Please find below the details for the
Inter-Agency Event: 
VOLLEYBALL Competition 

Place: EPO Sports Hall
When:Tuesday, 28 September 2004 Time: 17:30 start 18:00

Dear Friends, After some start-problems we are happy to invite you for the Volleyball-tournament.

The tournament will be held at the EPO facilities on Tuesday the 28th of September. Start will be at 18:00 what means get together is at 17:30.

Europol is hosting this tournament but without any experience from the past. But we will try to make it as easy going as possible just for having fun.

Of course we will fight out the podium-places and a cup can be expected as well. The rules are kept simple. We play mixed teams and every team has to provide a reverie to make sure that fair-play is guarantied :-)

We look forward to the next week and say already now thanks to EPO for all the effort they have provided.

See you soon in a good shape for a fair battle!

Friendly Regards
at Europol 070-3025270
Contact: Ingo Hanschmann: [email protected]

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