Funny Wedding Memories

These will be periodically updated as they pop into our heads...

Following the Leader
During the ceremony, the ring bearer began making random motions (like picking his nose) and the flower girl copied his every move.  

Leave it to Cleaver
Raymond and Kevin bought us a cleaver as a gift, which Ray then had to bring aboard the plane.  He had a bit of trouble with the metal detector and inspection.

Dance Fever 
My grandfather, 85 at the time, is still famous for his moves at the reception.  After partnering up with Maggy (Dian's friend), he said, "That red-headed lady can DANCE!" 

Lettuce Dance
The Lion Dancers practically tossed a salad on the dance floor with the lettuce.  They cleaned up afterwards, but missed a piece that adhered itself to one of my sneakers during our first dance. 

It's Mine!
During the bouquet toss, Manny's sister Dolly turned around and told all the ladies to back off.  Roseann still took a flying leap for the bouquet, almost stealing it from Dolly.

As the garter was headed straight for J.P.'s lap, he looked up, ready to catch it.  Then out of nowhere came the usher (and potential wide receiver) Tim, who shamelessly snatched it away.

Who's Who?
When we tried
to check into the bridal suite, the front desk said our room was reserved under "Martinez."  It turned out that the Disney Wedding Manager had reserved our room under the alias so that no one would disturb us, but no one informed us or the receptionist about this practice. 

Conga Beat
J.P. was at the head of the conga line, which grew so long it weaved in and out of the ballroom.  

Aisle Runner
My parents had never been to an American wedding before ours.  My father was supposed to be outside with me before our entrance, but he accidentally went up the aisle.  Our usher Tim had to guide him back up the aisle.  

Vow Trouble
As Manny was reciting his portion of the vows, he stumbled at one point.  I laughed, but then stuttered at the same part during my turn.  We had some trouble with the grammar (i.e., "unconditionally commit" vs. "commit unconditionally"), not the vow!

Okeedokee Karaoke
The bridesmaids and honorary bridesmaids decided to serenade us with their rendition of "Glory of Love" from the Karate Kid II during the reception.  We were so embarrassed (for them -- j/k).  =)

Bubble Action
The whole church exit bubble thing was staged.  No one was around when we first exited, because we walk up the aisle before the guests do.  So some people snuck us off to the side, had everyone position themselves with the bubbles, and then we stood in front of the door and pretended to just come out of it.  Real natural Kodak moment.

Wedding Album

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