Alex "BosBos" Boser
Alex Boser is a world reknown drummer, soccer player, and alcoholic.He's most famously known for his preformance of Crazy Train in the 8th grade talent show. Alex moved to Indiana and joined the crew in 7th grade, coming from Buffalo New York where he was a model citizen. In Buffalo, Alex often helped clean rivers to keep the water sanitary for little black boys to drink out of. Boser has since drifted away from his good boy image in New York to become a punk-rock alcoholic. He is the only member of the bachelor bracket to beat Ryan Read in a drinking contest. Many were angered and accused Boser of using his bachelor bracket connections to secure a number 1 seed, Alex however, hopes to prove the competition wrong with a birth in St. Louis.
Hobbies: drums, soccer, alcohol, community service(River Rats), maple leafs, Buffalo, Bronson Arroyo

Symbols Missed: 2
Maple Leaf collection: 324242341
Rivers cleaned: 1
Beer Tollerance: 9.21(he's irish)

"number 1 seed dont expect anything less than the best" - Alex "BosBos" Boser
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