
The Kids

Mark Hollander (Thomas Wansey)

Mark is the 13 year old main character of the show. He moved from England to Conestoga Hills in Canada. He attends Conestoga Hills Middle School and his best friend is Chuck Mugel. Ace Lightning has enlisted Mark's help to beat Lord Fear but that makes life very difficult for Mark. He can't tell any of his friends about Ace so they think that he is a little weird. He is on the school's soccer team (he calls it football).

Samantha Thompson (Shadia Simmons)

Samantha is the most popular girl in Mark's school and Mark's neighbour. She wants to be Mark's friend but he is always blowing her off to go save the world. She knows Mark is up to something but every time he tries to tell her, he is interrupted. Her best friend is Heather Hoffs and her boyfriend is Brett, the most popular boy in school. At the end of season 1 she goes to a prestigious boarding school.

Charles (Chuck) Mugel (Marc Minardi)

Chuck is Mark's not-so-bright best friend but he's great with computers. He loves playing Ace Lightning and often unknowingly helps Mark save the real Ace. He is picked on by the school bully Wayne, but can't find the courage to stand up to him. Suffering from motion sickness, he vomits a lot. He rides a scooter around.

Peter (Devon Anderson)

Pete is Mark's best friend in England. They correspond by e-mail and Pete even visits Conestoga Hills once. Mark tells Pete everything about Ace Lightning right from the start. At first Pete doesn't believe him, then he realizes that Mark is telling the truth.

Kathryn (Kat) Adams (Ashley Leggat)

Kat is Mark's new classmate. She has only recently moved to Conestoga Hills from the city and definitely has an attitude problem. She didn't want to move and is hoping that she won't be staying for long. She's a pretty good basketball player.

Lightning Knights

Ace Lightning (Michael Riley)

Ace is the superhero of one of Mark's video game. He is from the Sixth Dimension and is trying to get all the pieces of the Amulet of Zoar so that he can win the game and send Lord Fear and his Evils back to prison in the Sixth Dimension. His powers are flying at the speed of lightning and shooting lightning bolts from his wrist cannons. He is very naive about the real world and Mark has to explain emotions like love and friendship to him.

Sparx (Deborah Odell)

Sparx is another Lightning Knight summoned by Ace from the Sixth Dimension with two pieces of the Amulet. She is impulsive and often acts before she thinks. Her weapon is a sword called the Sword of Jacob and she flies around on a vehicle called the Lightning Flash.

The Evil Guys

Lord Fear (Juan Chioran)

Lord Fear is the big bad guy but his underlings do all of his work. He always runs whenever he thinks he can't win the fight. Basically, he's a walking skeleton and can stretch out his limbs. He carries around Staff Head.

Staff Head (Michael Lamport)

Staff Head is very faithful to Lord Fear. He can shoot bolts at his enemies. Lord Fear carries him around most of the time but he can move on his own.

Lady Illusion (Tamara Bernier)

Lady Illusion can change her form and throw crystal balls of gas at her enemies. She is part of Lord Fear's gang but she is in love with Ace so occasionally she helps him out.

The Dirty Rat (Adrian Truss)

The Rat has no powers other than his sharp eyes. He is very observant and seems to be Lord Fear's spy. He secretly hates Lord Fear and is planning to steal the Amulet pieces and take over.

Anvil (Howard Jerome)

Anvil is a big, dim-witted rhino-creature with an iron anvil on one hand. He is very dangerous if he is made angry. When he is in the carnival he becomes the machine that tests your strength.

Pigface (Keith Knight)

Pigface is always looking for food and he considers garbage to be food. His primary weapon is his repulsiveness. When he's hiding out in the carnival he becomes a rubbish bin.

The Googler (Richard Binsley)

The Googler has to be my favourite bad guy. He is a jester who has two puppets on his hands called Zip and Snip. Zip and Snip can shoot off his hands and spew venom. The Googler can also turn himself into a spiked ball and roll over his enemies. He has an old score to settle with Ace. When the Googler is in the carnival he turns into the picture of a clown on a puppet booth.

Rotgut (Robert Tinkler)

Lord Fear summons Rotgut to this dimension with pieces of the Amulet stolen from Mark. Rotgut is a walking zombie who talks with a cowboy accent. He doesn't make a very good first impression on Lord Fear, who doesn't think he'll be of much use. He was too busy chasing after his hand.

Kilobyte (Ted Atherton)

Kilobyte was brought to life by Rick the Master Programmer. He hangs around the Carnival but he has his own plans. He has tentacles like an octopus and can drain energy. He gives Lady Illusion the power to infect Ace with human emotions. He is convinced that feelings will destroy Ace and his sidekicks.


Random Virus (Cathal J. Dodd)

Random Virus has control over machines. The Rat originally summons him from the Sixth Dimension but he often changes alliances. He lives in the junkyard and doesn't want to help Ace for fear that his bad side will take over and he will ruin everything.

Rick (Brett Heard)

Rick is the Master Programmer. Not much is known about this guy except that he brings the game to life so that he can take over the world. For almost the entire first half of the 2nd season, his identity is secret. Rick owns a computer place that Chuck works at. He has a room that none of his employees are allowed into.


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