Episode 2-02: The Game's On

Director of Animation: Tim Deacon
Executive Story Editor: Jeff Biederman
Writer: Sean Kelly
Director: Steve Wright


I missed the first part of this episode but a friend filled me in. Mark is in the middle of an e-mail to Pete when Ace's message in morse code comes through. Mark has no idea what it is and records it onto a cd which he gives to Chuck at school. Heather tells Brett that Sam asked her to keep an eye on Mark but Heather's more concerned with her upcoming basketball game. I get the impression that she doesn't like Mark anymore :-).

In the Haunted House, Lord Fear is mad that the organ is out of tune. Rotgut offers to lend a hand and does, literally. Lord Fear kicks him out and Duff follows, talking about how under-appreciated they are. At Mark's house, Lady Illusion finds another piece of the Amulet in Mark's room.

In science class, Wayne attempts to make Chuck throw up when he is dissecting a worm but Chuck seems fascinated by the worm's innards. Wayne ends up getting sick and running out of the room. Cheseborough catches Chuck with the headphones and thinks he's listening to music. Cheseborough takes them off Chuck and listens. He realizes that it's morse code and translates it. It says "HELP ACE OPEN THE AMULET".

In the game Ace and Sparx are being stalked by the Googler. Sparx is losing power. At lunch Chuck tells Mark that Ace needs help and asks Mark if he can borrow the Amulet. Mark agrees and gives him the Amulet. Lady Illusion gives Lord Fear the piece of the Amulet that she found at Mark's house and Lord Fear summons Anvil from the Sixth Dimension.

That afternoon Mark joins Brett to watch Heather's basketball game. Heather has a little confrontation with Kat (who's also on the team) and sends Kat to the bench. In the game Ace attempts to contact Mark again. At Chuck's house that afternoon he opens the centre of the Amulet and finds a computer chip. The Googler finds Ace and Sparx and is about to destroy them. Chuck installs the chip into his hard drive and boots it up. It begins to go through all of the things that happened last season.

At the basketball game, Heather is benched for throwing a ball at the referee. Brett asks Mark about girl prospects since Sam's at boarding school and Mark realizes that Kat has gotten up to play. She shoots a goal and Heather is annoyed. The chip in Chuck's computer has started to spark lightning as it continues to go through what happened last season. The Googler is about to destroy Ace when he appears in Chuck's room. The Googler goes after Sparx, who bolts.

Ace realizes that Chuck is Mark's friend. He calls him 'Chuck-dude' because when Ace asked his name Chuck said "Chuck, dude." Ace asks Chuck to call Mark. Chuck does, but Mark's phone is in his bag and he can't hear it. Chuck wants to be Ace's new sidekick so that he can show up Wayne (there's a funny little dream sequence here with Chuck in an Ace Lightning suit). Ace snaps him out of it and they go to the Carnival. Kat continues to score goals. Heather gets mad at Brett when he yells "Go, Kat!"

At the Carnival, Ace fights with Lord Fear and Anvil. Chuck hides on the mini-golf course. When Ace starts getting his butt kicked, they flee back to the school. Rotgut (who was resting under the mini-golf course) has heard their conversation and tells Lord Fear where they're headed.

Chuck gets Mark outside where Ace is battling Anvil. Ace is getting his butt kicked big time when Lord Fear turns up. Mark uses the wrist cannon to take out Anvil. Lord Fear decides it's time to go. Chuck has hidden and Rotgut finds him. Chuck is absolutely terrified but Rotgut is happy when Chuck calls him 'dude'. He wants to be friends with Chuck. Chuck is saved when the ice-cream truck runs over Rotgut. Ace leaves and Mark and Chuck go back to the basketball game. Kat shoots another goal and the team wins. Heather's still mad at Kat, though.


Staff Head: (to Rotgut) Eww! Can't you keep your hands to yourself?

Rotgut: I said I was sorry, partner! Try to lend a hand and you get the boot.

Lord Fear: It's time to say goodbye, Ace Lightning, and let the reign of fear begin!
Mark takes out Anvil just as Lord Fear is preparing to shoot Ace.
Staff Head: Looks like the reign of fear will have to wait, my Lord.


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