About Me


The Prophet said: Who kept an orphan by giving food and drink to satisfy Allah SWT enter into heaven unless he is doing the sin that cannot be forgiven. Narrated by at Tirmidhi. The Prophet also said : The one who keeps the orphan, He and She , like two fingers in heaven. The Prophet said , pointing to two of his index and middle fingers . ' Sahih Muslim '

Both of the above hadith clearly proves that Allah SWT has promised heavenly rewards to those who protect and provide protection to orphans. As Muslims, it is a duty of care to emphasize the rights of orphans to find homes. They should be given preferential treatment as it is called in the Quran and Hadith. If they are not treated properly, it is likely we are exposed to the wrath of God because of neglect of those who lost a dependent. Allah says in Surah al-Ma'un paragraphs 1 to 3, which means : Did you (people) who reject religion? That those who oppress the orphan, and do not encourage the feeding of the poor. Those who oppress orphans will not get the right for not serving orphans well. As in Surah al-Fajr verses 17 to 18, Allah said, meaning: Once was not (the case), you actually do not honor the orphan, and you do not encourage one another to feed the poor.

Clearly in the Quran stated that those who reject religion are those who do not give service or care about the orphans and the hands-off attitude. Let us all love and kindness to orphans even though they may not be our relatives but those are our responsibilities. This reflect on ourselves because if we think we belong among the less fortunate, actually there are even more disadvantage than us.