Along The Blues Alleys in The Mississippi Delta.

Almost every town in the Delta has some blues history - famous native sons, former residents or current performers; jook joints, past and present; plantations where the blues singers lived, birthplaces, death sites, gravesites, recording session locations, and more. The following is a small photo-safari from the Delta December 1998.

Cottonfield | Crossroads Bar | Crossroads Bar | Sarah´s Kitchen | Delta Blues Museum | Wade´s Barber Shop | W.C.Handy´s Marker | Riverside Hotel | G.T.Thomas Afro-American Hospital | Stovall Plantation | Friars Point | Farrar´s Point | Tutwiler | Blues Murals | Handy´s "discovery" | Sonny Boy | Sonny Boy´s Gravesite | Parchman Penitentiary | Drew | Charlie Pattons Gravesite | New Jerusalem M.B.Church | Cotton Waggons | Indianola | Moorhead | Southern cross the Dog | Robert Johnson´s Tombstone | Payne Chapel M.B.Church | Neighbor | Mt. Zion M.B. Church | Robert | Memorial | Robert Johnson Memorial Monument 1 | Tune | Mississippi | Tishomingo |



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