This WAS the homepage of The Shire Underhill, an Amtgard group, which USED TO MEET every Saturday at Sankey park in Sweet Home, Oregon. We used to be a holding under the Kingdom of Valley of the Silver Rains.

Now however, we are simply a place for [Insert incredibly stupid title here] Rejack (aka Erik Weeks), and company to say they actually have a holding so that they may continue to hold office in the kingdom, despite the fact that this would be at least the 2nd holding they have killed by thier very presence.

Despite what Rejack may claim, the only part he had in Inspiring the founding of Underhill, was ti inspire the founders to wish to Have nothing to do with him, so they went 30 miles away to found a holding. They created a thriving, vibrant holding, with attendance of 30-40 people each week.

Then Rejack showed up, and everything went down hill fast.

Within a month half our players simply stopped coming, and every one of them, when asked why they weren't coming out any more, said "... That knight guy, Erik, is just too mean, and too much of a jerk ..." They didn't like being pushed around and being told they couldn't do things, that Rejack would then turn right around and do himself. If they were ever slow in taking a shot from rejack or his cronies, they would get jumped on about sluffing shots. Yet in the course of one game I witnessed 'SIR' rejack sluff shots left and right, AND call 2 damage with a great sword, WHILE STABBING WITH IT ONE HANDED!

So, if you came here asking yourself, "Whatever happened to that holding in sweethome?", or just happened to wander into this site off the Amtgard webring, there you go, that is our story in short.

And if you ARE Rejack or one of his close firends, I'd just like you to know, YOU'RE ALL ASSHOLES, and should be kicked out for the good of the game, except that NO-ONE in VSR is really any better!!

Lord B�lanos Sh�l

BTW: I EARNED my title of Lord by virtue of Starting that holding, and running it in a manner that put us on the fast track to becoming the holding with the largest weekly attendance in the kingdom.


Welcome to the Shire Underhill
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