Zain Mir
Zain Mir is the only bachelor to come from Dirty Pakistan. He is Muslim, so some wonder how he made it into the bachelor bracket. Zain enjoys blowing things up, camel riding, emo music, and Pakistan. Zains stock continues to be high becuase of the high status of his extremly attractive mother. Zain howeverm becomes very hostile if you mention his mother, he has sent 30 people to the hospital for bringing her up.(he only hit 1, the other 29 contracted BO from smelilng a dirty Pakistani). Zains hopes to pull the upset and ride his momentum to victory in the bachelor bracket. He needs your vote!
Builidings Blown up: 3321123456
Camels Owned: 453212
Average Age Of Date: 11.31
Hours/Day spent depressed:23
(He spends the other with his mother who makes many people happy)
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