Episode 1-05: There's No Place Like Home

Director of Animation: Robert D. M. Smith
Writer: Mark Leiren-Young
Director: Gail Harvey


Pete asks Mark where Ace will live and what happens to Ace when he's low on power.

At the carnival Anvil smashes a cardboard cut-out of Ace, egged on by Lord Fear. The real Ace drops in and frightens both of them. Anvil attacks Ace and Ace throws him into the nearby dumpster. Lord Fear realizes that Ace is low on power and plans to use Anvil to keep him from powering up.

Mark's science class is on a field trip to the observatory. Chuck tells Mark the legend of the Radioactive Guy, who went crazy from radiation in a comet that he brought back to the observatory. Cheseborough warns the class away from the transformer, which carries a million volts of electricity. On the way back to the bus Sam asks Mark if he wants to come with her to the mall. He blows her off because his little cousin Ashley is in town.

Ace powers himself up in Mark's garage. Mark tells him that it's costing his father a fortune. Ace tells Mark that he needs a place to live. Ace leaves and Ashley comes in, telling "Marky" that she wants to go to the carnival. Mark agrees to go after dinner.

Mark and Ashley meet up with Chuck at the carnival. Sam joins them and Ashley asks her if she's Mark's girlfriend, which embarrasses Mark. Sam leaves with Brett. Mark sees Ace fly down and hurries off to meet him, leaving Ashley with Chuck. Ace is using the carnival's power to power up, even though it is dangerous.

Ashley follows Mark and sees Ace. She asks Ace if he's a cartoon and how does he comb his hair. Anvil attacks them and Ashley and Mark run, leaving Ace to deal with Anvil. Ashley tells Chuck about Mark's cartoon friend and Mark covers up by saying that he's the Radioactive Guy. Chuck tells Ashley that she couldn't have seen the Radioactive Guy because he never leaves the observatory.

Ace is losing power and is forced to flee from Anvil. Lord Fear congratulates Anvil on stopping Ace from powering up.

At Mark's house the Rat hidden in a bird suit, tries to convince Ashley to let him in through the window. Mark hears their conversation and closes the window. The Rat flies off and Mark tells Ashley to never talk to the birdie again.

Ashley is angry that Mark is telling her what to do and runs downstairs to tell Mark's parents about the Radioactive Guy. Mark tells them that she's making it up and Ashley storms upstairs to her room. Soon after, Mark's parents discover that she is missing and Mark realizes that she's run off to the carnival.

At the carnival Ace tells Ashley that she has to go home. They are attacked by Anvil and Mark takes Ashley to safety. Chuck meets them on the way out of the carnival and Mark backs up Ashley's story about meeting the Radioactive Guy. Chuck sees Ace stumble up behind them and freaks, mentioning the fact that the Radioactive Guy can't leave the observatory. He and Ashley run out of the carnival and Mark remembers the transformer. He and Ace head to the observatory on Chuck's scooter, pursued by Lord Fear and his Evils.

Staff Head almost shoots Ace but when Ace uses the transformer to power up, Lord Fear decides that it's a good time for him to leave. Anvil, however, still thinks he can beat Ace. Ace throws Anvil out of the observatory roof. Mark tells Ace that it looks like they've found him a new home.

Chuck takes Ashley back to Mark's house. Mark's relieved parents ask about the Radioactive Guy Ashley is going on about and Mark tells them about Ace Lightning. Mark's father thinks that he's been watching too much American television but Ashley believes him. When Mark tucks her in Ashley promises not to tell anyone about Ace Lightning. She thinks that Mark is a better hero, anyway.

Ace calls his new home the Thunder Tower after his headquarters in the Sixth Dimension.


CHESEBOROUGH: Do you have any idea what happens when you come in contact with millions of volts of electricity? What?
WAYNE: You get a shock?
CHESEBOROUGH: No, you idiot. I get paperwork - mountains of it!

CHESEBOROUGH: It's all fun and games until somebody gets electrocuted.

ASHLEY: Then you change my doll.
MARK: Change her into what?
ASHLEY: She wet herself.
MARK: Oh, right. Right. I think I'd rather be saving the world.

After Ace powers up.
STAFF HEAD: Looks like we've got a bit of a problem, my Lord.
LORD FEAR: Why is it always me?


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