Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan 19
Symbol: Mountain Goat - denotes the ambition and perseverance of the Capricorn nature to strive and achieve, to climb to success through clear purpose, staying power and careful moves. They are sure-footed, know what they're doing and what they want, and they climb with skill and quiet confidence.
Zodiac Quality: Cardinal - signifies determination and 'pushiness' to attain goals that are important to you.
Element: Earth - represents an ultra practical, sensible, reliable, steadfast character; Capricorns are realists, with their feet on the ground.
Ruling Planet: Saturn - symbolizes maturity, a deep need for stability and security, a developed sense of responsibility and a serious outlook.
Personal Phrase: I use - sums up the innate practicality of the Capricorn nature, they make the most of the resources available to them.
Strengths: logical, objective, thorough, cautious, methodical, organized, diligent, capable, responsible, loyal, serious, steadfast, dependable, hardworking, ambitious, persevering, enduring, decisive, composed, determined, purposeful, inner strength, authoritative.
Challenges: superior, head rules heart, critical, stubborn, reserved, calculating, unforgiving, controlled, snobby.
As a Lover: Capricorns are passionate and serious when they fall in love, yet sometimes they can seem reticent about expressing their feelings, emotionally cool or controlled. They are seeking a secure, enduring relationship where they can depend on their mate, and vice versa. Reliability and commitment are expressions of love for Capricorns.
Likes: communing with nature, classical music, reading and other quiet pastimes, interesting informative communication, history and historical places, antiques, business, success, money in the bank, financial security.
Dislikes: disorder, confusion, noise, unreliability, vagueness, uncertainty, overt emotionalism or sentimentality, extravagance, sudden change.
Ideal Home: an area with status, practically positioned in regard to work, a good investment, traditional design, a garden outlook, or views over trees or a reserve, private and quiet atmosphere, cupboard space - they like order, with a place for everything and everything in its place, quality long-lasting furnishings, collector's pieces e.g. antiques, a library or workshop.
In the Body: Capricorn rules the skeletal system, the skin, hair and teeth; very specifically, it is linked with the knees.
Physical Assets: good carriage, longevity.
Disadvantages: a proneness to stiffness.
Health Tip: include plenty of calcium in diet and gentle stretching exercises.
Favorite Colors: Earth shades from sandy hues to rich browns; dark colors including navy and black.
Birthstones: Garnet, onyx.
Best Day of the Week: Saturday - Saturn's day.

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Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb. 18
Symbol: The Water Carrier - representing the waters of life, knowledge and brotherhood. This denotes the Aquarians thirst for knowledge and personal growth, their love of life and their innate humanitarian principles and universality.
Zodiac Quality: Fixed - signifying a tendency to set patterns, in this case the patterns of unpredictability, spontaneity and striking individuality.
Element: Air - represents anature that thrives on circulating and communication. Aquarians value their independence and freedom of movement, they're open to new ideas, they're progressive, experimental and see the big picture, and they enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories.
Ruling Planets: Uranus and Saturn. This dual rulership blends the forward thinking, breaking-through barriers, inquiring properties of Uranus, with the serious, reserved, feet-on-the ground qualities of Saturn. Saturnian Aquarians can seem like Capricorns, as the planet Saturn also rules this sign of the Zodiac. Uranian Aquarians can seem quite 'way out' in their ideas, they are their 'own person', sometimes off-beat, sometimes rebellious non-conformists. The melding of Uranian foresight and bold progressive spirit with Saturn practicality and thoroughness will harness the strength and value of both.
Personal Phrase: I know - Aquarians do seek 'to know', to expand their consciousness, to become enlightened regarding areas that interest them, and to grow in awareness.
Strengths: an intelligent open inquiring mind, original, unconventional - enjoy being 'different; highly individual, strong-willed, questioning, fun-loving, an off-beat sense of humor, a free spirit, multi-talented, a loyal friend, innovative, unpredictable, spontaneous, generous, kind-hearted, pacifists.
Challenges: rebellious, outspoken, tactless, restless, discontent - don't always know what they want, easily bored, lose focus and self-organization, elusive, erratic, unreliable.
As a Lover: Aquarians are excitingly unpredictable - they do loving things most unexpectedly. They may be elusive, non-committal, protective of their freedom until they fall in love, then they will want a deep and sincere relationship, with expansive communication, personal space and a meeting of minds - their partner will be their best friend.
Likes: stimulating conversation, unusual people, fresh new challenges, expansive new experiences, original thinking, variety, friends, travel, the new technology, astrology, psychology, the latest information, photography, humor, team/social sports, clubs where people share similar interests.
Dislikes: regimentation, restrictions, ordinariness, sameness and predictability, a closed mind, dominating or forceful behavior, being told what to do, details, possessiveness, rules.
Ideal Home: a cosmopolitan area, a place that's airy and peaceful, low maintenance - they'll have outside interests and they're into 'living life', which will leave little time for domestic chores, modern conveniences, a comfortable relaxed area to gather with family and friends, a conversation pit, a very individual, eclectic decor.
In the Body: Aquarius rules the ankles and the circulatory system.
Physical Assets: a refined system, high nervous energy.
Disadvantages: a proness to nervous tension, insomnia, injuries to the ankles.
Health Tips: a course in meditation or relaxation exercises could prove beneficial; a low fat diet should help to maintain good circulation.
Favorite Color: royal blue.
Birthstone: amethyst.
Best Day of the Week: Saturday - Saturn's day.

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Pisces: Feb 19 - March 20
Symbol: The Fish. Fish are gentle creatures, sometimes timid, they move with the currents and adapt well to their environment. Similarly, Pisces people are gentle, a little reserved or reticent until they feel comfortable with someone or in a situation, and they can be influenced so much by the people and conditions around them, that it can take time for them to establish their own identity and find themselves. Fish live in water, the traditional symbol for emotion, and for Pisces people, their emotions and intuition are strong ruling factors in their lives.
Zodiac Quality: Mutable - signifying flexibility and adaptability.
Element: Water - represents an emotional, nurturing, intuitive, creative nature. Pisces have strong feelings and live life from the heart.
Ruling Planets: Neptune and Jupiter. Neptune symbolizes a finely tuned make-up, that's sensitive to impressions and creative inspiration, with a tendency to escapism. Jupiter denotes an expansive quality of mind and heart. Also, this is a very positive planet and when Pisces are positive, their personal energy draws opportunities and good fortune to them.
Personal Phrase: I believe - Pisces ideals and beliefs go deep. Pisces are reflective, perceptive people, and they come from a standpoint of what is meaningful and important to them.
Strengths: emotional, sensitive, creative, intuitive, insightful, idealistic, kind, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, supportive, understanding, tender, forgiving, cautious, fervent family values, conscientious, try hard to please loved ones, spiritual.
Challenges: shallow self-confidence, insecure, vacillating, prone to anxiety and nebulous fears, sometimes timid, impressionable, need to find themselves and what they believe in; daydreamy, vague, serious, easily offended.
As a Lover: Pisces are romantic, tender and considerate. They're affectionate and kind, caring and understanding. They want to preserve the romance in their union, and they seek a relationship that is warmly loving. Family life and their children will become the nucleus of their life with their partner.
Likes: children, animals, places of natural beauty, romance, art and music, personal and spiritual growth, praise and acknowledgment, home comforts, giving and receiving kindness, support, sentimental gestures, personal momentous and treasures.
Dislikes: aggressiveness, dominating behavior, insincerity, criticism, put-downs, injustice, coldness, sudden change, feeling insecure.
Ideal Home: a family home that suits the children, with adaptions to suit pets too, a safe peaceful area with beautiful trees or water-views - a lovely position or outlook will uplift Pisces, cosy inviting decor with artistic touches, a fire-place for atmosphere, soft lighting, a bathroom with a relaxing spa or luxurious shower, a fountain, water-garden, fish pond or aquarium.
In the Body: Pisces rules the feet and the lymphatic system.
Physical Assets: suppleness.
Disadvantages: a proneness to poor posture, erratic energies, a tendency for fluid retention.
Health Tips: have plenty of iron-rich foods in diet; exercises like yoga will improve posture, stay calm and centered for higher vitality; avoid too much alcohol.
Favorite Colors: green and grey are the traditional Pisces colors, but generally most pastels from soft apricots, to lilacs, blues, cream etc. appeals to them.
Birthstone: Aquamarine - comes from Latin words for water and sea.
Best Day of the Week: Thursday - Jupiter's day.

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Aries: March 21 - April 20
Symbol:The Ram. Rams want to be the boss, the head of the heap; they can push and 'butt' to get what they want.
Zodiac Quality: Cardinal - signifying a determination to get on and attain personal goals.
Element: Fire - represents an action-orientated nature, with initiative, enterprise, passion and an ardent appetite for life.
Ruling Planet: Mars - symbolizes energy, courage, forcefulness, a need to achieve, a love of challenge and a fighting spirit.
Personal Phrase: I am - denotes an awareness of self, the need for attention, a me-first approach.
Strengths: confident - believe in themselves and their abilities, energetic, strong-willed, ambitious, resourceful, creative, passionate, daring - will have a go, pioneering, go-ahead, competitive, enthusiastic, positive, resilient, able to recognize and develop opportunities, independent, self-reliant, assertive, adventurous, individual.
Challenges: impatient, cranky, selfish, rebellious, defiant, impetuous, tactless, argumentative, outspoken, aggressive, easily becomes bored and restless.
As a Lover: Aries are passionate and assertive, they seek an action-orientated, progressive relationship - they like to go forward with new goals and achieve ambitions that are important to them, and they like to do things both on their own and with their partner; but always retain some independence.
Likes: exciting new projects, adventures and challenges, outdoor activities and sport, friends and socializing, success - coming 'first', being fit, and spontaneity.
Dislikes: regimentation, sameness, being ignored or overlooked, being told what to do, delays and waiting, details and loose ends, slow-moving or drawn out undertakings.
Ideal Home: conveniently situated, to suit busy life-style and be close to the action - they love the energy of the city; appreciate labor saving devices; they will tackle repairs or improvements; love a gym or exercise area.
In the Body: Aries rules the head, the muscles and tendons, and adrenal gland.
Physical Assets: stamina, athletic build, robust constitution.
Disadvantages: A proneness to tension disorders - muscle spasms, headaches, eyestrain, rashes.
Health Tips: have plenty of protein, including vegetable proteins; avoid over-doing things and straining yourself.
Favorite Colors: Red and white.
Birthstone: Diamond - symbolizes fearlessness and invincibility.
Best Day of the week: Tuesday - Mar's Day.

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Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Symbol: The Bull - denotes stubbornness, a naturally placid temperament but when provoked can become enraged; won't give an inch in some situations.
Zodiac Quality:Fixed - signifying that Taureans can become very set in their habits and views.
Element: Earth - represents an extremely practical nature. You're a realist, 'down to earth'.
Ruling Planet: Venus - symbolizes charm, an appreciation of beauty in your surroundings, a love of harmony, pleasure in music and the arts, and artistic talents or taste.
Personal Phrase: I own - represents a drive for security, the desire to gather possessions, the urge to protect what they believe is theirs.
Strengths: loyal, steadfast, solid, dependable, sincere, warm, caring, kind, strong family values, sensual, practical - a lot of common sense, cautious, stable, constant, enduring, quietly self-assured, faithful, responsible, security-orientated.
Challenges: stubborn - can't be pushed, inflexible, proud, slow to forgive and forget, procrastinating, lazy, set in their ways.
As a Lover: Taurus are earthy and sensual; they're consistent emotionally and don't blow hot and cold; they seek a lasting, settled relationship.
Likes: home, home comforts, good food, nature, the garden, a financial net-segg in the bank, deep family ties, saving money - finding a bargain, quiet pastimes, art and music.
Dislikes: sudden change, moving, unreliability, changeable behavior in others being pushed or rushed, uncertainty, spontaneity, taking risks, sudden alterations of plans, insincerity,disloyalty.
Ideal Home: a home that they own - they like 'to put down roots', a solid secure investment - their financial and emotional security is tied up with their home; a quiet garden suburb, a good kitchen and pantry, a comfortable place and chair to put their feet up.
In the Body: Taurus rules the neck, the throat and the thyroid gland.
Physical Assets: a shapely figure, strong body.
Disadvantages: metabolism can be a little lethargic or sluggish, proneness to throat troubles and weight gains.
Health Tip: eat a high fiber diet, also eat light foods and avoid too many heavy or rich meals; gentle stretching will help physical flexibility as well.
Favorite Colors: emerald green, salmon pink, earthy neutral shades.
Birthstone: Emerald.
Best Day of the Week: Friday - Venus' Day.

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Gemini: May 21 - June 21
Symbol: The Twins - Gemini is one of the signs with a 'human' symbol - this denotes a people orientation and dynamic social skills. Quick changes of mood can give the impression that a Gemini seems like 'two people' at times; amazing versatility can seem like the skills of two people, as well.
Zodiac Quality: Mutable - signifying flexibility and adaptability.
Element: Air - represents a nature that thrives on circulating and communication, with a need for freedom and personal space.
Ruling Partner: Mercury - symbolizes a bright, quick, alert mind, but mentally restless and get bored very easily; clever - learn very fast, logical objectivity, Mercurial changes of attitude and mood.
Personal Phrase: I think - denotes an openness to new ideas, receptivity to reason. A progressive, enquiring, expansive mind.
Strengths: intelligent, outgoing, warm friendly charm, sunny personality, expressive, positive outlook, optimistic, enthusiastic, have a zest for life; resilient, fun-loving, spontaneous, curious, resourceful, playful, sparkling sense of humor, witty, communicative, independent, quick moving, vivacious, multi-talented.
Challenges: snappy - sharp-tongued, nervy, scattered, restless, easily bored, impatient, can lose interest quickly in enterprises especially if they're slow moving, changeable, teasing, superficial - do a little of everything.
As a Lover: Geminis are playful, flirtatious and communicative; they seek fun and spontaneity in their relationship - they like to do new and different things, and sharing these with their partner helps to keep the energy in their relationship.
Likes: stimulating conversation, witty banter, fresh new challenges and plans, fun new experiences, fun surprises, variety, humor, friends and meeting new people, parties and socializing, the latest technology - mobile phones, C.D.'s, fax's etc., news and the latest information, catching up with friends and relatives on the telephone.
Dislikes: regimentation, routines, dominating or forceful attitudes from others, restrictions, sameness, clinging or possessive behavior, dull company, too much solitude, closed-mindedness.
Ideal Home: low maintenance - they need to get 'out and about' and don't want to be tied down; light, airy rooms - plenty of windows, a high position may appeal as well; cosmopolitan area; modern decor or a pot pourri of different flavors, and splashes of bright color; they will make things for their home; a good telephone connection is 'a must'.
In the Body: Gemini rules the lungs, shoulders, arms, hands and nervous system.
Physical Assets: agility, high nervous energy, youthfulness.
Disadvantages: a proneness to nervous tension, insomnia, and bronchial disorders.
Health Tips: have plenty of fresh air; practice deep breathing, activities that blend manual/creative dexterity e.g. drawing, knitting, wood carving etc. will be relaxing and you won't feel bored, avoid too many stimulants e.g. caffeine.
Favorite Color: Yellow.
Birthstones: pearl, also amber - a yellow stone.
Best Day of the Week: Wednesday - Mercury's Day.

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Cancer: June 22 - July 22
Symbol: The Crab - When upset, worried or shy, Cancerians will retreat into their shells. They may even develop a hard shell of self-protection, but underneath can be soft and quite vulnerable. Sometimes, they can be snappy and rather ' crabby'. When hurt or addressing a touchy issue, they will often take an indirect approach and move sideways, like the crab.
Zodiac Quality: Cardinal - signifying determination and a quiet pushiness to attain goals dear to you.
Element: Water - represents an emotional, nurturing, intuitive, creative nature. They have strong feelings and live life from the heart.
Ruler: Moon - symbolizes changeable moods, a sensitive, responsive nature, reflective and perceptive. Eternal 'mother' i.e. caring, protective, sheltering parental instincts.
Personal Phrase: I feel - denotes a deeply emotional nature. Cancerians listen to their feelings, are finely tuned and insightful, kind and compassionate, and easily hurt.
Strengths: loving - can cope with an enormous amount 'for love' of a person or personal dream, creative, artistic, imaginative, home-loving, deep family ties and values, security orientated, cautious, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, understanding, subtle, perceptive, intuitive, reflective, refined, sensitive, sympathetic, warm, caring, supportive, tenacious, very private, a strong streak of common sense, a long memory.
Challenges: intense, moody, prone to worry, stubborn, withdrawn, complex, retreat into their shells, a long memory, hyper-sensitive, insecure, self-indulgent regarding moods, food, comforts etc. - sometimes sensitive to alcohol.
As a Lover: Cancerians are romantic, sensual and tender; they're nurturing, sentimental, sensitive and considerate of their partner's needs. They seek a warm, caring, supportive relationship, they love home and family life, and their home and family will become the core of their world.
Likes: making a home, putting down roots, close family ties especially with their children, good food and home comforts, their garden, places of natural beauty particularly near water, art and music, appreciation and reassurance, encouragement and understanding, giving and receiving kindness, emotional support, privacy.
Dislikes: criticism, confrontation, coldness, aggressive or dominating behavior, a lack of kindness or understanding, insincerity, sudden change.
Ideal Home: a settled, secure, sheltered family home, a peaceful private situation, a charming garden or water view for contemplation, a fountain or water-garden could be soothing, traditional decor with artistic touches, a warm, inviting cosy atmosphere, curtains that can close out the rest of the world, plenty of cupboard space for all those things they can't throw away, places to display personal treasures and momentous.
In the Body: Cancer rules the stomach, breasts and digestive system.
Physical Assets: suppleness, emotional drive leads to endurance when they really care deeply about a commitment or goal.
Disadvantages: a tendency to digestive upsets, a tendency to retain fluid, emotions influence their energy levels and health when they're troubled, emotional tension or turbulence drain can them.
Health Tip: emotional calm will result in more vitality, keep atmosphere at meal times peaceful, eat slowly, avoid too much salt in diet, eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads to help reduce fluid retention.
Favorite Colors: silver, soft shades of blue and green.
Birthstones: ruby, moonstone.
Best Day of the Week: Monday - the Moon's Day.

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Leo: July 23 - Aug. 22
Symbol:The Lion. The lion is King, and Leos like to be the boss, the leader. The lion symbolizes the courage, strength, dignity, pride and 'lion hearted' qualities inherent in the Leo make-up.
Zodiac Quality: Fixed - represents a stubborn nature, set in habits and opinions.
Element: Fire - signifies an action-orientated nature with drive, initiative, enterprise, passion and an ardent appetite for life.
Ruler: The Sun - denotes a powerful sense of self - self-confidence,self-motivation, robust inner resources.
Personal Phrase: I will - this illustrates the deep determination and will-power at the core of the Leo nature.
Strengths: generous, kind, magnanimous, assertive, positive, optimistic, resourceful, charismatic, flamboyant - even theatrical, creative, a creative problem solver, warm-hearted, high spirited, sunny, fun-loving, an irrepressible sense of humor, playful, bold, daring, courageous, inner strength, dignity, a strong back-bone, purposeful, leadership abilities, passionate, a good organizer, decisive, enthusiastic, confidently individual - very much their own person.
Challenges: proud, autocratic, bossy, arrogant or rude, impatient, outspoken, cranky, haughty even snobby, self-centered, attention-seeking.
As a Lover: Leos are passionate and sexy lovers; they make generous, even flamboyant loving and romantic gestures. They seek a strong successful relationship - although they may play the field, until they find their special person. When they fall in love, they will do their best to make the relationship work.
Likes: success, attention and praise, prestige, elegance, exclusivity i.e. going 1st class when they can, art and music, sport - especially competition level, winning - being the best, a passionate love-life, new opportunities and goals, enthusiastic positive companions, giving generously, receiving - as it shows others appreciation, the theater and acting.
Dislikes: being ignored or overlooked, weak or wimpy behavior, failure or losing face, feeling bored, being bossed or told what to do, delays and waiting, not being well, negative people, a defeatist attitude.
Ideal Home: 'a good address', a home to be proud of - it will make a statement of their success or individuality, convenient location, a secure garage for their car (often a favorite possession); exclusive or unique pieces, effective dramatic lighting - in the garden, pool area or over paintings, spacious entertaining areas as they entertain with style and generous hospitality.
In the Body: Leo rules the heart and the back.
Physical Assets: a robust constitution, strong recuperative powers, enduring stamina, a proud bearing.
Disadvantages: a proness to work and play hard, and over-doing things; a tendency to neglect diet and health care.
Health Tips: avoid burning the candle at both ends too often - aim for moderation; choose a low fat diet to maintain low cholesterol.
Favorite Colors: gold and red.
Birthstone: peridot, carnelian.
Best Day of the week: Sunday - the Sun's day.

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Virgo: Aug 23- Sept 22
Symbol: The Virgin - denotes the purity of heart and spirit that a true Virgo exemplifies. In the past, this symbol included an ear of corn in her hand and a child on her lap, signifying a connection with nature and cultivation, the harvest from hard work, fertility and motherhood.
Zodiac Quality: Mutable - denotes flexibility and adaptability.
Element: Earth - represents practicality and reliability. Virgos are very sensible, down-to-earth people.
Ruling Planet: Mercury - symbolizes a logical, alert, observant mind. Virgos are analytical and highly intelligent, and their objective rationale is clear and concise.
Personal Phrase: I analyze - signifies a tendency to analyze at length and in detail. It is the Virgo way of coming to terms with problems, making decisions, learning from life's experiences, and understanding others.
Strengths: practical, discerning, reflective, introspective, a deep thinker, conscientious, hard-working, reliable and trustworthy, diligent, systematic, organized, thorough, a perfectionist - set high standards, cautious, quiet, kind-hearted, supportive - very willing to help others, strong family values, sincere, steadfast, loyal, thoughtful, security orientated.
Challenges: nervy and tense, irritable, a worrier, serious - can forget to have fun, emotionally reserved - sometimes shy, withdrawn, critical - sometimes nit-picking.
As a Lover: Virgos are constant emotionally, genuine and reliable. They show their love through practical actions, rather than romantic gestures and words. They seek a relationship that is sincere and both partners pull together for mutual goals.
Likes: setting and achieving goals, being useful and helpful to others, genuine acknowledgments, success at work, financial stability, saving money, a secure home situation, nature, animals, a peaceful space of their own to enjoy a little solitude, quiet and order, calm loving relationships, informative communication, companionable silence, harmony in their environment.
Dislikes: unreliability, sudden changes of plans, waste, inefficiency, sloppiness, a lack of hygiene, emotional games, disloyalty, noise and rush, small talk, aggressive behavior.
Ideal Home: a quiet area, trees or bushland around them or close by, a functional home that suits their personal and family needs, a sound investment, cost-saving devices e.g. a timed watering system, solar heating etc., privacy, their own space e.g. a study, where they can work, read or sit and think.
In the Body:Virgo rules the nervous system and the intestines.
Physical Assets: a trim youthful body and appearance.
Disadvantages: a sensitive system, with a proneness to allergies; a tendency to become nervy and stressed.
Health Tips: maintain a sensible, balanced diet and life-style; avoid too many preservatives, artificial colors and flavors in food; develop good sleep patterns; plan restful pastimes to soothe the nerves, cut down on worry.
Favorite Color: Blue. Quiet tasteful colors such as navy, grey, and taupe, and soft natural colors such as sand and warm browns may appeal as well.
Birthstone: sapphire. - traditionally a symbol of virtue and justice.
Best Day of the Week:Wednesday - Mercury's day.

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Libra: Sept 23 - Oct 23
Symbol: The Scales - denotes a striving for balance and harmony, inwardly, in life-style and in relationships with others. Also, this symbol illustrates the Libran tendency to weigh the pro's and con's of any decision or choice very carefully.
Zodiac Quality: Cardinal - signifies determination and a quiet pushiness, to attain desires and goals dear to them.
Element: Air - represents a nature that thrives on circulating and communication.
Ruling Planet: Venus - symbolizes charm and a sociable nature, an appreciation of beauty, a love of harmony, and pleasure in the arts.
Personal Phrase: I balance - represents the Librans ability to mediate and restore balance/harmony where there is friction; they seek a personal balance/completion through partnership; they bring people together and build connections through networking.
Strengths: refined, cultured, stylish, discerning, artistic good taste, also champagne tastes - they like to go 'first class' when they can afford it, socially competent, likable, gracious, a winning charm, the ability to see both sides of an argument, thoughtful, kind-hearted optimistic, an intelligent open mind, excellent communication and public relations skills, tactful, well-mannered.
Challenges: indecisive, vacillating, can't always define priorities, manipulative, materialistic, appearance-orientated - a proneness to worry about their looks, stubborn, get bored or restless.
As a Lover: Librans are romantic and considerate; it is important to them to preserve the romance and the communication in their relationship. They can be 'in love with love' and play the field before they settle down, but they are looking for 'their other half' and seek a genuine, sharing partnership.
Likes: good manners, courtesy, compliments, companionship, social pleasures, creating a network or contacts, beautiful surroundings, a touch of class and luxury in their life-style, elegant fashionable clothes, harmonious relationships, art, music and literature.
Dislikes: ugliness, roughness, aloneness, rudeness, aggressive or dominating behavior, conflict, injustice, being regimented, mess and disorder.
Ideal Home: a classy address, an area with side-walk cafes and good restaurants, a home that's set up for entertaining, an elegant harmonious atmosphere and decor, pastel colors, luxurious touches, beautiful furnishings or lovely things around them e.g. paintings, objects of art etc., well ventilated or a balcony for fresh air, attention to comforts e.g. air-conditioning, central heating etc., a full length mirror so they can check their appearance properly, a romantic bedroom.
In the Body: Libra rules the kidneys.
Physical Assets: a well-proportioned body, even features, a beautiful smile.
Disadvantages: difficulties maintaining the right balance between food, rest, work and play.
Health Tips: drink plenty of fresh pure water; adopt practices of moderation with food and alcohol, socializing and exercise.
Favorite Colors: soft blues, lilac and pink.
Birthstone: Opal.
Best Day of the Week: Friday - Venus's Day.

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Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 21
Symbol:The Eagle, Scorpion and the Phoenix. The Eagle is the king of the skies, it is powerful and rises to great heights - it signifies the inner drive of Scorpios, their capacity to rise above conditions, their quest to soar - through success, or through personal or spiritual development. The Scorpion, which can sting itself, denotes that sometimes Scorpios can be their own worst enemies, and can cut off their nose to spite their face; also, when hurt, Scorpios can sting - although their sting is often via a cutting or sarcastic tongue. The Phoenix is the mythical bird who rises from the ashes - this symbolizes the Scorpio capacity to overcome adversity through the power of the spirit to transform and triumph.
Zodiac Quality: Fixed - represents inflexibility and unwavering convictions.
Element: Water - signifies an emotional, intuitive, searching, reflective, deep nature.
Ruling Planets: Mars and Pluto. Mars symbolizes energy, courage, passion, a fighting spirit, a need to achieve - and the Scorpio nature expresses these with intensity. Pluto symbolizes power, complexity and mysterious depths - Scorpios can tend to be drawn into situations where there are power struggles.
Personal Phrase: I desire - when they really want something or set their sights on an objective, the desire to attain their goal will generate enormous drive, single-mindedness and resolute will-power.
Strengths: courageous, stoically loyal - a rock of support in times of trouble, astute, probing, searching, introspective, perceptive, insightful, strong likes and dislikes, ambitious, persevering, resourceful, creative, deep, private, intense, passionate, great inner fortitude, the capacity to love deeply.
Challenges: complex, secretive, emotionally intense, withdrawn, 'blind spots' in thinking, unforgiving, may retaliate and 'get even' when hurt, cyclical, sarcastic.
As a Lover: Scorpios are sexy and passionate; it takes time to get to know them - they don't open up, confide or trust easily. They need a relationship anchored in trust and respect - if the trust is broken, it can be difficult for them to feel the same about that person again.
Likes: passion, success, financial security, a secure home and family unit, nature - especially being near the water, water sports, bargaining, art and music, exotic objects of art, challenging debate, informative discussion, mysteries, intriguing people and stories, emotional constancy.
Dislikes: disloyalty, soapiness, wimps, weakness, unreliability, dominating people, changeability.
Ideal Home: situated near water, or having a swimming pool or spa, a home with privacy and character - not overlooked and can't be built out; exotic touches, with artifacts from their travels or other cultures; antiques or distinctive hand-made articles, a good 'sound system' for their music, an interesting even dramatic bathroom, a bedroom with an intimate, sensual atmosphere and lighting.
In the Body: Scorpio rules the sexual organs, the bowel and the bladder.
Physical Assets: deep reserves of strength when stamina, courage, will- power and staying power are called for.
Disadvantages: a tendency to push themselves too hard; emotional intensity can have a bearing on health and energy - when upset, physical reactions may occur.
Health Tips: watch the tendency to over-do alcohol and the wrong kinds of food; keep the body in good working order by following a healthful diet that promotes effective elimination of toxins.
Favorite Colors: Maroon and black.
Birthstone: topaz.
Best Day of the Week: Tuesday - Mar's day.

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Sagittarius: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
Symbol:The Centaur with bow and arrow, which denotes the Sagittarian desire 'to run free', and to shoot arrows (follow ideas) into further pastures.
Zodiac Quality: Mutable - signifying flexibility and adaptability.
Element: Fire - represents an actions-orientated nature with get-up-and-go, initiative, enterprise, passion and an ardent capacity for life.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter. Jupiter is the symbol of opportunity, good fortune and expansion, and Sagittarians attract opportunity and good fortune through an optimistic attitude and positive energy; with the expansiveness in their nature, they are open to new ideas and new experiences.
Personal Phrase: I foresee. Sagittarians always look forward, to the next new plan or enterprise. They have vision and can see 'the big picture', and they can see the potential in ideas, situations and opportunities. They genuinely have foresight.
Strengths: independent, determinedly individual, free-spirited - live life on their terms, spontaneous, fun-loving, a lively sense of humor, open-minded, inquiring, enthusiastic, exuberant, optimistic, resilient - Sagittarians won't be kept down, they always bounce back from hard times, resourceful, enterprising, creative, a risk taker, progressive, generous, warm-hearted, affectionate, frank, perceptive, intuitive, noble.
Challenges: headstrong, cranky, a quick temper, changeable, restless, easily distracted and bored, a tendency to go off at tangents, a tendency to start things and not finish them, rebellious, impatient, outspoken, tactless, impulsive.
As a Lover: Sagittarians are ardent, flirtatious, impetuous and romantic - they make sweeping romantic gestures. They need freedom in a relationship, room to move, to be themselves and do their own thing. They seek a dynamic relationship where the mental and emotional connections continue to grow.
Likes: sport, travel, new adventures, exciting new opportunities and projects, the outdoors, friends and socializing, humor, fun, spontaneity, surprise treats, taking a gamble and winning - they love to beat the odds, interesting new ideas or views.
Dislikes: regimentation, restrictive conditions and relationships, details, sameness, waiting, slow-moving or drawn out commitments, being told what to do, possessiveness, negativity.
Ideal Home: a high position or open outlook, a home they can improve or extend - for a capital gain, large airy rooms, high ceilings, a courtyard or patio for barbecues or informal outdoor entertaining, a gym or exercise area, a good music system, a games room - a billiard table or TV room; a home that can be locked up securely when they go traveling.
In the Body: Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, liver and the blood.
Physical Assets: high energy levels, a resilient constitution, natural sports abilities.
Disadvantages: a tendency to weight gains, due to a fondness for eating, drinking and making merry; watch a tendency to blood pressure and also sports injuries.
Health Tips: avoid being erratic with diet and health matters; avoid biting off too much to chew, as this leads to feelings of being trapped and stressed out - spontaneous fun and personal space do Sagittarians a power of good!
Favorite Colors: purple, deep blue.
Birthstones: turquoise, alexandrite.
Best Day of the Week: Thursday - Jupiter's day.

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