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About Us

My Name is Muchamad Amin, birth date in Balikpapan at 20 February 1987. I live in Bukit Cinta Damai Street, Balikpapan. I've married and my wife still pregnant. I graduate from SMK N 1 Balikpapan Major Communication of Electronic, I also still college in STMIK Balikpapan.

My aspiration want to be best household head and hold responsible matching with the one which teaching by Rosululloh SAW. And I want to become who benefit to everyone. I hope can become like that. Amiiin...


My Vision

Becoming leader able to hold responsible and be of benefit to everyone and specially for family of my selves


My Mission

Learn & analyze all my ability and I want to explore it for the benefit everyone. And every my lacking is the best teacher for me


My Target

Owning family which Sakinah Mawaddah dan Rahmah


My Motto

How far a man go through last distance then uphill

How fast a man without complaining sprier he stand up

How inside a man see through ocean for the shake of keeping a promise

How ossifying a man solving hard rock above foot selves 





© 2008 Muchamad Amin


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