
The Games We Play

Below is a list of some of the various games we play at Underhill. Each listing tells how many players are recomended, whether class abilities are used, and gives a brief description.

If you have a battle-game that you play, send it to the webmaster and we'll get it posted.

Ditch Battle
Elimination Flag Battle
Point Flag Battle
Single Flag Battle
2 or 3-Man Forever
Ressurection Battle
Bunny Hunt

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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Ditch Battle
Start with Even teams
Have both teams line up across the field from each other. When lay on is called both teams try to kill the other with minimal losses. After one team is killed they have a choice. They can have the first person to die on the winning team join them, or take any new players that may be available. Teams then line up and go again. This is a great game for learning group tactics, and teaching new players that they need to work as a team.

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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Elimination Flag Battle
As even as possible
Each team has a flag and a base. The object being to grab the other teams flag and hold both flags (including your own!) for some pre-determined time limit. 30 minutes is typical for 2 teams. If the flags get moved by either direct touch or weapon in hand (bows and thrown weapons don't count!) then the time count restarts.

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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Point Flag Battle
As even as possible
Each team has a flag and a base. The object being to grab the other teams flag(s) and return them to your base. Each time all flags are held at one base, that team gets a point and a hold is called to reset the flags and all players back to their bases. Any players that die take a death count of 60 seconds at Nirvana (highly reccomended that it be as centrally placed as possible), and any spell durations are reduced accordingly (i.e. divided by 5.) A reset also finishes all death counts in progress, allowing dead players to start their next lives on the call of Lay-on after the reset. Game is played for a predetermined length of time (usually 10 minutes), and the team with the most points at the end wins.

Alternatley, each reset could completely reset all players lives, abilities, etc. as if it were a fresh game and game length could be extended for a longer period.

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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Single Flag Battle
As even as possible
One team has a flag, both teams have bases where they take their death counts. The team with the flag is the defenders, the other team is the Attackers. Play is simple. The attackers have a total of 30 minutes to carry (cannot be thrown, teleport, flown, etc.) the flag a minimum of 30 feet from the defenders base. If an attacker has the flag and dies, the flag falls where they died, and the defenders may reset the flag to it's start location (if they are able to get to it safely!) Once the attackers get the flag 30' away or time expires, the teams switch sides, with the defenders from the first game becoming the attackers in the second game. Whichever team takes the flag fastest wins.

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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2 or 3 Man forever
Depending on number of participants, 2 or 3
Yes or No
Basicaly, a constant cycling of players. Each team starts out with 2, or 3 players depending on how many participants you have. When lay-on is called, all teams try to eliminate the others while keeping themselves alive as long as possible. As people die, they report to Nirvana, and return to the field in new teams with a number of players equal to the number that started on each team. When playing with class abilities, Bow and Magic restrictions remain in effect, so no more than 1 bow per team and no more than one of each magic class per team. Also, when using class abilities, the Nirvana reeve should keep a tally of how many lives a player has used, so that players can know when thier 'per-game' abilites reset. Play continues until the players grow tired of it.

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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Ressurection Battle
Players start in a cirle armed with any melee weapons and shields they wish, (no armor, or ranged weapons). When Lay-on is called, it is every fighter for themselves. When a person dies, anyone they killed comes back to life, and anyone who they limbed gets the lost limb back. Thus in order to win, a player must eliminate all other players.

Game Name:
# Teams:
People per Team:
Class Abilities:

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Bunny Hunt
See below.
This game uses the Fuzzy Bunny non-standard creature. Start by picking a player to be the first, or 'Master' bunny. This person gets bunny ears and a copy of the write-up. Everyone else is a Hunter. Hunters are played as level 1 Warriors with 2 lives. If a hunter ever kills the 'Master Bunny', they gain another life. Last Hunter alive becomes the 'Master Bunny' for the next game.

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