
Villas was working in his Jewish room, chatting to Brian who was stood in the doorway. John was called into the conversation, but noticed Villas’ phone just lounging on his desk displaying ‘Me Mam’ and her phone number at the side. Quick to take advantage of the situation, John whips out his phone and stores the number. Villas was too late. By the time he realized what was happening, the number was safely in John’s phone. Anyway, later that evening the lads were in the library for a sesh and John decided to send Villa’s mum a message: ‘Mum, it’s Neil. Just a quick msg 2 let u know I’ve accidentally brought back some of Dad’s yellow y-fronts-call me, love Villas xx’. The next day he mentioned something about speaking to his mum about the issue. Mum laughed. 1

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