Mother Earth received a shattering blow when a little montrosity appeared on it on Ocotber 7, 1980. Since then, she has been trying to recover from the shock, but it appears that there are too many of my kind to make life any easier for her ;-)

My schooling happened in Bombay and Delhi. I spent the first eight years at Fr. Agnel's (Vashi, New Bombay) , four years at Salwan Public School (New Delhi) and a very nice two years at Springdales School (Pusa, New Delhi) before getting to IIT Bombay.

At IIT Bombay, I enrolled for a five year Dual Degree programme in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science. Apart from staying afloat academically (reasonably well at that!) I was intensely involved with Techfest, IITB's annual technology extravaganza.

If there is one thing that has influenced the way I think, act, eat, sleep ... the way I live, it would have to be this. My best buddies, my biggest inspirations, my closest confidants ... I owe them all to the two years that I spent with amazing bunches of people getting this mega-event done.

To catch a glimpse of all the action, take a look at the Techfest website and also at these two cool videos.

I freak out on music - all kinds. Pink Floyd, Dream Theater and Phish never fail to give me a high! Of course, the other kind of highs are also nice and most welcome ;-) I like reading the occassional poetic ramble. Some of my favourites are up here.

That's it! Laziness takes over now! This page has had more than it's fair share of time. Shall move on to more interesting things :-)

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