::Mirai Android #18::
Android 18, Juuhachigou, Future Android 18, Mirai Juuhachigou

Hair Color : Blonde

Eye Color : Ice Blue

Race : Cyborg

Family : Android # 17

    Where to start is the question of my life?...Well im certainly not going all crazy and into depth with this chica..But I do suggest buying/renting the movie History Of Trunks You would think they would call it the Future of Trunks but I suppose not all people can be as smart or cool as me... *strikes a pose..coughs and sits back into fluffy chair and continues story as the fire place ignites with flames of mystery* Bhwhahaha! >_>;

    Future Android Number 18 & Future Number Android 17 were like the present Androids created by the beloved Fugly Dr. Gero, but theres something different about this chaotic alliance of evil...these two are eviler then the present ones...They kill that dumb doctor right away..and begin to go after the Z-Fighters one by one taking them all down, except Mirai Gohan & Mirai Trunks (Who is a Teenager at the time and if you didnt know our beloved Hero Goku dies from a heart diease before he has a chance to save the world.) Mirai Gohan makes it his soul mission in life to destroy the Androids and advenge the deceased Z-Fighters that gave it their all till the very last drop of blood.

    The Androids (Like any Bad guys/gals would do) go out with just about no one standing in their way and take over the world..they kill with no hesitation or mercy for the spieces and lifeforms of the Earth, heck they even make games out of it...but we also notice that 18 is a little more sensitive to people...(like when she told that guy she'd let him live because he complimented her on her clothes and sense of style...Yet 17 ends up killing him and pisses 18 off. Damn Brothers!)

    After awhile Mirai Trunks decides to join up with Mirai Gohan against Mirai Bulmas wishes of course.. well to make a long story short Mirai Gohan eventually gets killed causing Mirai Trunks to go SSJ and Pyscho...he takes after the Android power house...I've gota admit for awhile he does ok... but eventually gets his ass beat...the next time we see him Mirai Bulma is looking down at her son while he lays in bed recovering...Mirai Trunks eventually heals still pained and angered by all the death the Androids caused he wants to train and fight them head on...lucky for him Mirai Bulma talks him out of it and gets him to believe in her time machine and go back into the Past to give Goku medicine so he can stay alive and hopefully destroy the Androids in that timeline, hence preventing a future like Trunks's from happening all over again. (Read Android 18's Bio for depth on the Time that Mirai Trunks is in the past.)     Mirai Trunks trains and returns after defeating Cell (again read Android 18's Bio) He eventually kills Android 18 & 17 in his timeline, then Cell shows up in his "Imperfect Form" (the form where he hasnt absorbed any Androids) Mirai Trunks kills him and him and his mom try to live the rest of their lives normal.
    Basicly you have to watch the movie to figure out what she acts like...I can somewhat sum this up..unlike her present Android self shes bitchy cocky and powerful...Shes the female verson of Vegeta if you ask me...Cept shes not competeing with someone for power all the time. She also loves to shop...all around in my mind shes what a girl should be...Powerful, lustful, Bitchy, and the Ultimate Goddess of Destruction. 1

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