She wasn't always our Nan,
before that, she'd gone through all the turmoil and troubles
of being a daughter, sister, niece, grand-daughter, girl-friend and fiancé
before advancing to the difficulties of being all of the above and being
a wife and mother at the same time.

Childhood was a wonderful time for wee Tibby
She had numerous aunts and uncles who were totally besotted with this sickly, delicate child.
Born prematurely and with a heart defect,
she was lavished with love and care by a very poor but loving family.
Everyone she knew looked after her, never bullied, never upset,
she didn't know what it was to cry without pain.

Life for her went along quite happily until the age of 20,
when things began to change.
She had suddenly grown out of the name Tibby,
and chose to be called the short version of her name, Isa.

Then, her friends began to be concerned about her lack of a love life.
They couldn't understand that she didn't feel the need for a boyfriend and was just not interested.
Until, that is,
her uncle John had announced to her that he'd organised
a night at the pictures with a lad who worked with him.
She was mortified!
Her embarrassment was further magnified when,
her friends and family joined forces and decided that she needed a complete make-over and diligently set to work on her.
She'd never worn make-up before and only occasionally
indulged in a little lipstick before going dancing!
She met the lad (Joe) at the pictures and all in all had an enjoyable night.
He asked her out again even though he thought she looked like a painted china doll.
So began a strong friendship which soon turned to courtship.
They married and with the advent of children,
Isa's life took on a new direction and new meaning.


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