Warpfist's Warband









Neon Genesis Evangelion
Fanfic Drinking Game Ver 1.1

By Peter Barnard

I imagine that lots of other people have done Eva drinking games, although I haven't seen any personally. The inspiration for this was Richard Beaubien's Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Fanfic Drinking Game.

As with normal drinking games you have to take a prescribed number of drinks when certain events occur. You get the choice of beverage, by the way.

No offence is intended... I do not endorse underage consumption of alcohol... I've seen the Manga Entertainment dub... and yes I am spoofing my own work as well here. Here we go...


If the EVA's are fighting an angel 1 DRINK
and it’s an author created angel 2 DRINKS
with an appropriate angelic name 4 DRINKS and a round of applause

If no angels are involved 2 DRINKS
and it's not a lemon 2 MORE DRINKS

If Fyuutski appears 1 DRINK
and has lines 3 DRINKS
and actually does something important 5 DRINKS

If Toji appears 1 DRINK
and is a pilot 1 DRINK

If Hikari appears 1 DRINK
and actually does something 4 DRINKS
and has Toji under the thumb 1 DRINK

If Kensuke appears 1 DRINK
and is a pilot 5 DRINKS

If Shigeru or Makoto appear 1 DRINK EACH
and do something other than report an angel 3 DRINKS and a "Wow!"

If Maya appears 1 DRINK
and does something other than fawn over Dr Ikagi 2 DRINKS

If Kaoru appears 1 DRINK
and doesn't pounce on Shinji 2 DRINKS and a "Phew!"

If the children's teacher gives a lecture 1 DRINK
and it’s not on the Second Impact 3 DRINKS
and ignores the chaos in class 1 DRINK

If Pen-Pen appears 1 DRINK
and does something 4 DRINKS

If Gendo DOESN'T appear 4 DRINKS and a "Huh?"

If Yui appears 4 DRINKS and a "What the..?"


If the author self inserts 1 DRINK
and is a pilot 2 DRINKS
and is better than Asuka, Rei and Shinji 4 DRINKS and a "Wa-Tak!"

If the author sleeps with Rei 1 DRINK

If the author sleeps with Asuka 2 DRINKS and a medal (a purple heart)

If the author sleeps with Shinji (whether male or female) 3 DRINKS and a "Eeew!"

If the author sleeps with Misato 2 DRINKS

If the author's avatar is 'Special' SHOOT THE AUTHOR


If the crossover is with Ranma 1 DRINK
and Ranma is a pilot 2 DRINKS
and Shinji changes into Asuka when wet 5 DRINKS

If the crossover is with Sailor Moon 1 DRINK
and the senshi are pilots 2 DRINKS
and Asuka and Rei are senshi 2 DRINKS
and Shinji is a senshi 4 DRINKS and a "Eeew!"
and Rei Ayanami is confused with Ami Mizuno 1 DRINK
and Pen-Pen is a Tuxedo-clad hero 5 DRINKS and some counselling

If the crossover is with another robot show 1 DRINK
and the SDF1 is involved 4 DRINKS
and the EVA's are transformable 4 DRINKS
and the EVA's combine into Mega-Eva-Zord 10 DRINKS and a happy pill

If the crossover is with a hentai show 4 DRINKS with ice and a tentacle

If the crossover is with a Tarantino film 4 DRINKS and a Royale with cheese


For the following lemon pairings:

Rei and Shinji
Asuka and Shinji
Misato and Kaji
Gendo and anything female
Hikari and Toji
Rei and Kaoru

Rei and Asuka
Ritsuko and Maya
Shinji and Misato
Shinji and Kaoru

Gendo and Fyuutski
Shinji and his right hand

4 DRINKS and some therapy
Pen-Pen and anyone


If Rei is injured 1 DRINK
and dies 1 DRINK
and comes back from the dead 2 DRINKS

If Asuka is injured (and its her own damn fault) 1 DRINK
If Asuka loses her mind 2 DRINKS

If Shinji gets injured 1 DRINK
and goes berserk 2 DRINKS

If Misato or Ritsuko get killed 2 DRINKS and a box of hankies

If Kaji gets shot 1 DRINK
and we find out who did it 3 DRINKS

If any other supporting cast is killed 1 DRINK

If Third Impact occurs 10 DRINKS
and anyone notices 1 DRINK


If it's clear the author has never seen a whole episode 10 DRINKS

If the author refers to events in the manga 2 DRINKS

If the author refers to events in End of Evangelion 4 DRINKS
and quotes the Manga Entertainment dub 10 DRINKS and "do something terrible to Asuka"

If the author has a naff nickname 1 DRINK

Take ONE DRINK every time:

Someone acts out of character

Gendo smirks or fiddles with his glasses

Gendo steeples his hands

Shinji whines

Asuka complains

Asuka speaks German

Rei deadpans

Rei is naked

Misato drinks a beer

Ritsuko drinks a coffee

Ritsuko mentions her cats

Kaji flirts with someone

A cross appears for no adequately explained reason

Someone says: "Geofront", "Dead Sea Scrolls", "The EVA isn't responding!", "I can't eject the entry plug!", "Wondergirl", "What do the MAGI think?", "Cryostasis" or any other techno-babble


I think that about covers it. If you have any suggestions for occurrences I've missed contact me at the e-dress below. If I've insulted you, you probably deserved it :P

For reference, my Magical Fairy Princess Ayanami rates about 20 drinks.

You can use the game for the series as well as fanfics. Have fun!








Content is (C)2002 Peter Barnard. Email [email protected] or [email protected]
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