Warpfist's Warband








Pikachu's Midgar Vacation

A spamfic inspired by SD Chocobo and written by Peter Barnard

All characters copyright their respective owners.

NOTE: Since the FF7 universe is not set on Earth I have presumed they don't speak Earth languages. All of Ash and Pikachu's speech is in Japanese. All of Yuffie and Red XIII's speech is in Midean (my name for the language spoken by the inhabitants of the FF7 world).

NOTE2: Yeah, I know Red XIII isn't his real name (it's Nananki) but it's the name I know him best by.


Ash woke up with the rising sun. Yawning, he shrugged off his sleeping bag and looked around. Pikachu had found the bag of food Brock had prepared and was starting breakfast.

Ash's stomach rumbled.
"Wow I could really do with some breakfast too Pikachu."
"Chu," commented Pikachu between bites.
"I wonder where Misty and Brock are," puzzled Ash aloud.

He definitely remembered setting down his sleeping bag with Brock and Misty under that tree. That tree! Looking around Ash noticed that he was on a rolling grassy field. The only thing he could see anywhere was a town on the horizon.

"I guess we'll find them there," remarked Ash, although without much conviction.
"Come on Pikachu, there's got to be somewhere we can get breakfast from there."
"Pika," said Pikachu happily.
The pair set off at a slow pace towards the city.


Yuffie sighed a deep sigh.
"I'm bored," she declared for the thirtieth time. "Why couldn't Cid have given us a ride?" Red XIII knew exactly why Cid didn't want Yuffie on board the Highwind, but was far to noble to speak the truth.
"I thought you got airsick?" he asked.
Completely ignoring him, Yuffie switched to a far more important subject:
"Do you think they'll have any spare materia?"
Now it was red XIII's turn to sigh deeply.
"Yuffie," he started they stopped dead.
"Yuffie what?" asked Yuffie.
"Look!" Red XIII flicked his headdress for emphasis.
Just coming in to view over a low hill was a pair of figures.
"Bandits again?" asked Yuffie.
"I don't know," said Red XIII. "Let's go and see."


Two figures approached Ash and Pikachu. One was a young girl with odd clothed an short dark hair, the other appeared to be a dog or large cat with bright red fur, wearing a feathered headdress.
"Look Pikachu, another trainer. I hope they have time to fight."
"Pi-ka" confirmed Pikachu.
Ash retrieved his Pokedex and flicked it open.
"Unknown," stated the Pokedex in its mechanical monotone. "The pokemon is not listed in the Oak database."
"Wow! A totally new Pokemon! Professor Oak will be so happy! Gary will be so jealous! I wonder if I get to name it..."
His thoughts were interrupted by some one calling out in a foreign language.


"Hi there!" cried Yuffie. "Are you bandits?" she asked mockingly.
"Yuffie..." warned Red XIII.
"You're no fun," pouted Yuffie.
"They don't look like bandits," mused Red XIII. "But that creature doesn't look familiar either."
"I don't know. Hello there fellow travellers!"


"I'm sorry. I don't understand you," said Ash. "But if you are a pokemon trainer I'd love to battle you. Pikachu go!"
Pikachu ran forward and took up an aggressive stance.


"Oh dear," said Yuffie in a pleased tone. "Bandits after all."
"Maybe," said Red XIII bounding forwards. "Now look here you little yellow thing..."


"Pikachu! Thundershock!"
A bolt of lightning leapt from Pikachu singing Red XIII badly.
"That was great Pikachu!"
"Now use your..."


A singed Red XIII growled deeply.
"You'll pay for that," he barked and leapt. With one bite he separated Pikachu into two parts.
Meanwhile Yuffie had spotted the flashing blue LED on the Pokedex.
"Materia!" she cried, and threw her Wind Slash at the young man.


"Aaargh!" was Ash's reaction to Pikachu's demise.
"Gnnnnh!" was his reaction to being impaled by a giant shuriken.
His last sight before the darkness came, was an eager faced girl picking up his Pokedex.


Red XIII spat out Pikachu's upper body. "Yuck, " he said. "Still we've got to keep this world free from bandits and their like."
"Hmmmm," said Yuffie absently, trying to pry out the LED
"Never mind," he said resignedly. "Come on."
Yuffie gave up and pocketed the Pokedex.
They had been walking for three minutes before Yuffie spoke again.
"Are we nearly there yet?"
Red XIII growled softly.








Content is (C)2002 Peter Barnard. Email [email protected] or [email protected]
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