Episode 1-02: The Trap is Set

Director of Animation: Todd Jahnke
Writer: Sean Kelly
Director: Graeme Lynch


Lord Fear has trapped Ace in one of Lady Illusion's crystal balls and is siphoning his power to run the Carnival. Meanwhile, Mark (who is helping his mother in the yard) has no idea where Ace is. After Simon drives over Fiona's garden in his brand new ride-on lawn mower, Chuck arrives and asks Mark if he wants to check out the Kent Brothers Carnival. It is opening that night. Mark guesses that Ace is there and he and Chuck head off to check it out.

Sam's friend Heather sees them go past and mentions it to Sam who hurries after them. Heather thinks that Sam likes Mark. In the Haunted House, Ace tells a smug Lord Fear that another Lightning Knight will be there soon but Lord Fear already has something planned for Mark.

Mark and Chuck go to the Carnival and Mark tells Chuck to distract Duff while Mark searches for Ace. While Chuck is running from Duff, Mark is herded into the Haunted House by Pigface. Sam rides into the Carnival searching for Mark and Chuck.

Mark finds Ace still trapped in Lady Illusion's ball. Lord Fear comes out of the shadows and as Mark rummages through his backpack for something that will help him, Lord Fear sees the Amulet piece around Mark's neck. He tells Mark to give it to him but is interrupted by Sam shouting for Mark outside. Mark takes advantage of Lord Fear's distraction to bolt out of the Haunted House. He yells at Sam and Chuck to get out of the Carnival. They all run for the entrance with the Rat and Pigface after them. They get out just before the Rat slams the gate shut.

On the sidewalk, Sam asks Mark to explain what all that was about but Mark is afraid to because the knowledge might put her in danger. He promises to tell Sam about it someday but that isn't good enough for Sam, who tells Mark that she will meet him at the Carnival after dinner.

Duff tries to establish some ground rules with Lord Fear and his gang but Lord Fear tells him that the Carnival belongs to him and Duff now works for him. He reveals his plan to use Samantha to get rid of Mark. The Rat is disguised in a rabbit suit with a bomb and Lady Illusion will give the rabbit to Sam as a prize.

After dinner, Mark goes to the Carnival and sneaks into the Haunted House. He rescues Ace by using Anvil's fear of the dark against him. Meanwhile, Chuck shoves ice-cream in Wayne's face and is fleeing from him. Lady Illusion, disguised as a vendor, gives Sam and Brett two rabbits as prizes. She tells Mark to say his goodbyes before it's too late. The Rat in the rabbit suit looks up at Mark over Sam's shoulder and adds, "Yeah!"

Mark catches up to Sam and Brett who are in line for a ride and tries to convince them to give him their bunnies but they think he's acting weird. Mark goes onto the ride with them and manages to get Brett's bunny and rips it's head off. Mark realizes that the Rat is in the other bunny and Brett is extremely annoyed. Chuck hops onto the ride and Wayne gets on beside him, telling him that he's toast after the ride's over.

Ace goes after Lord Fear and Lady Illusion. Lord Fear is confident that he can beat Ace until Ace is powered up by a bolt of lightning. Mark realizes that the Rat has got a bomb just as the ride starts. Lord Fear gloats to Ace that Mark will not live to enjoy his victory, knowing that Ace will go save Mark. Mark grabs Sam's bunny and throws it into the air. The Rat comes out of the costume and prepares to throw the bomb back down but Ace takes it off him and throws him down to the ground. He throws the bomb high into the air where it explodes into fireworks.

The ride stops and Chuck is not feeling well. He throws up onto Wayne's shirt. The Rat lands in front of Lord Fear and Lady Illusion. Lord Fear is convinced that the battle is not yet over and they still have their piece of the Amulet. Mark tries to explain things to Brett and Samantha but they won't listen. Chuck is still running from Wayne. Mark walks alone through the Carnival and in a voiceover, tells his friend Pete that he is afraid he won't make any human friends in America.


MARK: If I ever get out of here, I am never going to play another video game as long as I live.

SIMON: Remember, Mark, home by half past nine.
MARK: Great, first save the world, then be home in time for curfew.

ACE: But being a hero isn't easy, Mark. It takes sacrifice. You think you're ready?
MARK: I guess we'll see. And thanks.
ACE: For what?
MARK: You finally got my name right.
ACE: Ha, ha. No problem, Mel.


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