Episode 1-06: Opposite Attraction

Director of Animation: Robert D. M. Smith
Writer: Jeff Biederman
Director: Giles Walker


Peter tells Mark that he's got a girlfriend and offers Mark some advice. At the Carnival of Doom Lady Illusion is sick of this dimension. She wants to go back to the Sixth Dimension. After insulting Pigface she changes into a dog and leaves the carnival. Ace sees the dog leave and senses trouble.

At lunch Mark unintentionally insults Nettie Kutcher. While he and Chuck are eating, Mark gets a message from Ace. He asks Sam if he can borrow her cell phone. Sam agrees and asks him if he will go rollerblading with her after school. Mark says yes and hurries off to call Ace. Heather is suspicious that Sam has asked Mark to go rollerblading when she only just broke up with Brett.

Mark calls Ace and Ace tells him that he's already in the school. Mark deduces that he is in the boys' bathroom and meets Ace there. Ace tells him that Lady Illusion has left the carnival on her own and that they'll have to find her. He thinks they'll need weapons but Mark has already tried to upload them with no success. Cheseborough hears their conversation and comes in. Ace escapes through the window before Cheseborough sees him.

Back in the cafeteria Mark returns Sam's phone to her and asks Chuck to keep Sam busy after school so that he can help a friend who's having "girl troubles". At the Carnival of Doom the Rat tells Lord Fear that their piece of the Amulet is missing. Lord Fear is still in denial about Lady Illusion leaving him but wants to make sure that Ace doesn't get his piece of the Amulet.

Sam waits for Mark while Chuck tries to impress her by doing moves on his scooter. When Sam asks if Mark said anything about being late, Chuck replies that he said something about girl troubles and asked him to keep her busy. Sam is not happy about that.

Ace catches up with Lady Illusion at the park and takes her back to the Thunder Tower. Mark is there with his laptop trying to upload some weapons. They battle and Ace blasts her into the transformer. Before she is electrocuted he pulls her away. Lady Illusion is amazed that he saved her life. The Rat spies on them and goes back to the carnival to tell Lord Fear that Lady Illusion is with Ace and she "likes him or something". Lord Fear tells Duff to get the ice-cream truck ready.

Chuck is still trying to impress Sam but her mind is on Mark. She uses recall to get the last number dialed on her phone and Lady Illusion answers. Sam asks her if Mark's there and she says yes but they're a little busy at the moment. Understandably, Sam is annoyed.

Mark's laptop detects Lady Illusion's piece of the Amulet and she reveals that her plan when she left the carnival was to get Ace's piece of the Amulet so that she could go home but she has had a change of heart and wants to stay with Ace. Ace finds himself experiencing an unfamiliar emotion: love.

Lady Illusion and Ace dance around the Thunder Tower while Mark flicks through the rulebook, unable to find anything in there that says they can fall in love. Lord Fear and his Evils are on their way to the Thunder Tower. Sam is angry with Mark for standing her up and leaves.

Staff Head interrupts Lady Illusion and Ace. Ace and Lord Fear battle. It ends with Staff Head wrapping himself around Ace and restricting his movement. Lady Illusion tells Lord Fear that she was trying to trick Ace into giving her his piece of the Amulet. Lord Fear believes her and tells her to bring Mark's piece of the Amulet to him and finish off Mark and Ace. Instead of taking Mark's piece of the Amulet, she joins hers with his to summon the Lightning Lance. Lord Fear and his Evils flee the Tower. Mark tells Ace that he thinks Lady Illusion really did like him.

The next day Mark makes up with Samantha by leaving flowers in her locker.


LORD FEAR: (yelling after Lady Illusion) You can't leave me! We're programmed to be together!

CHESEBOROUGH: In America we respect authority ... sort of.

RAT: Well, you know, it's a good news, bad news kind of thing, LF. The bad news is ... How do I put this to you without you losing it? The Amulet's missing?
LORD FEAR: Hmm. And the good news?
RAT: Yeah, well, the thing is, there ain't no good news. Just trying to cushion the blow of the missing Amulet thing there. To tell you the truth, I figured you'd have lost it by now. Those anger management tapes are really, really helping!
LORD FEAR: Shut up!

LADY ILLUSION: Is this any way to treat a lady?
ACE: Find me a lady and we'll see.

LADY ILLUSION: Why, Ace Lightning, are you flirting with me?
ACE: I don't know. I've never flirted before.


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