
Draco Invitationl Roleplaying Tournament '03
The Queen Mother lounged comfortably in the great chair before the fireplace. Usually, that chair was only occupied by the Lord of the Keep, but she constituted one of the two exceptions to that rule. While young appearing and more beautiful, than imposing, her violet eyes carried the weight of centuries behind them.

"What is this 'change' I am going to go through that you keep talking about" the Dragon Lord asked again. "All of the Dragons keep talking about this change as if it was expected. How come none of you mentioned it before?" His restless pacing began to pick up pace, back and forth on the other side of the great fireplace.

"Be at ease, Dragon Lord. The change is exciting to us because you are the first Dragon Lord to go through the change in over four centuries. It is a mark that the Pact between us is stronger than ever and that you still feel your Dragon Blood. In short, you are becoming a little bit Dragon, like we have become a little human. The same magic that allows us to take human form has caused you to take on a more draconic appearance. This is a great gift for your kind. It will give you some of our strength as well as give you a much longer life. You will not age and die as the others of your species. You will live long after they are gone."

Avalon stopped in mid step and looked at the Queen Mother. "What of my wife" he thought. "What of my unborn child?"

The Queen Mother's laugh echoed throughout the room. "You are so easy to read, Dragon Lord. The pained expression on your face can only mean one thing. I will not comfort you in this. This is something you must speak of with your mate. I imagine you have even more surprises in that conversation" The Queen Mother hid her smile behind her glass of wine. "Trouble yourself not with what might be in the future. The Change is upon you and you must be ready for it. It can sometimes be painful but I think not, in your case. You are too natural in your new form. All the same, I would suggest you remain close to the Keep for a few months. I realize that you have been doing that anyway, while your mate recovers. You have already gained some of our power and you are already harder to kill. What remains, while somewhat dramatic, will be easier to accept." The Queen Mother looked deep in her silver chalice and grew silent. She seemed to be wrestling with a decision and Avalon waited silently for her to come to some conclusion. After a few minutes, she raised her eyes and stared quietly in his. It seemed she was looking for some kind of answer. "I have another matter that I wish to discuss with you. Have you heard of the Rod of Draco?" she asked quietly.

"No, should I have?" he answered cautiously.

"Probably not, but I had to ask anyway. You have visited our Council Chamber and you have seen our alter. This was the gift of She who walks the Night to us when the Pact was made between the Dragon Lords and the Dragons. There was another gift given to the Dragon Lords - a gift only they could use. As the bonds between the Dragons and the Dragon Lords began to fall into apathy, the Rod was stolen. Your ancestor seemed reluctant to go after it. He seemed to feel our alliance was too much of a burden. It is your task to find the Rod. Now that the bonds between us have been restored, it is your birth right and your duty to find and keep safe the Rod of Draco."

"What is this Rod and what does it do?"

"I would rather you discover that on your own. In truth, there are some of us that still are not comfortable with the reforging of the bond between us. They felt that I should not tell you about the Rod. I am still the Queen Mother, though, and I rule the Colony of the Burning Mountain. It is your task to find the Rod and restore it. I will tell you that the Rod has been broken into three parts. We have the power to reforge the Rod whole but you must find the parts of the Rod."

"Am I allowed to use adventurers or must I quest for this on my own?"

"I am already proud of you, young Dragon Lord. You have little to prove to me. More importantly, you are beginning to think like a leader, instead of an adventurer. Yes, you may use whatever means you feel you must to get the Rod back. It is only usable by you, so it will mean little to anyone else. I have faith that you are capable of doing what it takes to restore the Rod to Draco."

"I will not be able to quest for the Rod myself at this time, but the Draco Fete is in a few days. I can use the fete to gather adventurers to find more information on the Rod. I can also use Terra, the keeper of our library, to find out more about the Rod."

"One other thing, Dragon Lord. Know that my unborn daughter guards the doorway. I would have her restored to me. This can only happen if the quest for the Rod is undertaken. I will tell you the location of her egg but you must only reveal it to Champions you trust. She is beyond harm while unborn but once hatched, she is as vulnerable to harm as we are. Only she can open the doorway. If she is killed before she does this, you will never gain the Rod and I will never see her. It is for that reason that I am hesitant to help you at all. When you know more, contact me, and I if you can convince me that your adventurers can get the Rod, I will tell you where she is. I will leave you now. I know you need to get back to your mate and you also have some preparations to make. Be true to She who walks the Night and to our Pact, Dragon Lord. I have faith in you... and that is saying a lot. I have plenty of reason to doubt your kind." With a small bow, she glided out of the sitting room.

For long minutes, the Dragon Lord stared into the fire and tried to gather his thoughts. What changes was he still to endure? What did the Rod of Draco do and where would he find it? What did the Queen Mother mean when she said that her unborn daughter guarded the doorway? Shaking himself, he rose from his chair.

"Talnor," Avalon called. "Wake the Treefriend and ask her to see me. I have a task for her and it must be done as soon as possible."


Once again, the people of House Draco bring you the House Draco Invitational Roleplaying Tourney.

When - Friday, June 6th through Monday June 9th
Where - Beacon Rock State Park
How Much - $13 for pre-pay, $15 at the gate, $5 for day - trippers

There have been some changes this year due to changes in the way the Washington State Parks operate. Since Millersylvania State park is closing early this year, the date for the Draco Event were moved to Early June. This has some unexpected advantages for us this year. First, we were able to get Beacon State Park - a park that could easily hold 200 people. This park is also closer to Oregon so that those from VSR and the Portland parks will have an easier time getting to the park.

The website for the event will be up this week and the Pre-reg for the event will be up this weekend. Pre-reging will save you money so it is in your best interests to do so. Also, even if you do not pre-pay, you should still pre-reg so that we will know how many to prepare for.

The event is Autocrated by Terra TreeFriend of House Draco, the Warocrat is Lord Avalon and the Feast is being prepared by none other than Angus, the man that prepared the feast at Draco last year.

Come out and show everyone your skills at roleplaying. We invite everyone interested in having a lot of fun to join us for this event.


Go ahead and run... You will just die tired


UPDATE: 3/20/03 -

Since I am the War Crat, you can pretty much guarantee that there will be lots of class and non-class battles set up.

A couple of things that I am looking at to run -

A Death ball game (Class)
A Dragon Egg game (based off of Amtgard Football) (Class)
The Two or Three part Roleplaying battlegame (Class)
A militia Bridge battle (Non-Class)
Lots of Ditching.

One other thing I am looking into is figuring out how to light the big field for night ditches or battlegames. I am not sure how realistic this is, but since electricity if available in the covered building, I am trying to work something out. I know that if I do get lighting set up, people will utilize it. One thing I am concerned about, though, is that this is a ROLEPLAY event and I don't want to minimize that...


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