Warpfist's Warband









Asuka and Shinji

By Roxy Winters

Explanation: This story is set during episode 15 of Neon Genesis Evangelion (EVA) "Lies and Silence". It replaces the scene where Asuka and Shinji have been left alone in the apartment, as Misato and Kaji are on a date.


Asuka was bored. She looked over at Shinji, who was reading a book. A schoolbook!
"I'm bored!" she declared. "When are Misato and Kaji coming back?"
"Misato said we were not to wait up for her," Shinji answered politely.
Asuka sat in bored silence for all of five minutes, and then a wicked grin crossed
her face.
"Lets play a game," suggested Asuka.
"OK," said Shinji, putting down his book. "What do you want to play?"
"What about Dress-Up?"
"Huh?" asked Shinji.
"You know, Dress-Up. Like when you were a kid."
"Sorry?" asked Shinji.
"You gotta be kidding!" Asuka asked incredulously
"No really. I don't know what you mean."
Asuka glared at Shinji for a whole minute, and then her face changed to one of
sweetness and light.
"OK Shinji, welcome to your second childhood. Dress-Up is exactly what it sounds
like. You dress up in a costume and pretend to be someone else."
"And people do this for fun?" Shinji arched an eyebrow.
"Mostly children, but it can be fun for us too."
"But we don't have any costumes," said Shinji.
"Will you let me finish!"
"What I was going to say was, one of the usual ways to play, is to pretend to be
someone you know."
"Ah!" said Shinji. "Can I be Kaji?"
"No!" said Asuka. "Stop interrupting. You can't be Kaji, because in Dress-Up,
boys have to dress up like girls and girls dress as boys."
Shinji looked unconvinced.
"That's weird," he said. "I don't want to play. That doesn't sound like a real
"Yeah, I thought you were too immature," teased Asuka.
"Am not," he cried defiantly.
"Yes you are Shinji. You're just a big baby. You'd be rubbish at it anyway," she
"No I wouldn't! I just don't want to play."
"Kaji would play..." suggested Asuka.
"Fine!" said Shinji, taking the bait. "I'll play."
"Great," said Asuka, elated. "Who do you want to play."
"Hmmm," thought Shinji.


"Can I play Rei?" asked Shinji
"Wondergirl?" asked Asuka incredulously. "Are you sure?"
"I think I could pretend to be her."
{You probably could as well} thought Asuka.
"I suppose you could," Asuka grudging admitted. "I'll play you then."
"What?" asked Shinji shocked.
"It's just a game Shinji," said Asuka off-handedly.
She didn't dare admit to herself that she saw this as an opportunity to kiss him.
{It's purely to embarrass Shinji} she made herself think.
Slightly mollified Shinji shrugged and said, "OK, how do we start?"
"Right," said Asuka, back in control. "We'll do you first. Come into my room."
The pair walked into Asuka's room.

"Sit!" commanded Asuka.
Shinji sat on the bed and looked around. He hadn't really paid attention to
Asuka's room. It was rare he even went in.
Asuka opened her wardrobe and peered in. She screwed her face up into a look of
deep thought before removing a hanger with a white blouse and one of her blue,
school pinafore dresses.
"Stand!" she commanded.
Shinji stood and Asuka held the dress before him.
"It should fit," she mused. "Now what about underwear..."
"Hey!" cried Shinji. "You never said anything about underwear."
"Because I thought it was obvious. You have to do this properly or there is no
point. Now sit back down."
Shinji sat, and Asuka moved over to her dresser. She opened a drawer. Fishing
around she pulled out a white training bra and a pair of crisp white panties.
She threw them to Shinji. She then took out a pair of white knee socks and threw
them also.
"Go to your room and put those on," Asuka commanded indicating the things she'd
Shinji looked at the bra, before timidly picking it up. He looked like a stunned
"H-h-how does this go?" he asked eventually.
"Mein Gott Shinji! Just put on the socks and panties. I'll help you with the
bra when you are done."

Shinji left the room hurriedly. As he got undressed, he thought he could hear
Asuka running water. He felt very nervous putting on the panties, and as he
slipped them up his legs, he could feel and see himself hardening. Worried about
spoiling her panties, but even more worried that she might come for him whilst
naked, he stuffed himself in. It was a snug fit, and although he was visibly
aroused, it barely showed once they were on. He returned to Asuka's room, hand
in front of his groin and with a very red face.

Asuka was standing there holding a pair of inflated balloons.
"Very nice Rei," she said to Shinji who just stammered and flustered. "These
are to go in your bra. Turn around."
Shinji did, and Asuka slipped the bra onto him, clipping it behind him. She then
squeezed the two balloons into the cups. They jiggled noticeably.
"They have water in them, so they move properly," Asuka explained.
The way they wobbled disturbed Shinji. He was not sure if he felt giddy, or
actually enjoyed the sensation.

With Asuka's help, he put on the blouse and buttoned it over his burgeoning
breasts. It was quite a close fit. He then slipped the dress over his head, and
Asuka buttoned it up behind him. The waist was a very tight fit.
"Nearly there," remarked Asuka.
"Can I look in the mirror?" Shinji asked.
"Not till I'm done," said Asuka quickly. "Artist at work. Next some shoes."

Asuka rummaged around in the bottom of her wardrobe and withdrew a pair of black
patent Mary-Janes with a slight heel. She stuffed Shinji's feet into them.
"They're crushing my toes," he whined.
Asuka held up a pair of strappy stilettos, Shinji was sure that they were Misato's,
and said: "Would you prefer these?"
"But Rei..."
"But nothing. Now the hair. Hmmm. Actually it's quite close. We'll have to pretend
its blue though."
She slipped a couple of hairgrips into his hair for good measure.
"Lastly makeup."
"But Rei doesn't wear makeup." Shinji countered.
"All girls wear makeup," Asuka lied.
"You're a guy Shinji. Well, normally." She snickered. "Only girls notice these
things. Now stop wasting time. You don't want Misato and Kaji to see us like this
do you?"
"No," said Shinji and hung his head.
Asuka held his head up and applied a light dusting of pink to his cheeks, light
blue to his eye lids and bubblegum pink to his lips, which she then glossed.
She stepped back to admire her handiwork.
She fussed with a few things, particularly his 'breasts' and then stepped back
once more.
"Behold!" she cried. "Rei Ayanami. You could almost be clones!"
Shinji stepped forward and looked at himself in the mirror. He was stunned.
"What do you think Rei?" Asuka asked.
Shinji just gaped. Asuka stepped behind him and looked over his shoulder.
"You look cute Rei," she said.
"I don't look that much like her," said Shinji looking at himself from different
"It's not important," said Asuka. "Now get me a pair of trousers, a shirt and a
pair of boxers, Rei."
Shinji went to his room, returning a few moments later with a pile of clothes.
"These had better be clean," Asuka warned.
"Ironed too. I did it myself."
"You know Shinji, you'll make someone a lovely wife one day."
"Go and wait in the lounge. I can change myself. Boys' clothes are so much easier
to put on. And no peeking!"
Shinji sighed and went to watch some TV.

Pen-Pen waddled across the room and looked at Rei. He did a double take. He stared
intently at Shinji, who checked that his panties were not visible, then blushed
anyway. Pen-Pen turned upon his flippers and walked straight back the way he had
came, severely traumatised.

Asuka stepped out of her room. She was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, which
strained over her breasts, and had tucked her flowing red mop under a short black

"Where did you..?" started Shinji.
"Long story," countered Asuka. "So are you ready then?"
"Er, sure. What do we do now?"
"Now we play at being each other. Sit down and I'll show you."
Shinji sat down and stared off into space.

Asuka walked over.
"Er.. Hi Ayanami," she said, acting nervous.
Shinji said nothing.
"Do you mind if I er, er..."
Shinji nodded.
Asuka sat.
"Good act," she noted, dropping her character.
They sat in silence for a while.
"Did you want something Ikari-kun?" Shinji asked in a near whisper.
"I just wondered what you did in your spare time Rei," Asuka said softly.
"I catalogue my paperclip collection," said Shinji deadpan.
"Huh?" said Asuka, then the comment hit her. She fell off the couch and curled
into a ball, laughing.
Shinji's mask cracked and he too burst into laughter at his own joke.
Asuka wiped the tears from her eyes.
"OK. Very good Shinji. Let's try properly."
There was a grudging admiration in her voice, and she had dropped her usual mask
of annoyance at Shinji.
{Perhaps that too is just acting} thought Shinji.
"So er, Rei..." started Asuka falteringly.
Shinji suddenly turned his head 90 degrees.
Asuka jumped back.
{Dammit} she thought to herself. {He's just pretending to be Rei. It's not really
She moved closer again.
"So are you doing anything now?"
"Would you like to try something?" asked Asuka. {Here goes} she thought.
"Is it to do with Commander Ikari?"
"Sort of."
"Very well."
Asuka suddenly leapt forward and kissed Shinji on the lips. Shinji was so
surprised that he couldn't react.

They both sat back. Shinji stunned at Asuka kissing him. Asuka stunned that it
wasn't like kissing a kipper.

She leapt forward again and kissed him longer. Shinji was still too surprised
and tried to fight her off, but Asuka took him in her arms and held on.

After she had let go, some minutes later Shinji asked: "What brought that on?"
"Oh I know you have a crush on Ayanami."
"I-I do not!" stammered Shinji.
"But you like me more, don't you?"
"Weeellll," mused Shinji.
"Let me show you something else Ayanami-chan!" she said and leapt.


Misato and Kaji staggered in through the front door.
"SHHHHHH!" Misato shushed loudly.
"Come on Misato," said Kaji guiding her gently. "I'll be right with you."
Leaving her in the hall, he nipped into the bathroom.
"Thas' funny," slurred Misato. "They should be ashleep by now. OH MY GOD!"
Misato was suddenly sobered up by the sight in the lounge.
Shinji was standing up, trousers around ankles. Rei was kneeling before him
slowly taking down his boxer shorts.
"Shinji! Rei!" cried Misato, and then looked again. "Aaaaahhhh! Asuka!

Asuka and Shinji turned in terror at Misato's voice.
"It was Shinji's idea!" blurted Asuka and started to sidle away from Shinji.
"What?" cried Shinji. "It was her idea to do this."
Misato staggered across the room and grabbed Shinji's arm.
"My God Shinji!" she cried getting a better look. "You're disgusting. Dressing
up like a girl and.. and... ugh! You need to be punished."
She slumped on the sofa and dragged Shinji with her. Putting him across her
knees she hiked his skirt up.
"A spanking should do it."
Asuka had passed Misato and was on her way to her room when Kaji stepped out
of the bathroom.
"You're responsible too Asuka," he said neutrally.
"Oh Kaji, are you going to punish me for being bad?" she asked suggestively.
"Don't," warned Kaji putting Asuka across his knees.

SLAP! "Owww!" SPANK! "Ouch!" SLAP! "Yow!" SPANK! "Ouch!" SLAP! "Ouch!" SPANK!
"Yeouch!" Came the noises from Misato and Shinji.

SLAP! "Ooh Kaji!" SPANK! "You know how to please a girl!" SLAP! "Hey!" SPANK
"That hurts!" SLAP "Owww!" SPANK "Ouch!" Came the noises from Kaji and Asuka.


Asuka and Shinji stood before Kaji and Misato. Both were red-faced and both
had been crying, Shinji's makeup was ruined.
"I think they've learned their lesson," commented Kaji.
"We have. We really have," the pair spoke in unison.
"Hmmmmm," mused Misato. "Fair enough. But if you ever do this again..." she left
the threat hanging.
"I won't!" cried Shinji, praying desperately that she wouldn't tell his father.
"I won't!" cried Asuka, surprised to find that she wanted Kaji's rough attentions


Misato's bedroom, much later...
"So Kaji, have I been a bad girl?" asked Misato slipping down her panties.
"You've been very naughty. You'll have to be spanked!" said Kaji licking his



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