Episode 2-04: A Secret Life

Director of Animation: Tim Deacon
Executive Story Editor: Jeff Biederman
Written by: Mark Leiren-Young
Director: Graeme Lynch


Chuck isn't having any success reaching Sparx and Mark tells him to keep trying. Chuck suggests getting Random Virus to help but Mark thinks he's too crazy to help. Ace goes to the junkyard and try to convince Random Virus to help them fight but Virus is afraid that he'll lose control of his evil side.

At the Carnival, Staff Head and Lord Fear are using Lady Illusion for target practice. Kilobyte comes out of the ferris wheel and interrupts, much to Lord Fear's annoyance. Rat tells Kilobyte that Lord Fear rules this world but after Kilobyte drains Anvil's energy, they decide that it's best to cooperate for now.

Mark's father finds Mark's wrist cannon and accidentally activates it. Mark manages to get it away from his father before he kills someone but Mark's dad isn't happy at all because it blew a hole in his new chair. Mark covers up by saying it was a science project and Mark's dad thinks that he should have a talk to Mark's science teacher.

Chuck is working on getting Sparx back but is still hitting dead ends. Jessica is online and asks what he's doing and Chuck ends up telling her about Ace Lightning. At the Carnival, Kilobyte gives Lady Illusion a new power. He plans to use her to infect Ace with human emotions. He believes that these emotions will make Ace easier to defeat.

Simon goes to see Mr Cheseborough and Cheseborough tells him that Mark is friends with the aliens and invites Simon to one of his alien meetings. He's created a support group for people who have seen aliens.

Mark and Ace confront Felicity aka Lady Illusion. She shoots Ace with one of her new orange balls and Ace storms out of the house in a rage. He goes to the Thunder Tower and powers up. The Rat watches and observes that Lady Illusion's power has worked.

At school Mark overhears Wayne teasing Chuck about telling Jessica that he was a superhero. Mark is angry even though he almost told Samantha the truth about Ace Lightning many times in the last year. Mark has also brought the wrist cannon to school so that his parents don't find it again. He storms off leaving Chuck with the weapon.

The Rat is teasing Ace at the Thunder Tower. In a rage, Ace tries to shoot him down but the Rat keeps dodging him. Mark realizes that he's lost the wrist cannon. Kat arrives and tells Mark that she has a meeting the next day for the school newspaper. She invites him for pizza but Mark is more concerned about finding the wrist cannon.

Ace has gone to the Carnival to fight Lord Fear. Chuck is with him. Mark rings Chuck and Chuck tells him that Ace has lost it. Random Virus arrives to help Ace but Ace shoots at him. He leaves and Ace is confused. Chuck gets up to help Ace but Ace shoots him before he realizes who it is. Ace is overcome with remorse and Lord Fear wants to finish him off but Kilobyte stops him. Mark arrives and makes Ace feel worse. Ace doesn't understand that people can't just come back to life like in the game. Luckily, Chuck was only knocked unconscious and wakes up. Ace says that he couldn't control his anger and Mark realizes that Ace now has human emotions. Ashamed at what he's done, Ace flies off. Chuck returns the wrist cannon and Mark apologises to Chuck for being so mad at him and explains that he was mad because he wishes that he'd told Samantha the truth.

Lord Fear asks Kilobyte why he didn't take the chance to destroy Ace and Kilobyte tells him that they're doing things his way now. He's waiting for Ace's emotions to destroy him. Mark's parents ask him about Cheseborough and the aliens. They suspect that Mark and his classmates are playing pranks on Cheseborough. They also tell him that Felicity left them. Mark comments that they're better off without her. Up in his room, Mark starts to write a letter to Samantha about Ace Lightning but he realizes that he had his chance with her and blew it. He crumples up the letter and throws it into the bin.


Mark: We can't win this game without her [Sparx].
Chuck: We could with Random Virus on our side. He could take on Lord Fear on his own.
Mark: Not likely. You think my game's messed up? You should see Random Virus.

Fiona: What kind of science are they teaching at that school of yours?
Mark: Ah, the good kind.

Cheseborough: You should be concerned, Mr Hollander. I would be too if that kid were my son.

Mark: I can't believe you! What were you thinking?
Chuck: I wasn't thinking. When it comes to women, I'm weak.

Random Virus: I've come to help.
Ace shoots him.
Ace: When I want your help, I'll ask for it.
Random Virus: You did ask. But don't ever ask again.
He leaves.
Ace: (turning around and looking confused) What?


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