
Hylton Road - A Consultants Report!

‘Thanks to Hylton Rd being lined with Terraces on either side, the noise produced by each vehicle accelerating from the roundabout at the bottom of the road make living in the terraces a very unpleasant experience. The noise has no where to go other than bouncing off each wall, or, in a worst case scenario, through the open lounge window of 13 Hylton Rd during the height of summer.

On many occasions the boys would open the lounge window only to be deafened by the noise produced by the big bore on Dave’s Saxo, denying Matt from the aural pleasure of Paul Scholes' voice. In a ‘normal world’ this would not be acceptable, but an exception has to be made as the boys were only paying £23.50 a week, so they’ll just have to suffer.’

An Independent Report, 2003

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