
At home, all we are interested in sky observation and we had passed some nights outside in the garden, watching for a meteors shower, for a comet or solely looking naked eye stars. We employed a pair of binoculars and sometimes our little telescope (a Newtonian refractor), but all the five ejoy ourselves when we participe in common observation of naked eye objects. As we live in the country,light pollution is not a worry for us, but otherwise Asturias`s climate is sometimes cloudy...and rainy. In spite of this, we pursue being "sky-lovers", especially my father an me ( I´m Andrew, I´m ten years old and therefore excuse my english ). In Spain there are many Astronomic Associations, specially in Catalonia, Canarias islands and the South of Spain. In Asturias, our region, we have Omega, a energetic association.

For all people, but specially for beginners.

How to guide oneself ?

A brief history about each one of the

88 constellations can help someone.



Agrupació Astronómica de Sabadell

Los nueve planetas

Astronomy.What´s UP this month ?

Grup d´Estudis Astronòmics


International Meteor Organization

Your Sky

Observatorio Chandra

Astro Red

Astronomy Computer Software

I reccomend you to have a little book or guide. The first I had was The Sky Observer´s Guide ( R.Newton Mayal, M.Mayal and J.Wyckoff) in spanish version, and other of my favorites books is Skywatching ( David H. Levy). A stars catalogue is basic and you can obtain some in Astronomics Associations."Jackson and Tull " Exploring the Universe is a nice program ( freeware from NASA)

What a nice is Jupiter? We can see the planet and its four moons ( Ío, Europe, Ganimedes and Callixto ) easilly. They are named Gallilean moons in memory of Galileo Galilei ( cientist of XVII century). You can see it and observe its continous changes of position and detect the shadow of a moon over Jupiter. And only with a pair of little binoculars !

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