faça a sua própria


O que é? 

Trepanation is the making of a small hole in the skull of the adult by use of a surgical drill known as a trepan. In no way it is synonimous with brain surgery (e.g.lobotomy); it is performed solely on the skull bone and does not enter the brain.

Material necessário: broca cirúrgica; osso craniano frontal ou parietal

Duração: nem sempre é relativamente rápido

Dificuldade: baixa

Trepanning is performed either by bone abrasion (by using a sharp-edged stone or volcanic glass knifes) or by cutting (using semicircular trephines, which cut by means of a swinging motion, such as those found in the Central and South America civilizations). 

When it is made in a single session (yes, in some cultures the trepanning is made in several sessions, which can take up to 12 days!), it takes from 30 to 60 minutes of continuous sawing or drilling. Paul Broca, the ubiquitous French neurosurgeon and anthropologist, determined this experimentally in animals and cadavers, in 1867.



Eu ainda não percebi! 




Então ouve bem a minha explicação e vê lá se percebes de uma vez!

Die ursprüngliche Technik der Trepanation ist die sogenannte Schabtrepanation. Sie war die einzige Methode, die in der Steinzeit zur Verfügung stand, wurde aber auch von den Kelten sehr häufig verwendet. Die heutigen Trepanationen von Völkern der Südsee werden auch ausschließlich mit dieser Technik durchgeführt. Das Instrumentarium des steinzeitlichen Chirurgen war vermutlich ein Stück Feuerstein mit scharfen Kanten, in der Südsee verwendet man heutzutage kleine Klingen aus Obsidian (=vulkanischem Glas), Haifischzähne, Steinsägen und auch Steinklingen.



Compreendes agora?

Sim, agora compreendo. Mas isso não é perigoso por causa das hemorragias?
Eu posse garantir que não é perigose.






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