The 24 contestants united at Montego Bay in Jamaica. Many were surprised because they happened to know several other people who were there. For many, there were several new and old faces there. The contestants greeted each other, introduced themselves, and several old friends sat down in groups to chat, and others went on to meet new people. After unpacking and getting the rooming situation settled, all twenty-four contestants met by the pool. That�s where all the trash-talking began.

Jeff: I guess the guys are going to be kicking ass.
Kendall: NO WAY! Go girls!
Lisa: Girls rule and guys suck�.plain and simple.

The host showed up to inform everyone that they would in fact need partners for the first competition.

After some major pool-side trash-talk, everyone went off their separate ways. Nick sat down with the camera to give his take on all that�s happened so far. �There is tons of estrogen and feminism in the premises and it�s quite sickening. As for the guys, they seem weird. They yell when you approach them, but five seconds later are begging for a partner. I just want to be with someone I know. I might even go with Rob rather than these people.�

Rob sat down also. �I dislike Nick and Jeremy. We came into this game as enemies, and I think that�s how we will walk out and that�s how we will stay these next 5 weeks.�

Robert and Jeff, good friends, sat down to talk to each other.
Jeff: I know everyone here but Chad so it will be hard to vote.
Robert: I�m worried about Rob and Jeremy. They are rude and spiteful.
Robert and Jeff decide to form an alliance, lay low, and vote as needed.

Over with the girls�.Kelly decides that they need a voting strategy.

Kelly: Is there any specific way we should vote people out?
Amy: Wow, we�re talking about that now? This could get interesting fast. But to answer your question, I don�t know.

Kelly: I think people want to know how we should make our votes.
Reese: I like voting out the last place person, but what if someone who is causing us tons of drama isn�t last?
Kelly: I think people want to vote off last place to avoid drama and hurt feelings.

Back to the guys�John calls everyone together and has one thing to say.
�We have to be unified. These girls will be fighting by tomorrow. Let�s not get too cocky to avoid male vs. female drama, because they are very pumped up.�

When the meeting adjourns, people are on the hunt for partners. Eric and Seth both ask Rob to partner with them at separate times, and Rob tells them both yes. Rob is told to make a decision as he can�t be partners with two people, and he decides on Seth, so Eric is back on the partner hunt.

Some girls sit down together and chat. It is agreed that Kendall and Liz, Reese and Jennifer, and Kelly and Kelli will partner up. The rest of their time together is spent dogging on the guys. After the girls get up and leave, Kelly gets back to trying to find a way to vote. Kelli tells Kelly that she thinks lowest score is the best way to go. Jennifer says they should choose who isn�t dedicated to the game. Amy, Reese and Kendall agree with her. Reese adds that some people may have a bad day or a bad competition.

The guys however, have another philosophy. Jeremy brings up voting out one of the bottom three no matter what. Whichever of those last three goes is totally up to the inner circle. Most guys, even his enemy Rob agrees with this strategy.

Rob hangs out with some girls and seems to have developed a crush on Lori. Rob and Lori flirt for a good portion of the evening. The topic then turns to Jeremy who has made some negative comments about the girls.
Robert: He said he was sorry, but I think he is full of it. Rob: I have never really liked Jeremy. Nick is his sidekick too.

Rob (to camera): I have never gotten along with Jeremy or Nick. I met most of my team and I really like them, only Nick and Jeremy. It seems we have a strong team and I�ve made a few deals with some people, but I have a feeling, if any of the two morons get into the inner circle, I�m out. Rob and Robert make an agreement. Rob asks if they can make a deal to not vote each other. Robert says it won�t work if one of them has a low score and the other three inner circle members want him gone.
Robert: If you have no reason to go, I promise you I will keep you.
Rob: I promise the same to you

Kendall is in the girl�s villa packing. Amy: Why are you packing?
Kendall: I have to leave, some important family business came up.

With that, Kendall said her goodbyes and left. Many men and women alike were disappointed to see her go. They all agree that she was really sweet and nice. A few hours later, in walked Vanessa. Vanessa kept to herself very much.

Next time on Battle of the Sexes:
-The inner circles vote and a fight erupts during the announcement
-Nobody on either team seem to like Jeremy or Nick
-Drama between Kelly and Liz breaks out
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