You're in your final month! You shouldn't be doing any of these things! You shouldn't be cleaning, and you sure as hell shouldn't be cooking. What you need is-"

"No, Jack, the only thing I need is you to get out of my life!" Claire shouted.

"Claire, I don't remember-" Jack was considerably startled to hear the entire house erupt with rock music.

Claire slammed the dish towel on the counter. "It's the neighbors." She opened the screen door and stepped outside. Jack hurried to follow. "Shut up in there!" Claire shouted at the house next door.

The screen door opened, and Boone stepped out. "No. Why don't you shut up, Claire? Shouldn't you be taking a chill pill at this hour?"

"I have company, Boone!" Claire tried.

Boone blinked. "Oh, hey-you're the guy who ran off, right? Good choice."

"Boone?" Jack could only whisper.

"You know my name?" Boone asked, raising his eyebrow. "How does he know my name?"

"I know your name, Boone!" Claire snapped.

"Yeah. Judging by how many times you've called the police on me I kinda figured on that," Boone said. He folded his arms. "So when does your mortgage expire, Claire? When can I finally get you off my back?"

"That'll never happen!" Claire hissed.

Boone smirked. "Yeah...sure it won't. If that's true then why do the repo men come to your door every week? What did they take the last time, the TV?" Still smirking, he touched her shoulder. "Listen-"

"Don't touch me!"

"Hey-just leave her alone," Jack snapped.

Claire looked at Jack in astonishment. Boone threw his hands up in a you-win gesture. "All right. Whatever." He stormed back into the house.


It was half an hour later.

The house was quiet. Claire was sitting on the couch, a cup of warm milk resting in her lap, listening without interruption as Jack told her everything that he remembered on the Island.

"So I don't remember anything that happened in our marriage. In fact I don't remember even meeting you before the accident," Jack concluded. "And I'm sorry, Claire-you just don't seem like type. I always kinda figured that you and Charlie were a match. Not-not me."

Claire looked down, tears falling from her eyes. "Well, it's too late to change anything, now is it?" She stood.

"Claire-" Jack began.

"I'm sorry. It's just been hard living on my own, you know?" She set the cup down on the counter and turned to face him.

"You should see a doctor, Claire."

Claire shook her head and looked down. "I can't afford it. This is my third mortgage. By the time the baby comes...she won't have a home, Jack." Tears fell to her cheeks and Claire began to sob. "She won't have a home."

Jack took her in his arms. "Shh. I'm not going to let that happen." Jack closed his eyes. "God, what did I do to you?"

They broke off. "You really don't know," Claire said in wonderment. "Maybe if I never tell you you won't do it again."

"Boone said that I ran off with someone. Now who was it?" Jack asked pleadingly.

Claire looked down and sighed. "Kate. Her name's Kate. She's this...woman, who's-"

"I know," Jack said, looking up. "She's Sawyer's wife."

Claire nodded and looked away. "Well, you can sleep here tonight. By tomorrow I want you gone."

"Claire-" Jack began.

But her eyes were firm.


Jack was having a vivid dream. In it he was in the caves and it was nighttime. Charlie and a few others

were talking near the fire. Jack approached them. "Charlie. Can I have a word?"

Charlie looked considerably startled. He joined Jack further into the caves where they wouldn't be overheard.

Jack had his hands on his hips. "Where are they, Charlie?" he asked, trying to keep his tone neutral.

Charlie looked puzzled. "What?"

"The painkillers! Where are they?"

"Jack, for once in my life I have no idea what you're talking about!" Charlie snapped.

"Claire is missing, Charlie."

"Yeah. I kinda noticed that," Charlie said sarcastically.

"I can understand why you would take them. I'm not blaming you, but there are other people-"

"Wait, wait. So let me get this straight. Someone stole painkillers out of your bag, so you immediately turn to the ex-junkie."

"Who's also suffered a traumatic event, and yes, all the painkillers are taken from my bag, Charlie! It's easy to overdose from them and having taking Heroin before makes you more susceptible to chemicals, so if you have them, tell me!"

A pause as both realized that they were not alone. They turned their heads at the newcomer.

"Dude. I'm sorry," Hurley stammered. "I just...you know, needed some water.."

"Great! Just great! Real smooth, Jack! Maybe I should find you more people to tell! I'm sure I can drag Sawyer up here from the beach-" Charlie shouted.

"Charlie-" Jack said, touching his brow.

"Now everyone's going to think that I couldn't rescue Claire because I was drugged out!" Charlie turned on Hurley. "You tell anyone and you're dead! Do you hear me!?"

"Dude, I don't think that-" Hurley began.

"Charlie," Jack whispered.

Charlie turned around.

Jack was blinking furiously. "I can't see-" he pitched forwards.

"Jack!" Charlie cried out.


Jack was already up by the time Claire strolled into the kitchen, yawning. "How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"Um...better. Now that I've had some sleep," Claire said.

"I've given Charlie a call. He's going to come and watch over you," Jack said, tying up his shoe.

"I don't need anyone, Jack," Claire said, but with quiet argument. "Where are you off to?"

Jack looked up. "You know where."

"You're going to see her. Aren't you?" Claire asked. Her voice was empty of expression.

"It's not what you think, Claire. Sawyer pulled a gun on me in the hospital."

"What?" Claire whispered.

"He's dangerous. I have to warn Kate before it's too late." A horn beeped. Jack grabbed his jacket and opened the door.

"What about you?" Claire asked.

"I can handle Sawyer," Jack said.

Claire touched his shoulder. "Be careful," she said, with great reluctance.

Jack nodded. As he went to the driveway Charlie stepped out of the car. "I still think I should come with you," Charlie said.

"No. He might go after Kate or he might go after Claire. Besides, her baby is due any time now."


"It'll be okay, Charlie-"

"Jack, I don't know the first thing about delivering a baby! I mean, do I just catch it or something-"

"Charlie, you pick up a phone, and you call 911," Jack said. "I'll be back as soon as I can, hopefully long before anything happens."

Charlie slowly nodded. "Hopefully," he said.

Jack went into the car.

"Oh, someone called for you at my house. Left this number," Charlie said, handing Jack a card.

Jack took the card and read the number. He tossed it aside, started up the car, and was gone.


She was standing alone by herself, on the cliff overlooking the ocean. "Hello, Kate," Jack greeted. "I'm glad you agreed to come."

She turned, slightly startled. "I heard you woke up, Jack. What is it you want this time? Money?"

Jack shook his head. "No, Kate. Why would I?"

Kate began to walk. "I suppose you'll have enough of that very soon. So what are you doing here?"

"Why are you married to him, Kate?"

Kate brushed away a lock of brown hair. "He's a good man. He cares about me."

Jack raised his eyebrow. "Does he?"

"Why does it matter to you? You have a wife. You should go back to her. What we did was a mistake," Kate said.

Jack didn't say anything for a moment. He slowly touched the bruises on her cheek.

"He's a good man," Kate repeated firmly.


It was two hours since Jack collapsed. For a long time Charlie stared at the crackling fire on the cave ground.

"It's a spider bite," Kate declared. She gently turned Jack's sleeping head to one side. "On the back. See?"

"Well...how bad is it?" Charlie asked quietly.

Kate stared at Jack in concern. His body was burning with fever and his pupils were unresponsive.

"We have to keep him warm and keep him hydrated." She stood. "Within twenty-four hours, we'll know how bad it is."

Charlie gripped her arm. "Wait-what does that mean?"

"It means that we'll know whether or not he lives or he dies," Locke said quietly.

"Well...can't we do something?"

"We're not doctors, Charlie. The only person who can help Jack is Jack, and unfortunately, that's pretty impossible," Locke said. He turned away. "Besides, whoever took the painkillers also took all the antidotes too."

Charlie gaped at him in horror. For a moment, there was silence in the cave.

"I'm going to find out who took those painkillers," Hurley said firmly.

Charlie glanced at him. "Are you sure that's such a great idea? I mean, don't we have other things to worry about?"

"Look, if it helps Jack, then I'm going to try!" Hurley said, standing up. "Besides, it's just wrong. You know? Someone is stealing medicine. Jack really needs it right now, or he might die!"

"If you start a witch hunt you're asking for nothing but trouble," Locke said, examining the spider bite. "And trouble is the last thing we need right now."

"Dude, finding the painkillers is the last thing that Jack wanted," Hurley snapped.

"Not the last," Charlie said. He shook his head. "Don't say things like that." He stared at Jack's comatose form. "Not the last.


"So you're doing...what exactly?" Sawyer asked, sitting down on his lawn chair a few minutes later.

Hurley shrugged. "Oh, you know. Just starting a consensus."

"Another one," Sawyer said flatly. "Considering the first one worked so well."

"Hey-it helped Charlie!" Hurley snapped in protest.

"Yep. Helped him right up a tree. As I understand it, the only reason that Ethan did that to him is because we were onto him. Because of your consensus."

"We got him back. And you know what? We'll get Claire back too."

Sawyer shrugged, not really believing him. "So what do you want to know?"

Hurley consulted his clipboard. "Where were you between three and four yesterday?"

"You mean, when the sun was over there and there?" Sawyer asked, pointing. "I was here. Reading."

"Reading," Hurley said flatly.

"It's a good book," Sawyer said, reaching for his book. He looked up. "Are we done?"

"Witnesses say that you weren't here. They had no idea where you were."

"Wait-let me guess. This is about the missing medicine, right? And you're trying to find out who did it."

"Well, here's the thing," Hurley said. "First of all, you're the only person on the entire Island who's wounded. Second of all it just seems a little weird that the only time we need anti-vemon all the supply has suddenly disappeared. Right when, you know, Jack needs it. Whom you hate."

Sawyer closed his book. "So what are you saying?"

"I'm just saying that all in all things have worked out pretty well for you! You know, considering."

Sawyer smiled a little. "It does seem like that, doesn't it?" He stood, stretching. "So maybe you think I also planted the spider which bit him. Knowing full well, of course, that he would enter that particular cavern at that exact time to have a spider dropped on his neck."

"Well...did you?" Hurley asked.

Sawyer's eyes turned cold. "Let me tell you something. Little man. If I wanted to kill Jack, I wouldn't resort to sneaking a spider into his bedroll at night. I would kill him. With my bare hands. In front of people. And right now I'm just waiting for an excuse. The man's pissed me off so much that I would do just that. I would not pretend that I didn't do it. It just cheapens the thrill." He raised his eyebrow. "And I didn't take the painkillers either, while we're on the subject. But yesterday, when I went up to get my supply from the good doc, I saw who did. I was getting around to telling someone, but seeing as how everybody thinks it's me I think I'll keep that little nugget of information to myself." Sawyer sat back down. "Nice to know that there's another snake around camp."

"Huh," Hurley said.

"Sorry. You've got the wrong man."

Hurley turned away.

"You left out Sayid," Sawyer said off-handedly.

"What?" Hurley asked.

"He was wounded too. Remember?"


Jack and Kate walked side by side along the small trail. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Jack asked her. "He's dangerous, Kate."

"I know that," Kate said, brushing aside a lock of her hair. "But he needs me. And...I can handle myself." Jack still looked doubtful. Kate touched his hand. "He won't hurt me, Jack."

"You're not happy with him, Kate. I can tell."

"It's what I need too," Kate said. She looked away. "I can't expect you to understand. But I can't be with you, Jack. You have someone who needs you too."

Jack nodded. "Yeah. I know."

Unnoticed by either Jack or Kate, Sawyer was watching them with his binoculars. Jack embraced Kate quickly. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I will, Jack," she said.

Sawyer watched them hug. "Big mistake, doc," he muttered.


Jack couldn't believe he had forgotten it. The sounds of the constant telephone, the busy atmosphere. Hell, he had even forgotten the smell of the hospital. He was currently sitting across from the desk of his supervisor, who was currently typing. Finally he stopped and leaned back in his chair. "First of all, let me congratulate you on your recovery from your accident. All of us here never doubted that you would make it. Currently your job is vacant, Jack. If you want it, its yours, starting at a salary of twenty-three thousand a month."

Jack looked behind him past the open doorway.


"I need time..." Jack said, and cleared his throat. "Time to clear my head. Just time to figure out what's going on."

The supervisor shrugged. "Of course. You're on two weeks recovery leave. And Jack," He extended his hand. "Welcome back."

Jack nodded. 'Thank you." He hurried out of the room to catch up with that he had seen through the doorway. "Excuse me." The man looked up from the photocopier. "Sayid, right?" Jack asked.

"Yes. That's right," Sayid said, standing. "Do I know you?"

"We've met before," Jack said. "On an Island."

"No, I'm afraid you have me confused," Sayid said. "I hate traveling. I've lived in the states all my life." He turned back to the photocopier.

"So..you work here?'

"Only as a temp," Sayid replied, and sighed. "It is growing increasingly difficult for me to find work." He looked up at Jack. "I fix photocopiers."

"But...you used to be an interrogator," Jack stammered.

Sayid stared at him, suddenly interested. He stood. "What did you just say?" He took an exacto knife out of his pocket.

Jack shook his head. "Nothing."

Sayid's hand shot out, grabbing his neck. Jack slammed against the cubicle wall. With his other hand Sayid held the knife at Jack's throat. Jack looked frantically to the left and right but he couldn't see anyone around to help. Sayid's grip was only just permitting Jack to breathe. "Ugh-"

"Listen to me," Sayid said calmly. "I don't know where you get your information, but you are wrong. Understand?"

"Sayid, I"m only trying to help," Jack whispered.

Sayid shook his head, a look of disgust on his face. "I don't need your help." He released his grip. "I don't want your help." He turned back to the photocopier.


"This is ridiculous," Sayid said, walking with the aid of his staff. "I didn't do anything."

"Sawyer says that you did," Hurley mentioned.

"Sawyer. And you'd take his word over mine." Sayid turned to face him. "If I thought it would help Jack, I would give him the medicine."

"Enough though it meant people knew you were hoarding?"

"Even so, yes," Sayid agreed. "But the truth is that I have none of it. You are asking the wrong person."

"But one of you must have it. You're the only two who were wounded. Who would need it?" Hurley asked with a frown.

Sayid crossed his arms. "Then the question becomes, what would someone who isn't hurt need painkillers for?"


"I think you're seriously barking up the wrong tree here," Locke said.

"Come on, dude, cut me some slack here. I'm all out of leads. Where were you yesterday?" Hurley said, looking at his clipboard.

"Here. Hunting."

"Can anyone confirm that?"

Locke glanced at him. "I was hunting. By myself." He shook his head. "No. The only person who was ever with me was Ethan. And now he's gone." Locke raised his eyebrow. "Have you ever hunted before, Hurley?"


"I didn't think so. You should. It teaches you precision. Patience. Choosing exactly the right moment to go in for the kill. Would it surprise you to know that I'm an animal activist, Hurley? All for animal rights?"

Hurley blinked.

"I love them all. Especially deer. Beautiful animals. I don't want to kill them, Hurley, but I have to. For survival. That's the truth. Now sometimes the truth hurts, Hurley. Sometimes you make excuses..or face other possibilities rather then face it."

Hurley said nothing. Locke turned to face him. "You know who's taken the meds, Hurley, just as I did right from the beginning. It was all over his face. Trying to pin it on Sawyer isn't going to change anything."

"So what should I do?" Hurley asked.

"Well, that's entirely up to you," Locke said. "I'm just the hunter. You're the detective, apparently." He turned away. Hurley sighed, and looked at his clipboard.


A few minutes later Charlie was alone in the cave with Jack. He glanced around quickly to make sure that no one was around, and took a bottle out of his pocket. He placed it carefully on the barrel.

"Hey," Hurley said, entering the cave. Charlie looked up, not without some surprise. "Hurley! The most extraordinary thing has happened! Someone has brought the anti-venom back!"

"Really," Hurley said.

"Yeah, I'm guessing that he or she brought it back just a few minutes ago right before I came in-"

"You know, that's kinda interesting Charlie! Because I've been watching the caves for a whole half an hour and you were the only one to enter the cave."

The half-hopeful look on Charlie's face vanished. "All right. I took the bleeding pills."

Hurley sighed. "Yeah. I gathered that."

"I didn't know what I was taking! All of them have a lot of weird names. I didn't mean to take the anti-venom too and...when I realized that I did..." His voice trailed off.

"Dude, why did you even take them in the first place?" Hurley asked. "I mean, you're not in pain or anything."

"I would have thought you would have leapt to the obvious conclusion," Charlie said. "That I'm trying to get a fix on whatever I can take." He leaned against a barrel. "But it's not like that. I mean, I'm not addicted or anything. It's just that...every time I close my eyes, I keep thinking back to that day Ethan took us. Wondering if there was anything I could have done. You can't understand. No one can. And...I can't go to sleep. Not for the life of me. These put me out like a light. So when I wake up, I can focus on rescuing Claire."

A long moment of silence between the two. "Dude, this is so out of my league right now, but...I know that you really don't think you're addicted, but if you keep taking these, you will be," Hurley said.

Charlie said nothing. Hurley stared at him, unsure of what to say. "And I know that's not what you want, so just give me the medicine, and we'll forget this ever happened."

Charlie still said nothing. Then he took the bottle out of his pocket.

Hurley waved his hand. "Come on. Please."

Charlie stared at Hurley.


Claire knocked hesitantly on the door. "Are you all right, Charlie? You've been in there for quite a while."

"Um...coming! I'll be out in a minute!" Charlie called. With trembling fingers he took out the brown powder. He had waited too long, on account of worrying about Claire. His whole body was shaking. He had spent fifteen minutes resisting, though. Claire had always brought out the best in him and he didn't want her to see him like this.

Now it felt like he was dying.

He inhaled the brown powder and immediately felt giddy and lightheaded as the rush came on. He willed himself to remain as normal as possible as he opened the door. "See? I'm all right."

"Are you sure? What's that on the sink?"

Charlie turned and groaned inwardly. He had left the drugs. He turned back, ready to confess everything. "Claire...hey look! Jack's home!" As Claire turned to the window with a worried expression on her face Charlie snatched the drugs and stuffed them in his pocket. He and Claire joined Jack in the living room. "Hey Jack-any luck?"

Jack shook his head.

"Well, as you can see, we're both here. Safe and sound," Charlie said quickly.

"That's good. I was worried," Jack replied.

"Look, I don't need either of you to protect me," Claire said. "So maybe you two should leave now."

"I disagree," Jack said.

"We've heard no word from Sawyer," Charlie said. "Maybe he just needed time to cool off."

Jack shook his head. "I don't want to take that chance."

"Well, I do." Claire said, and blinked. "Guys, I just need some time, all right? Time to think things over. You think you could give me some space?"

Jack sighed. "All right. One hour." He and Charlie stepped outside. "This isn't a good idea."

"There's no use arguing with her when she's in that mood," Charlie replied. He looked up. "Jack, there's someone else you need to see."

"Who?" Jack asked, bewildered.

Charlie gave him a pitying look. "Your father. Look, I doubt you'd remember but before the plane crash you promised you'd meet up with your dad. He must have gotten a phone call by now. So let's go see him."

Jack's eyes lowered. "Charlie, I'm not sure if that's such a good idea."

"He wants to see you," Charlie interrupted. "Come on, Jack. Please."


They drove past the city into the wilderness, and finally Charlie pulled up alongside an abandoned lot. In the middle was, of all things, a wagon with two long benches next to a burning fire.

Charlie smiled as he exited, one of the rare smiles he had. He took off his sunglasses.

"Hello, Charlie," Locke greeted, shaking Charlie's hand.

"Good to see you," Charlie returned.

Locke gestured. "Have a seat."

Jack could only stare in astonishment.

"So have you finally kicked the drug habit, Charlie?"

"I...um, working on it," Charlie said.

Locke stared at him. "You have to do it, son. Otherwise, it'll kill you."


Charlie stared at the bottle in his hands. It was completely silent in the cave except for the crackling fire.

"Come on. Please," Hurley said with a touch of impatience.

Charlie swallowed. "You won't ah...You won't tell Jack when he wakes up?"

"I promise."

"Can I trust you?"

"Dude, what more do you want from me? Blood?" Hurley exploded.

Charlie hesitated, and finally gave Hurley the bottle. "Thanks, Hurley."

Hurley coughed awkwardly. "Yeah. Sure. Let's find someone who knows what they're doing and give this to Jack."


"Well, I'll just leave the two of you then," Charlie said, and drove off in his car, leaving Jack and Locke alone.

Locke raised his eyebrow at Jack. "Hello, son," he said. The word sounded strange in his mouth.

And it was at that moment that Jack knew the truth. "You're not my father. None of this is real, is it?"

A long pause. "No," Locke admitted.

Jack sighed. "So where am I? What happened?"

"A spider bit you in the caves. You're in a coma right now."

"So I'm not dead?"

Locke leaned back. "Not yet. That's entirely up to you, Jack."

"Is that what this is all about?" Jack asked.

"It's what your heart wants. Secretly you wished the plane had never crashed into the Island, that all of this never happened. Your subconscious felt guilty about leaving your friends so you incorporated them into this dream world too. Eventually you'll probably run into all of them."

"But I'm going to die eventually, right Locke? If I stay here?"

Locke stared at him. "Well, that depends. Do you want to go back, Jack?"

Jack didn't hesitate. He shook his head mutely.

"Then we've got a big problem."


Locke injected the needle into Jack's arm. "He's not responding to the anti-vemon."

Charlie blinked. "What-what do you mean?"

"Usually, there are signs...Charlie. Certain signs. If it's not working..." he trailed off.

Charlie looked down. "If he...um, if he had gotten it earlier, would it have made a difference?"

"I dunno, Charlie. At this point I don't have any answers. We'll just have to wait and see."


Someone knocked on the door. Claire opened it, to see Sawyer's beaming face. "Hello, Claire. Why don't you and I have a little chat?"

With a startled shriek Claire slammed the door. As she turned to run Sawyer kicked it open, breaking the chain. Crying, Claire tripped over the coffee table and landed on the carpet.

"Keep crying. I like it when they cry. And scream," Sawyer said, flicking his knife. He grabbed Claire by the arm.

"Charlie!" Claire screamed. "Charlie!"

Sawyer looked up. "So. The druggie's here too, is he? Getting a little too high to protect a pregnant girl."

"No," Claire whispered through her tears. "No!"


In the bathroom Charlie felt a rush to his head as he snorted the heroin, so much so that at first he thought he had imagined Claire's screams. "Claire," he whispered.

The door opened, and Sawyer was pointing a gun at him. "Nope. But just as pretty."


Locke waited patiently as Jack paced back and forth. Jack pointed at Locke. "Don't look at me like that."

"Okay. But you are a realistic man, Jack. Living in an illusion doesn't make it right."

"What exactly is waiting for me, Locke? We're not going to be rescued." He shook his head. "Not by anyone."

"Whether or not you believe that is beside the point. The fact is that there are thirty-odd survivors who are counting on you, one of whom is pregnant and missing." Locke's voice rose in anger.

Jack shrugged. "Why should I care, Locke?"

Locke stared at him.

"This Island is a deathtrap. I looked at Claire before-and I saw myself digging her grave. I see the same for all of them-Charlie, Sayid, Shannon Boone-hell, everyone!" Jack stepped forwards. "Do you know just how many ways there are to die in a jungle? So don't ask me whether or not I care, Locke, or how I feel inside! Because I'm not sure if either of us want to know the answer."

Locke stared at him somberly. "You care, Jack. In fact you've never cared more about anything in your life." Locke raised his eyebrow. "That's why you created this."

Jack's cell phone rang. With a swear word Jack took it out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Jack, it's me," Charlie's frantic voice came on the phone. "Listen-Sawyer's got both of us. You have to meet him, Jack. At Sunshore peak. Otherwise, he's going to kill us."

"Charlie? Where are you now?"


The phone clicked off.

Jack stared at it for a long moment, and turned off his phone.

"Don't go," Locke said softly.

Jack stared at him in surprise. "I thought you wanted me to care." With that, he headed towards Locke's car.

"Jack, listen to me-this is your subconscious' way of re-asserting itself. If you go after them you might never come out! Jack!"

It was no use. Jack turned on the ignition and drove away.

Locke sighed.


Kate was determined to stay awake no matter what and watch over Jack. She glanced up briefly as the newcomer stood over her.

"So, is he dead yet?" Sawyer asked, sitting down with his cocky grin.

"Go to hell, Sawyer," Kate automatically said.

"Ah, I'm just joking with you, Kate. A doctor does have some use." Sawyer poked him a few times.

No reaction from Jack.

Sawyer tried it a few more times and grinned. "Hey-this is fun. You think if I hit him a few times he'll feel it?"

Kate stared at the crackling fire and said nothing.

"On the other hand, I don't mind if he dies either. We're both badly in love with you, Kate. Both dying to see you in a thong bikini each morning. Lightings up our lives considerably, let me tell you. So you have to understand I have to take him out of the running somehow."

Kate blinked a few times. "What?"

Sawyer's eyes were twinkling. "Just seeing if you're paying attention to what I'm saying, freckles." His face became serious. "Look, Jack will make it through this. I know it. So why don't you get some sleep and I'll watch over the good doctor."

"You. Watch over Jack," Kate said flatly. "That's like putting a snake next to a rat and trusting it not to bite."

"Yeah, well, I'm feeling generous this evening. And I'll do it for you, Kate. I...can keep a commitment." Sawyer's voice became intent, his eyes searching.

Kate sighed. "All right." She walked to the end of the cave, and hesitated. "Thanks, Sawyer." With that she climbed into her bedroll and was asleep within minutes.

Sawyer stirred the embers of the fire. As his eyes settled on Jack his eyes turned to hatred. He snapped his fingers sharply over Jack's closed eyes with no results. He leaned back. "So, doc. Looks like it's just you and me. Here you are, sleeping and defenseless. Everyone wonders why I just don't kill you now that I have the chance. The truth is, Jack, the people love you. They would do everything to save you and to be honest, they'd die just to protect you. You're just that important in this here circle, that heroic. I can see why a woman like Kate would fall for you. But I'm not worried. Know why? Because when it comes to downright nastiness, you're no better then me. I saw it the day you tortured me. A part of you enjoyed that. So you may live beyond today, doc. But you're on your last legs before you screw up. And when that happens, Kate will choose me over you. Why? Because at least I'm up front about what I am. And in case you're just wondering why Sawyer is suddenly getting all goody-goody, I lied. I don't bother with commitments. Especially not to help you." With a large smirk on his face Sawyer went into his bedroll. "Goodnight, doc. Shout if you're dying."


Sunshore Peak was a cliff overlooking the ocean that was in the distance, but in truth it was directly above a junk yard. Jack parked his car and stepped out. "Charlie! Claire!"

The sound of a metal barrel being kicked over. Jack ran directly to the noise and found Charlie, gagged and tied up to a hanging chain. He was making muffled noises. Jack took off the gag. "Hang on, I'll get you out of here-"

"No, don't worry about me!" Charlie protested. He looked up. "He's got Claire up there!"

Jack followed his gaze to the cliffs.


Sawyer was waiting with his arms folded. Behind him Claire was suspended over a hanging chain several hundred feet high. "So, doc. Looks like it's just you and me," Sawyer said.

"Let her go," Jack demanded.

Sawyer raised his eyebrow. "You going to say pretty please?"


Sawyer awoke a few hours later. He lifted his head out of the bedroll to glance once at Jack.

And immediately noticed something wrong. Jack was constantly shuddering and he was making strange choking sounds in the back of his throat.

Sawyer struggled out of his bedroll. "Oh shit. Shit, shit-" He tried to hold Jack down. "Kate! Kate!"

Kate was there within seconds, and so was Locke. "What's happening?" Kate demanded.

"He's going into convulsions," Locke said, his voice as calm as ever. "It could be signs of cardiac arrest." Behind them, Hurley, Charlie, Sayid and Michael stood silently, watching.

Jack gave one final choking sound and his breath locked in his throat. He didn't move.


Jack's fists were clenched. This was all a dream, all a dream...he tried to remind himself.

"You have to admit, that this world just isn't big enough for the two of us," Sawyer said. "Especially when it comes to Kate."

Jack took out the gun that was shoved in his belt. "I'm through playing games, Sawyer. Let Claire go."

"Are you going to shoot me, doc?" Sawyer asked, sounding only mildly surprised. "Are you that kind of man? Are you really no different from me?"

Jack hesitated.


For a second Locke did nothing, then he stood and ran further into the cave. He was back a moment later holding a black cube.

"What is that?" Sawyer asked.

"Emergency generator. Jack found it near the crash site yesterday." He attached two wires to the generator and touched them both together. It sparked with a loud noise. "Sawyer."

Sawyer ripped away a section of Jack's shirt, revealing his bare chest.

"Hold him," Locke ordered. Sawyer grabbed his ankles. Kate climbed over Jack and held his arms.

Locke placed the wires just over Jack's heart, praying that this will work. He plunged them into Jack's chest.

Jack's body jerked briefly, but that was all.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&Jack felt his heart contract briefly and gripped his chest. He stumbled backwards into a pile of metal barrels.

Sawyer frowned. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

"I-" Jack began when he gripped his chest again. He fell to the ground, and the gun flew out of his hands and skidded across the ground.

After a moment, Sawyer picked up the gun. "Well, lookit here. Seems like the tide has changed."

Jack looked up at him.


Locke removed the wires after shocking Jack for a second time.

"It's not working," Kate said, tears running down her chests.

Locke breathed heavily. "There's not enough power. I'm not sure what we can do."

Without speaking, Kate and Sawyer moved as one. Sawyer pumped Jack's chest while Kate moved to Jack's side, tilted his head back, and breathed air into his lungs.


The world was rapidly greying around Jack. Charlie and Claire were gone. It was just him and Sawyer.

"Say good-bye, doc," Sawyer said, and pulled the trigger.

Someone moved in front of Sawyer before that could happen. Kate's body jerked once, and a trail of blood ran down her chest.

"Kate?" Sawyer whispered in horror.


In the cave Sawyer gave up on gentle pumping. He balled up his fist and hit Jack's heart as hard as he could. "Come on, you bastard," he snarled.

Jack ran to Katie's side as she fell to the ground. His hand was trembling. "K-Kate?"

Kate was already dead.

Sawyer and Jack looked up at each other. Jack punched Sawyer in the face. He grabbed the gun and stood as Sawyer wiped away the blood on his lip and chuckled.

"Well, go ahead doc." Sawyer's eyes grew hard. "Do it."

But Jack shook his head. "I'm not like you, Sawyer." With that, he pointed the gun at his own head and pulled the trigger.

The world exploded in white.


Sobbing, Kate breathed air into Jack's lungs. "You can't go, Jack," she whispered. "You can't. I love you. I always have." She kissed him.

And was considerably surprised to find Jack kissing her back.

"Kate..." Jack whispered, when his body lurched to one side and he began coughing.

Tears ran down Kate's cheeks, tears of joy. She laughed in relief. There were assorted cheers behind them.

Sawyer backed away. "You owe me one," he whispered to Jack.

"Welcome back, Jack. We thought we had lost you," Locke said, standing up.

"Thanks dad," Jack replied, Kate still in his arms.

Locke frowned. "What did you call me?"

"Huh?" Jack asked. He wasn't paying too much attention with Kate in his arms.

Locke's frown deepened. "How do you feel?" he asked carefully.

"Like coming home," Jack whispered.


(The next evening)

On the beach Jack was carrying an armful of wood. He suddenly winced and dropped one of the pieces.

"You sure you're ready for that?" Sawyer asked, laying on his bedroll and reading a book. "Only a day since your heart stopped and you nearly left us for good."

"Yeah. I'm good," Jack said, picking up the fallen piece.

"Well, I would help, but you know, can't be bothered," Sawyer said, disinterested.

Jack said nothing. He started to walk, and stopped. "You know, it's funny," Jack said. "How coma patients are sometimes affected. Sometimes they have strange dreams. Other times, they can hear every single word that was said in reality. You know, if someone was trying to talk with them."

"Is that right?" Sawyer said. "Hear anything interesting?"

Jack nodded. "Perhaps. Just maybe." He said nothing for a moment. "Why did you do it, Sawyer? Why did you help me?"

Sawyer glanced up briefly from the book.

Jack raised his eyebrows.

Sawyer gave him a look of disgust. "Oh, don't think for a moment that I'm getting sentimental, doc. I did it for Kate. Not for any other reason.


In the caves Charlie sat by himself near the fire, watching it. His mind was consumed with horrified thoughts. Seeing Jack return from the dead like that brought back memories of what it must have been like when his own life was over. Jack had saved him then, after several tries. Could they do the same for Claire? Would they be able to bring her back too?

Would she ever be able to forgive him for not being able to save her?

Charlie jumped a little when a bedroll plopped down next to him.

"All right, here's the deal," Hurley said. "I feel more then a little responsible for costing you the only means to go to sleep, so I'm going to help you out in that regard."

"How?" Charlie asked, shifting to allow Hurley more room. He wasn't sure if anything could work.

"By telling you all every single Internet computer game and GM scores I have in my memory."

Charlie chuckled, then his face became serious. "You're bluffing."

Hurley's face was dead-pan serious. "On Thursday, April twenty-third I broke my fifth record by earning thirty-eight hundred green points on the game Command or Conquer. I used my alias, also known as Duke Nukum, at the time and..."

Charlie tried really hard to stay awake, but was asleep within two minutes of Hurley talking.

Hurley glanced at him once. Worked like a charm. He stirred the fire with a stick. "Sleep well, dude. Sleep well."


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