Dr. Andrew Broad
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Download Page

I have written a Java system called SPECSAISIE which enables me to perform surgery on SNA and TAP files, and various other gubbins (some functions relate to Spectrum emulation in general, and there are even some that are specific to Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy!). SPECSAISIE gives me a pretty powerful Spectrum toolkit, especially when combined with other great utilities such as SPConv, SCR2GIF, BAS2TAP and SnapList!

7th July 2003: I have reissued SPECSAISIE version 1.2 with links to my new website in the README.TXT.

Java itself is freely downloadable, and I have extended my instructions on how to install the Java Development Kit so that you can compile and run SPECSAISIE.

SPECSAISIE currently supports the following functions:

General Spectrum functions

Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy functions

15th September 2007: I've been working on SPECSAISIE 1.3 over the last four years, but progress has been slow, and it's hardly in a quiescent state for a gamma-release. If you really can't wait, I have uploaded Beta 5 of SPECSAISIE 1.3 to the Files section of the Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy Yahoo! Group (you have to join the Group first; please do not spread it outside the Group).

New functionality in SPECSAISIE 1.3 already includes:

Furthermore in SPECSAISIE 1.3, most functions can take as input either an SNA file or a TAP file (in SPECSAISIE 1.2, most functions only accept SNA files).

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