Wow I updated the page! Mar 25, 2009

Bakuninist Nihilism and Anarchism

Nihilism because nothing can be trusted
(including what you read here)

Anarchism is the shining beacon to humanity
(if we would only come to our senses)

Searing analysis and deconstruction of the totality of society

Progressive Reason Leads to Truth
Pursuit of Truth Leads to Nihilism
Progressive Nihilism Leads to Anarchism

[at least that's what it seems it should to me - but if the rejection of the world of horror made by the so-called elites is a desirable thing(I pity those who don't think human freedom and dignity, peace not manufactured war and terror are worthy of consideration, when there is money to be made in crushing the free spirit and going along with the elites sociopathy)- then application of intensive reason to free ourselves is the next step]

Exalting Philosophy

Liberating minds from the enfeebling influence of Marxist neocon skullfuckery and Political Correctness

Zionism - Now
Canada's Zionist Politicians

Police State
Terror Bill
Gun Control

Media Lies
Elite Sex Rings
Mass Drugging
Forced Injections

New World Order
North American Union

The Alberta Oil Ripoff
The EI Surplus

Enemy Combatants
Cultural Marxism
State Communism
Thought Crime

Wars of Aggression

Mikhail Bakunin, father of Russian Nihilism and Anarchism

"I am truly free only when all human beings around me, men and women alike, are equally free. I only become truly free through the freedom of others, so that the greater the numbers of free men around me, and the more extensive and comprehensive their freedom, the more extensive and profound my freedom becomes."

Philosophies for a New World
Progressive Nihilism

Cultural Marxist Myths

Neoconservative/ Neoliberal/ Globalist/ Bilderberg/ zionism

The ruling passion (and original motive) of all Bakunin's work was a horror of despotism; Marx planned to destroy a ruling class in order to establish such a despotism as the world had never known. This was the profound difference between the two men, and it throws up a question never to be answered: what would the effect on the world have been if Bakunin's Anarchism, instead of Marx's Communism, had assumed leadership of the world-revolution? For Anarchism was opposed to every kind of forcible government, and to the State as the embodiment of the force employed in the government of the community; Communism was the deification of force wielded by the State.

Everything about Bakunin is genuine: his struggle, sufferings and death. Everything about Marx is bogus: his thirty years of incitement from the British Museum reading-room, his comfortable life on Friedrich Engels's bounty, his obviously ca1culated marriage to a "von", his genteel funeral with graveside orations; all are typical of the petty bourgeois who so loudly declaimed against the bourgeoisie. The most bogus thing of all was his Communist Manifesto, which diagnosed an ailment ("The proletarian is without property") and prescribed suicide as the remedy ("The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property"). --pp169-170 The Controversy of Zion by DOUGLAS REED

Progressive Nihilism  To assist in demolishing mass media groomed values and beliefs, the facts speak for themselves

War OF Terror
Washington Post article: 'Al Qaeda' Mastermind Zarqawi was a Pentagon Psy-op Against the American People
The Pentagon inserts propaganda into mainstream US news. The Zarqawi character was hyped up in order to give the impression that AlQaeda had a presense in Iraq to legitimize the invasion
FBI Most Wanted Terrorist Osama Bin Laden: Not Wanted for WTC Attacks because there is no evidence
Canada Dying in Afghanistan
Nov 17, 2006 -Neocon Canadian Government Goes Pro-Israel

Global Warming a Scam?
Jupiter's Global Warming -Is the Kyoto and other global warming hype just another scam by the social engineers to get consent for global taxation?

The great Canadian Oil Ripoff

Deconstruct your ideology

Left/Right Wing Thought Control

Polarizing issues are what drive distraction politics. Anything goes, as long as the true levers of power are not shown.
The fantasy is that those who are put up for election in Canadian politics have different ideologies.
In reality, they share the same core beliefs. They are globalists who follow the "growth is good" philosophy. All buy into fraudulent security and anti-liberty legislation.
The fact that Chretien, Martin, and Harper were all attendees at the globalists' Bilderberg conferences(with a news blackout) confirms that each had other than Canada's best interests at heart.


One of the holy cows of neoliberalism, immigration serves the purpose of providing cheap labour. Thus third world immigration is even more highly prized by the corporate criminal class of Canada. Mass immigration is also beneficial to property pimps such as realtors, slumlords and 'house flippers' to keep the real estate bubble expanding. This however, brings down the standard of living for most residents of Canada as the cost of living escalates and cities become more crowded.

Glossary  If you don't know the meanings of these words, you have no idea what is going on in Canada.


A gathering of several hundred of the most powerful globalists -bankers, politicians and oilmen. Every year the most powerful people of the world meet in secret at a different posh location around the world, behind closed doors, and presumably hatch sinister plots. Chretien, Martin and Harper were past attendees. The 2006 meeting was held in Canada.


The linking of economic and resource extraction activities, so those who employ slaves and rape the earth may live thousands of miles away from the areas they exploit.


A group of people who lived in the 'holy lands' of the middle east during biblical times. No relation to the 'state of Israel'(Israhell), established by European Jews who have no claim to the lands.


Jewish terrorist state calling itself "Israel" that got Arab lands of Palestine handed to them after WWII in the Balfour Declaration. Since then they have been engaged in a terrorist war against their Palestinian neighbours. The Jewish-owned media gives us the view that Arabs are responsible for the majority of terrorism in Israhell -the reverse is true; it was Zionists who showed the Arabs how terrorism is done.


A strange Machiavellian ideology descended from political theorist Leo Strauss, advocating deception and lying to the public to advance political agendas. Many of the Neocons, such as David Horowitz of have come from the left side of the political spectrum -former Trotskyists.

In Canada, the group of Neocons known as the "Calgary School" have groomed Stephen Harper for leadership. Harper has been following the Machiavellian and authoritarian blueprint and has been lying Canada into increased aggression in Afghanistan.

A prominent neocon group called Project for a New American Century(PNAC) had planned for wars in the middle east since 1999. Neocons have gained power in the United States when the Bush Administration was granted the White House in 2000 by disputed means, and when Canadians were swayed by negative press against the Liberals when the media turned on them.

The Neocons are ardently pro-Zionist and support terrorstate Israhell no matter what it does. The Neocon Bush Administration have been implicated in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, treasonously attacking their own country. This is in line with the teachings of Leo Strauss.


The philosophy of globalism and corporatism. Neoliberal policies are "liberal" to corporations, removing trade barriers. This leads to impoverishment of locals and enrichment of foriegn corporations and politicians.


Zionism started as an offshoot of Judaism dedicated to establishing a Jewish homeland. They were behind getting the state of Israhell established, and committed terrorism to do so. Zionists are behind the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Many Christians in the US have been converted to Zionism by the Zionist-sponsored Scofield Bible.


No Evidence Bin Laden did 911, says FBI
Harper thinks bombing apartment blocks a "measured response"
"You can fight them in Khandahar or you can fight them in Kamloops" -Jim Abbott, Kootenay MP makes a neocon idiot of himself
Politicians of both parties fall over themselves to please Zionists

Anarchism    We must strive for anarchy, self-determination can do better than the political and corporate class who are of equal parts incompetent fools, and accomplished liars and swindlers.


Read books by Mikhail Bakunin in PDF format(right click-->Save Link As to download)

Revolutionary Catechism(1866)
Power Corrupts the Best(1867)
God and the State(1882)
The Capitalist System
Integral Education
Integral Education 2

Marxism, Freedom and the State
Rousseaus Theory of the State
Selected Writings
Stateless Socialism = Anarchism
The Commune the Church and The State
The Immorality of the State

The Organization of the International
The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State
Where I Stand
The Torch of Anarchy, JMW
Mikhail_Bakunin_Communist-Aldred, Guy A

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