My WLS Page





Pouch Rules For Dummies

Sample Letter of Medical Necessity

Sample Appeal Letters

**Lots of sample letters**


How tall are you? feet, inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)
How much do you weigh? pounds

Hello. I just thought I'd tell you a little about myself. I am 29 years old. I am 5'4" and weigh 240. My bmi is about 42. My ideal weight is 121-135 so I need to lose 105-119#. I have chronic back pain, foot and knee pain, sciatica, anxiety, depression and sleep apnea. I also have a family history of High blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, joint pain/replacement, acid reflux, carpul tunnel, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety, and gall stones. Some weight loss programs I have tried are Tops, Diet & exercise, Deal-a-meal, aerobics classes, Diet Fuel, Ripped Fuel, Power thins, mini thins, dexatrim, herbalife, weight watchers and physical fitness for life classes.

I found this site in Nov. 2002 and have been reading about WLS since then.

March 2003-I have read about RNY surgery on this site for about 5 months and decided to speak with a surgeon about it. If I am approved for the surgery I will do everything I need to do to have the surgery.

3/27/03-I called Dr. Rashid for more information on the surgery. I found Dr. Rashid on this site and heard many good things about him.

3/28/03-I had to get a referral for Dr. Rashid from Dr. Reesey, my PCP. Dr. Reesey made me an appt for 4/10/03.

4/1/03- I received a packet from Dr. Rashid. I had to complete a five page information pack and bring it with me to the consultation. Also I had to bring a letter of medical necessity from my PCP.

4/07/03- I called Dr.Reesey about letter of medical necessity.

4/10/03- I went and picked up my letter of medical necessity, which I found on this site and gave to my PCP to sign. He signed it and I went to my consultation at 1:00. Dr. Rashid was very professional and explained everything completely. He does the RNY with half open half lap. He has done over 200 RNY surgeries and is confident about the surgery.

4/11/03-All my information was submitted to the insurance co. for pre-approval.

4/20/03- Having abdominal pains....

4/24/03- Have had abdominal pains everyday since Easter. I went to Dr. Reesey to see what was causing it. He said it was probably gall stones and scheduled me for an ultrasound.

4/26/03- I went to Crestwood X-Ray for ultrasound.

4/28/03- Dr. Reesey called to let me know I had gall stones and needed surgery. He was going to send me to a surgeon for a consultation but I asked if Dr. Rashid could do the surgery. He said that was fine so I made an appt. with Dr. Rashid for G.B. surgery.

5/01/03- I went to Dr. Rashid for consultation on G.B. surgery.He said it could wait and I could have both surgeries at the same time. He said insurance approval only takes a few weeks so I should wait for approval.

5/13/03-Called Ins Co for info. they said they didn't receive any info from the Dr.

5/23/03- I have called the insurance co. every week for 3 weeks and they say they have no info. I called Chris at Dr. Rashid's office and she said that anthem always says that until they have an answer for you. She said she would call them and see what was taking so long.

6/02/03- I was at work and called home to check the answering machine. There was a message from Chris from Dr. Rashid's office. I called her back on the pay phone and she said I WAS APPROVED...and I could start my pre-op testing.

6/04/03-Today I called to schedule pre-op. tests. This is what I have scheduled: Blood work, EKG, Pulmonary Function Test, and Psychiatric evaluation. I have to schedule a dietary consultation but it is scheduled when you have a surgery date.

6/10/03- Went to Dr. Reesey for Blood work and EKG. I had both tests done in less than 15 min. They are going to fax the results to Dr.Rashid tomorrow.

6/12/03- Today I went to Trumbull Mem. Hosp. for a Pulmonary function test. This was just a simple breathing test. It took about an hour and was strange, but painless.

6/19/03- Took MMPI test.

6/25/03- Went to Comprehensive Psychiatry for interview. I have to see a psychiatrist about anxiety(7/12). Then I have to see psychologist for MMPI results(7/18). Then they will write the letter for my surgery, I hope!

7/12/03- I went to see the psychiatrist, Dr. Kaza. He put me on Wellbutrin SR and Lexapro. He said he could write a letter for surgery but it was not his job. I had to talk to Dr. McArthor the psychologist.

7/19/03- Today I went to see the psychologist to get a psychological evaluation letter. He interviewed me and questioned me about the surgery for about 30 minutes. He said he would mail the letter Monday, which was the 22nd.

8/1/03- I have not heard anything about the Psychological Evaluation.

8/04/03- I called Chris at Dr.Rashid's office to see if she had received my Psychological Evaluation. She did not. Also, Dr. Reesey didn't send my Clearance letter for surgery. I called Comprehensive Psychiatry and they said I could pick up the letter on Saturday the 9th. I then called Dr. Reesey to see about the clearance letter. Thomasina, at Dr.Reesey's office said they would fax it.

8/08/03- Today I received my MMPI results and Letter from Comprehensive Psychiatry in the mail. I read the letter and test results. Much of my personal information was incorrect or changed from the way I said it. In the letter he said I was "very private, somewhat defensive, and overcontrolled". He also said I am moody, depressed, self-preoccupied,self-indulgent, self-critical and prone to feeling guilty. After all this he said I can have the surgery but "will require ongoing counseling therapy subsequent to her surgery." WHATEVER

8/11/03- I took my MMPI results and letter to Dr.Rashid's office to make sure he had everything. They still didn't receive the Clearance Letter that was supposed to be faxed on the 4th. I was told to schedule my dietary consultation. I called and scheduled my dietary consultation for Wed, Aug 20th at 8:00. I called Thomasina about the clearance letter and she said she would fax it by the 13th.

8/13/03- Today I called Dr. Reesey's office to make sure the clearance letter was sent. Thomasina said she faxed it on a prescription card and would fax the typed letter later in the day. I called Dr.Rashid to get a date but they were closed.

8/15/03- Again, I called Dr.Rashid for a date. They still didn't receive the clearance letter. I called Dr.Reesey and Thomasina was not there. No one else knew what I was talking about so I was told to call next week and talk to Thomasina.

8/18/03- I called Thomasina about the letter. She said she sent one Wednesday one Friday. She called Dr.Rashid's office and they told her they received it Friday. I called Dr.Rashid's office and spoke to Kelly. She said she would give my file to the Dr to review and Elizabeth would call me to schedule a date.

8/20/03- I went to see the dietician, Pam Evans, today at Trumbull Memorial Hospital. She explained the post-op diet and vitamin plan. She gave me diet plans for the first 2 months, the vitamin requirements, and a post-op shopping list. She will visit me in the hospital and I will see her again 2 weeks post-op for a check up.

10:30- I decided to call Elizabeth to see if I could get a date. She said yes....August 27th, only one week. I told her I needed more time to fill out paper work for short term disability. Actually I was just scared and needed more time to prepare myself. So she scheduled me Sept. 1st. at 7:30 am(only 12 days). She said the hospital would call me to come in and talk to the anastestologist and the nurse that would take care of me in the hospital.

8/22/03-Today I got a call from Dr.Rashids office. They changed my surgery date to the 3rd. They do not do surgeries on holidays.
I will be there the 3rd until the 6th.

I called Dr. Reesey to make an appointment to talk to him about my medication.

The hospital called today and left me a message to call them on Monday. I need to schedule an appointment for prestesting.

8/25/03-I called Trumbull Memorial to schedule and appointment. They were busy and would call me back later.
9:40 The hospital called me back and scheduled my appointment for pre-testing. I have to be there Friday at 9:00. I have to fast for 4 hours before my appointment.

I called Sue, human resources, at work. She said I could pick up my short term disability papers at work today.

8/29/03-Today I went to Dr. Rashid's and dropped off my short term disability papers. They said they would get them done so I could pick them up after my pre-testing.
I went for my pre-testing at the hospital. I was asked questions about my medical history and current medications. Next, a nurse came in and took blood and i had to give a urine sample. Then a nurse from the gastric bypass floor (6) came in and talked to me about what would happen during my stay and what to expect after. When she left the nurse came back again for more blood. This time it was the arial blood gasses test. I was never told I needed this so I was't prepared. This was the worst test so far. She could not get it the first time so she tried my other wrist. Now both wrists are bruised. It's much better if you don't watch what is going on. When so was done the anastesiologist came to explain what she would do during the surgery. After that, the nurse came back and gave me a spirometer to do breathing exercises. She gave me a few other papers and said I was done. She checked my chart before I left and noticed I didn't have a chest x-ray. This was another thing I wasn't aware of. So I had to go down to x-ray and to that. The whole process was 2 1/2 hours.
I went back to Dr. Rashid's to get my short term disability papers. They also took a before picture.
Next, I went to Dr. Reesey to see about my medications. He said to keep taking them before surgery. The wellbutrin cannot be crushed so he said not to take it and see how I do without it. If I still need it he will get me the liquid form. When I left I talked to Thomasina and she is planning on having the surgery also. She is going to Dr. Rashid and is now doing the pre-tests.

8/30/03- Today I went shopping for foods when I get home. I got SF Jello, SF Kool-aid, SF popsicles, Lite Yogurt, cream soups, non fat dry milk, Boost protein drink, No fat added carnation instant breakfast, carb-solutions vanilla protein drink, and bottled water. I also got a food processor, dixie cups, a strainer and 2 oz. disposable bowls.

9/06/03-I made it!! I am now 3 days post op. The surgery did not go as planned so I ended up with open instead of lap. I had my gall bladder removed lap so I actually had both. Anyway, I'm getting better each day. Now I am focused on getting my protein, walking and breathing exercises done. I am so glad I spent so much time on this site pre op. I will probably have just as many questions post op.

9/16/03- I went to Dr. Rashid for my 2 week check up. I currently weigh 228. The week before surgery I weighed 245 so I have lose 17#. Dr. Rashid checked my incisions and said everything is good. I have to come back in 1 month. I just found out I have internal stitches. So when the steri strips come off my incisions should be healed.

9/19/03-Yesterday was my first support group meeting. There were about 20 people there from all different stages of the surgery. Some were just learning about the surgery and some were up to 2 years post op. The next meeting is in 2 weeks.

9/22/03-Today I called Pam Evans about my diet plan. I wanted to see how many calories I should be getting. She told me not to count calories yet, only to count protien. She also said I could start my calcium because I bought chewable. She said not to worry about the other vitamins yet unless I had chewables. I started journeling my foods to make sure I am getting 6 meals a day.

I went to Dr.Reesey today and I am down to 225!!

10/01/03- I went to see Pam Evans today. She said I could start on soft foods since I was eating some already with no problems. I can also start taking my pills without crushing them, as long as they are smaller than an M&M.

10/07/03-Yesterday was the first time I've gotten sick since surgery. My car broke down at the mall so I didn't eat for a long time. I wanted to get in my 6 meals so I ate a pork chop and spinach and about an hour later ate some tuna. I puked it all up after that. I'm not sure if the spinach wasn't chewed well enough or it was just too much. Anyway, today I feel fine. I am feeling much better but I sleep a lot,probably 10-12 hours a night.

10/26/03-I went back to work Monday. I worked 4 days and called off Friday. I was getting pains at the top of my incision. I thought it was too much lifting but the Dr. said it is just the nerves healing.So I guess I'm fine.

10/29/03-Today I am 2 months post op and have lost 35#. I am down to 210!!

11/01/03-I am having sharp pains on my right side under my ribs. Hopefully it will go away.

11/03/03-Today I worked 4 hours and went home because of the pains in my side. I will call the Dr. tomorrow.

11/12/03-Well after seeing 2 doctors, getting blood tests and 2 sets of x-rays I was told it could be pneumonia. The x rays show a "right base infiltrate" or "partial lung collapse". Since no one seemed to know what was going on I didn't go back. The pain went away and I'm fine.

11/22/03-Today I weigh 200!!!! HAHAHA!!!

11/26/03-I am now 3 months post-op and down to 198! :)

12/06/03-I did pretty good on Thanksgiving. I ate a little of everything. I even had a piece of my mom's apple pie. It is the best pie ever!! Hopefully Christmas I will do good too.

12/07/03-Today I am 195. I have lost 50#!!:)

12/21/03-Today Chris and I went christmas shopping and I tried on some clothes, and they fit. (I am now 187) I colored my hair red and baked some peanut butter cookies that are healthy. I am starting to feel like myself.I have lots of energy and I am happy with myself.

12/258/03-Today is christmas and I am very disappointed with myself. I have been eating so much the last few days. It's not that I'm eating a lot but I'm eating a lot of junk. Today I ate so much that I puked up my christmas dinner. Hopefully I will be back on track tomorrow and I will be joining a gym Monday.

12/29/03-Yesterday I joined Salem Community Center. I went yesterday and today. I did the treadmill for 20 min. and did some toning exercises.

1/1/04-HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Last night we had a new years eve party. It was Me, Chris, Mom, Lisa, Aaron, Darien, Gage, and Jeremy. Liz and Andy stopped for a while but went home early. I ate veggies with no problems and even drank alcohol. I had one 12 oz Sky Blue. I think after about 2 oz I had a buzz, but it didnt last long...It was fun. I had a good night!

1/11/04-Today I am 179. Another 9# and I will be -75#. I have been going to the gym almost every day. I am up to 30 min. of cardio and 30 min. of weightlifting. I started drinking protein shakes today. They are terrible but I'm trying.

1/21/04-Today I am 5 months post-op and down to 176. I have lost 69 lbs. The first 6 months is supposed to be the easiest and fastest time to lose. You are supposed to lose 75% of your excess weight in 6 months. So I guess if I get to 170 by next month I will be doing good. I haven't really set a goal but the "normal" weight for my height is 135. If I get 145 I will be happy because then I can say I lost 100 lbs. I went to my surgeon last week and he said I am doing really good so that is good. He also asked me what I thought about getting a Tummy Tuck. I'm not really sure about it. He said to wait and see what my stomach looked like then to think about it. But he said it takes 1-1 1/2 years for the skin to shrink so I would have to wait until then. If I wanted to do it.

2/11/04-Well today I am down to 170. I have lost 75# in 5 months and 8days. That is great! I can't believe it sometimes. My hair is still falling out. It has been for about 2 months now. Hopefully it will stop soon.

2/29/04-It's Leap Year!! So that makes it LEAP DAY ??? Anyway, my insurance company has finally decided to pay my bills. Next week it will be 6 months. The good news is I only have to pay $585.00. I thought I would have to pay much more so I'm glad. I am not working right now so it may take a while. Anyway, I was sick yesterday and barely ate. I had a packet of oatmeal and 1/2 a banana. I'm feeling better today but not eating a lot. I am down to 166! That is really more pound and I've lost 80#'s. Next Wednedsay will be 6 months so I hope to be 165 then.

3/3/04- Today I am exactly 6 months post-op and I weigh 165. I have lost 80#'s in 6 mos!! I have also lost 46 1/4"! That is great! I would like to get to 135 and believe I will It will just take some time. My sister is coming home from Hawaii on April 30th. She hasn't seen me since I had surgery so I would like to lose as much as possible before she gets here. To get to 135 I have 30 more #'s to go. We'll see.....

3/24/04- I am now down to 160. I have lost 85 #'s in 6 1/2 months. Only 15 more to make the century club. I was on a little plateau for about a week and a half but I'm slowly losing again. I'm trying to watch my carbs a bit closer and hopefully I will lose my next 15 by the time my sister gets home. :)

4/5/04-Well I am 7 months post op and still at 160. I have been exercising this week. I haven't exercised for a long time so I guess that is why I am on a plateau. Oh well. I have lost 85# at my 7 month mark. I will continue exercising and hopefully lose more by the end of summer. My sister will be here in 25 days!! Oh, I have been tracking my foods on and I don't think that I am eating enough. I usually eat about 900 calories. I think I should be up to 1200 by now. Also I have not been drinking enough water lately. I will have to try to watch both and maybe that will help. :)

5/12/04-Well I haven't updated for a while. I have been back to work for about 3 weeks now. I am down to 153. I was stuck at 155 for a few weeks but have lost 2 #'s this week. I saw Dr. Rashid last week and he told me that I was at a healthy weight so I would plateau or lose very slowly until I stop losing. He said I could lose 10-15 more but that's it. So 140 would be my lowest. I also saw a PS at our support group last week. She expained a lot about the surgeries following WLS. Basically she said the only one they could get covered was a tummy tuck. The insurance requirements are you must lose 100#'a minimum, be at least 18 months post-op, and be at a stable wieght for 6 months. So I have until September to lose my 10-15 then I have to stay at that weight until March 3 2005. That is a long time...but I guess I just have to take things one step at a time. OH....I almost forgot....I went shopping last weekend. Chris helped me cause I didn't know where to start. I decided to try a size 12 and it was a little big...I didn't believe it. So I went to get a 10 and they didn't have any so I grabbed an 8 just to see how small it would be....and it fit!! I am wearing a size 8 jeans! I was so scared to go shopping because I thought I would be disappointed in what size I am. I never thought I would get to a size 8. So this weekend I'm going shopping again. I have no summer clothes at all and it is getting hot out. We have been jetskiing and I need shorts to wear. Also I have been walking at work. 3 laps around the building is one mile, I have been walking a mile a day. :)


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