Episode 1-04: Face the Music

Director of Animation: Robert D. M. Smith, Willy Ashworth
Writer: Sean Kelly
Director: Don McCutcheon


Mark takes Pete's suggestion and pretends to be sick so that he can get out of school. It doesn't work. Mr Cheseborough phoned his father and told him about the detention and Mark's parents tell him that he has to go to school and face the music.

Lord Fear in the ice-cream truck chases after Mark's school bus. Ace forces the truck to crash and tells Lord Fear to stay away from the school. Lord Fear yells after him that they're already inside the school. Chuck is playing a hand-held Ace game and is completely oblivious during the whole chase scene.

Mark tells Chuck that they're in real trouble but Chuck is still unconcerned. At the Carnival the Rat teases the real Mr Cheseborough with his button which has printed on it "Darn, I'm good".

Mark tries out for the soccer team and makes it. Ace tells Mark to get him inside the school somehow. Mark says that he'll try and create a diversion. Lord Fear sends Pigface to the school to help Lady Illusion.

At lunch Chuck finds a pea in his pudding. He starts vomiting and everyone runs out of the cafeteria. Mark lets Ace in through a window. Ace finds Pigface and they battle. Mark tries to tell Sam about Ace but they are interrupted by Mr Cheseborough.

Lord Fear orders the real Mr Cheseborough to be released. The Rat uses Cheseborough's button to hypnotize him into forgetting everything. Back at the school, Ace disguises himself as a janitor. As Sam walks out to the bus, she looks back at the school, worried about Mark.

In detention, Lady Illusion waits until everyone has left the school to attack Mark and Chuck with one of her balls. They escape into the cafeteria where Pigface is pigging out (no pun intended). Mrs Kutcher chases Pigface out of her kitchen. Ace arrives and kicks some butt. Mark is worried about explaining everything to Chuck but Ace tells Mark that after the gas from Lady Illusion's ball wears off, Chuck won't remember a thing. He also tells Mark that he can't tell anyone about the game because he will be putting them in danger.

Lord Fear picks Lady Illusion and Pigface up from the school in the ice-cream truck. Samantha tells Mark that she was really worried about him. Mr Cheseborough wanders by saying over and over "Darn, I'm good." That's all he can remember from his ordeal.


CHESEBOROUGH: That's my button! Give that to me! Give it!
RAT: "Darn, I'm good"? You don't look so good to me!
CHESEBOROUGH: Oh! You can't cage me up here like some animal! I'm a science teacher! You're gonna have to answer to my teachers' union. It's a big union. Big pension.

ACE: Hey, you mind if I give it a shot?
MARK: I didn't know you played.
ACE: I don't.
Ace kicks the ball high into the air and it whizzes by the coach. The whistle drops from his mouth.
COACH: That kid's on the team.

CHUCK: Hanging out, playing vids? If this is detention, I want more!

CHUCK: Lady Illusion came to life. I almost got the crystal ball. Detention is awesome!

LORD FEAR: Well, did you destroy the wretched sidekick?
PIGFACE: The mortal lives. Pigface failed. But Pigface full!
LORD FEAR: I'm surrounded by incompetents!


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