
UX50's Q&A

Please forward your questions to amux50 at gmail dot com and I'll place the Q&A's here.

How do you use the Icon-Pad in Appshelf.

Hi, I came across your web site and it has been a great help as this is my first day with my UX50. I love appshelf already and have used your trans frames and they look great. I have just one question to you right justify the icons and make it so they don't have their names next to them? I saw a screen grab of yours and thinks it looks great and I tried searching but can't seem to see how to make the layout like that. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

If you mean like this

then you have 2 options,

1. Use the mini-bar which you can see running vertical along the side of the clock etc, just click and drag your program icons onto the Mini-Bar. To delete them simply click and drag the icons off the Mini-Bar.

2. Use the Icon-Pad which you can see uder the clock. To turn this on bring up the AppShelf menu by tapping the clock, go to "Ext.Window" then "Layout Module" then click and drag the "IconPad" into the side menu (where the clock etc is). After you have done this go back to the main screen and you can then click and drag as above to the Icon-Pad.

Hope this helps, please let me know how it goes.


Follow up Q,

Thanks so much for the tips! The attached pic is exactly what I was referring to. I didn't realize that was the mini-bar going vertically on the right. Now, one last question, where did all of the other icons that would be to the left of the mini-bar go? Into the Iconpad?

Follow up A,

lol no where, all i did was make a new "Category" and didn't place any icons in it. It just makes the screen look "cleaner".

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