Loves Senseless Game

Love is a funny thing

So it is said.

It brings out the parts of us that we all dread.

We have been there before.

The pain is so real.

It has made our bodies numb to this warmth we feel.

At least when alone there is no one to bring pain.

Our aloness has a love of its own in an empty kind of way

A love of solitude a love to be free

Of all those burdens that relationships bring.

To try love again, what price would there be?

To lose this solitary feeling that has made the soul free.

To fly alone no more but to fly wing to wing.

This togetherness could be costly somehow it seems.

But remember once more to that love long ago.

Has there not been enough time to let your feelings flow.

Once more to another who returns them to you.

Once more to love again and be loved too.

To share your solitude with another lonely soul.

Together the two of you can make your lives whole.

Two halves brought together to bring joy once again

To the soul thought lost forever in loves senseless game

Sonji Rush

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Lovin' You

Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're beautiful

Makin' love with you is all I want to do

Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true

Everything that I do is out of lovin' you

No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring

Stay with me while we grow old

And we will live each day in springtime

Lovin' you has made my life so beautiful

And every day of my life is filled with lovin' you

Lovin' you I see your soul come shining through

And every time that we ooooh I'm more in love with you

Minnie Riperton

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A Plain Old Kiss

Some people need a peck or two;

For others a simple smooch will do;

Too many, a graze will stimulate;

A few may want to osculate.

And then, there are those who need a smack;

For flowery words they have a knack.

But all I want from you is bliss,

Which you can give me with a plain, old kiss!

author unknown

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If Just This Night

If just this night, you take my hand

And lead me to the stars

Forever it will be with me

To cherish what was ours.

Not knowing what tomorrow brings

Or where our lives may go

I'll hear your whispered words of love

As gentle breezes blow.

I'll give to you myself this night

My passion, love and heart

Knowing that the time will come

When we will have to part.

Connie Elkins

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Annie's Song

You fill up my senses. like a night in the forest

Like the mountains in Spring time, like a walk in the rain

Like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean

You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

Come let me love you. let me give my life to you

Let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms

Let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you

Come let me love you, come love me again

John Denver

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Have I ever told you?

Have I ever told you

that if I sit really still and silent,

sometimes. I like to think

I can hear your heart beating

in time with mine?

Have I ever told you

that when I watch you speak to me

through lines and cords,

and bytes and ram,

I imagine your voice,

whispering into my ear?

Have I ever told you

that I wait out each day

in anticipation,

wanting only an hour or two,

just a second in space and time,

to feel close to you?

Have I ever told you

that there has been times,

when I ached for you,

ached for you so badly,

that the emotions overwhelmed me..

and so I sat and cried?

Have I ever told you

that sometimes,

I will reach out,

touching your name

on this cold screen before me,


I could reach in

and pull you to me?

Have I ever told you

that after the first time I heard

the sound of your voice,

thousands of miles away,

I sat up all night,

turning the conversation over and over

in my mind, examining it,

like some newly discovered species of flower?

Have I ever told you

that I would give everything up,

just for one night

to be able to lay near you,

to feel your chest rise and fall

with each breath you take,

just to know that you are real?

Have I ever told you

that I dream of you often,

I dream of you reaching out

and touching my hand,

simply to let me know

that you are there,

and everything is okay?

Have I ever told you,

have I still yet to tell you . . .

that I love you?

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You Are

You're a picnic on a summer's day

You're strawberries and cream

You're the poetry of a Shakespeare play

You're a hot erotic dream

You're loveliness reflects the stars

in the firmament above

You're the only soul to whom I give

my unconditional love.

Steven Mather

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Love's Fantasy

Were you with me tonight?

I could feel you lying next to me

The warmth of your body

so close,so real.

Can you feel me tonight?

Our passions together

so warm, so intense

that time stands still.

Did you kiss me tonight?

I know I felt your

lips on mine

as we embraced

I could feel

You are with me tonight

Together as one.

You must be real.

I know that

you are with me tonight

Sonji Rush

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At this very moment,

I know you are here with me.

I can feel your presence

as I glance across the room.

Your laughter fills the air,

like a ghost

playfully tugging at my heart.

I can hear your heart

beating softly,

keeping perfect time with mine

as I lay here all by myself,

quietly absorbed in my own thoughts.

Your hands gently caress my face

as you kiss my lips,

sending me off into the night...

Dawn Baker

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Words Can't Describe

We live far apart
And have never met
Just talked on the phone
And chatted on the net.

Yet, I feel for you
As I've not felt
This love is so strong
My heart may melt.

I want to hold you
To never let go
Be together forever
And feel the love grow.

I'm trying to show
The way that I feel
Yet words can't describe
This love is so real.


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The Night

Take my hand,
we only have the night.
Whisper in my ear,
so I may hear your music.
Speak softly,
and share with me,your dreams.
Laugh with me,
so I may feel alive again.
Hold me in your arms,
the sun is coming up.
Cry with me,
these moments never last.
Run with me,
we only have the night...

Dawn Baker

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I've found a world of fantasy
Where fact and fiction weave
Together in a tapestry
What's real and make-believe
'Twas there I met a special friend
Who stole away my heart
What started as a simple game
Now tears my soul apart
Where this may lead, I cannot say
But know these words are true
Each day I count the hours until
I'm once again with you

Jacqueline Bower

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Shortly After Midnight

Shortly after midnight
into your room I go
And stand there gazing down at you
with eyes that love you so
Your head upon the pillow
your arms down at your side
Your lips in a faint smile
then next to you I slide

I kiss your eyelids softly
run fingers through your hair
I feel your breath upon me
do you know I'm there?
I put my arms around you
and hold you, oh so near

I whisper of my love for you
although you cannot hear
I cherish ev'ry moment as
I hold you close, my dear
For time goes by so quickly
and morning's almost near

Tho' you won't know that I've been there
with you throughout the night
My love for you is ever close....
as darkness is to light

Author unknown

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Secret Dreams

I never get to tell you
What I'd really like to say,
How much I long to hold you
Each and every day.
To kiss you and caress you
And leave this world behind,
There isn't any limit
To the pictures in my mind.
You're the fuel of all my fantasies,
The substance of my dreams
In my special world
It's you and me
And nothing in between.
But then when I
Come back to Earth
And face reality
I realize, it's just a dream;
That's all there is for me.

Prnce Ali

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No Return

feeds upon your awakening.
Eager mouths exploring,
breathing life into one another
for the very first time.
Tasting ecstasy that brings me to the verge of tears,
as I shudder within your arms.

Dawn Baker

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Make Love To Me

Make love to me...
I see it in your eyes
so full of hot desire
like a fire
I want to drown in.

Make love to me...
I feel it in your touch
your hands on my skin,
they set me on fire
and only you can quench.

Make love to me...
Your lips so full of love
they kiss the hidden places
of my body, till it aches
with a lust I cannot shake.

Make love to me...
My body and my soul
laid bare for you to mold
reaching heights untold
until I explode.

Make love to me...

Carol Moore

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Life's Intent

When I think of your love
I smile from within my heart.
When I think of being with you
I wish we would never part

Your love is my companion
when days are long and cold.
Your love is my destiny
when our lives grow old

To be your love forever
is my life's intent.
Your love is my endeavour.
For you are heaven sent

Sonji Rush

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If my heart was a beggar, would you toss crumbs of affection?
If my soul was lost, would you give it directions?
If my days were numbered, would you sit and hold my hand?
If my eyes filled with tears, would you try to understand?
If I was standing in the cold, would you offer me your coat?
If my mind had an address, would you drop me a note?
If I held the sunshine, would you let me warm your day?
If I told you I loved you, ...would you run away?

Rebecca Walkins Randle

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Feelings You Evoke In Me

Our hearts are on fire
Wanting each other for so long
You pull me close to your body
Penetrating my soul.

When I sleep I dream of you
Slowly slipping into ecstasy
The strength of you draws me
Pleasing my own perversity.

Only in my vivid imagination
Your dreams lighting my fire
Lovers who are eager to explore
The mysteries of intimate desires.

In the comfort of your arms
I reach out once again
Our naked bodies entwined in passion
Loosing my sanity to pleasures

Dreams are wishes and desires
From the deepest corner of my heart
When I sleep I follow the ecstasy
Forbidden passion clinging to my soul.

My willing body aroused by your fire
Intense desires only you can douse
The night returns and again I encounter love
Even in my dreams I quiver for you...


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Do You Feel As I Do?

Hold my hand; can you feel my heart beating?
Kiss my lips; can you hear me talking to you?
Listen to me speak; can you feel me running through your soul?
When I am not by your side, can you feel my presence?
When you try to concentrate, do you see my face?
When the wind blows, can you hear me quietly singing in your ear?
When you eat, can you taste the sweetness of my lips?
When you awake, am I the reason you go on?
I ask you this, only to let you know that you are never out of my thoughts, and wondering,
If you feel for me as I do for you?

Kristen Mercurio

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All I Want

All I want is you
Deep inside me
With my legs
Wrapped around you.
You're like a fever
In my heart
In my soul
Running through my blood
To the center
Of my core�
And all I want is you

Only you,
To thrill me
To chill me
To make me
To break me
To fill me up and shake me
You're in my mind
In my thoughts
All around me
In my dreams
In my eyes
In my smile�
And all I want is you.

I can smell you,
Your scent�
It stays with me.
I can feel your lips,
Your hands,
Caressing and arousing
Stroking and teasing
Vivid images I can't shake.
And all I want is you.

I'm moist and I'm hot.
My desire like a fever,
In my own private thoughts.
Your taste, your smell, your essence,
Burns through me, around me,
Filling me up,
All I want is you.

Rain Dancer

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Forever and a Day

How can I feel the warmth of your body as I think about you,
night after lonely night?
The sweetness of your kisses...from lips I have never felt?
Why does my body fill up with butterflies
as I wait patiently to hear your voice?
How can I love someone so much, someone I can never have...
with such passion, that my heart skips a beat each time I think of you?
When I close my eyes, you are here...
the love I have for you embedded deeply.
And I think I will keep you here, deep within my heart.
Today...tomorrow...forever...and a day!

Cindy Heavican

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Fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean
The winds of heaven mix forever,
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle:
--Why not I with thine?

See! The mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
--What are all these kissings worth,
if thou kiss not me?

Love's Philosophy by Percy Shelley (1792-1822)

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I Close My Eyes

When I close my eyes, I imagine your presence
The thought of you being near
I can see the love on your face
When I close my eyes, I can feel you sitting next to me
Your smile consumes me; your voice echos in my head
I can hear the loving words you whisper
When I close my eyes, I remember your touch
The tenderness in your hand as you hold mine
The warmth in your arms as you hold me tight
The softness of your lips upon mine
When I close my eyes, I am there with you
So passionate
The love we make is forever etched in my mind
Memories never die
Whenever I am lonely ... I just close my eyes.

Melissa Maxwell

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Is It Love?

Can you tell me what love is?
Can you touch it or smell it?
Is it something real like you or me?
Does it solve our problems like a counselor or a judge?
Have you ever lost someone that you loved?
Have you ever loved someone more than your own life?
Could you live with yourself when he left?
Did it hurt more than you could control?
Have you ever been in love?
Do you know how it feels?
Do you feel every second away from him?
Have you longed for his touch?
Do you live every day wondering what he does or if he is OK?
Will you love him with all of your heart?
Have you ever been in love with someone even though they don't know it?
How will you tell them?
I know! ........... I just did.
I Love You!

Eric Pridgen

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To look into your eyes,
Knowing you are there for me.
To hold you in my arms,
Loving you as I can.

To gently kiss your mouth,
Tongues probing one another.
To lie next to you in unabashed splendor,
Knowing you completely accept me.

To tease you -- stroking your body,
Bringing you warmth, bringing you joy.
To stroke my cheek on your inner thigh,
Quickening your desire.

To kiss you in intimate places,
Hastening your urge to join.
To feel your body yield to me,
Parting softly, accepting me within.

To feel your loins move, your passion rising,
Quivering . . . releasing . . .
Quenching your desire.
Holding and caressing one another,
Feeling loved, feeling nurtured.

Savoring only the time together,
Caring not what tomorrow brings.

Timothy D. Butler

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My Strongest Need

My need for you is strong.
I think of you and my heart races,
My body trembles, and my spirit soars.
I try to fight the craving for you,
But I know the cause is lost.
I must have you again.

I fear that the world will someday know
About my weakness for you.
I know that if I go to you
For one more taste of you,
My guilt will overcome me
And a heavy penance will be paid.

But my resolve weakens and crumbles.
I go to you, I take you and hold you.
The wonderful smell of you fills my senses.
This is insane, why can't I resist you?
I know that any other can have you
If they but pay the price.

But my need for you overwhelms me
And I slowly strip you bare.
My mouth aches for the taste of you.
My tongue gently caresses you
And the flavor of you fills my mouth.
My body relaxes and my eyes close.
The delicious sensation rushes through my body.

Ahhhhhhh, Chocolate.

John A. Wilson

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With You

I want to walk with you
Through the pouring rain
And lie beside you
On a sunny beach
I want to sit with you
Silently under the stars
And run and shout with you
Over a snow-covered field.
I want to chase you
Through the jungle grass
And make love to you
On the desert sand.
I want to hold your hand
As we face the world
And spend the rest of my life
With you.

John A. Wilson

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Could you be the one for me?

Could you be the one for me?
Could you be my find?
Could it be, after all this time,
Fate is going to be kind?

Could you be the one for me,
The one to help me forget
The man that broke my heart, my soul
The man that haunts me yet?

You tell me that I'm beautiful
Something I've never heard
But the one still lives here in my mind
That couldn't spare a kind word

It's going to be hard to forget
And pick up the pieces he left
Could you be the one to teach
How to love again and forget?

Could you be the one to come
And mend my broken heart?
Are you willing to piece together
What another broke apart?

It won't be an easy job, you see
My road has been long and rough
And the heart that was once so soft
Is now shut, locked, and tough

But I can feel my heart open again
It's opening for you
Just come in, and love me back
That's all you have to do

I must ask you one small thing
Before we kiss and part
Please be nice and kind to be
I'm tired of broken hearts

Love Bug

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I Want You To Wear Me Comfortably

I want you to wear me
as you would a dress,
or the silver necklace that you wear
around your neck.
Comfortably, so that I am always
next to you:
but most important--
something you decide
each morning to select.

Robert E. Kogan

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My Fountain Pen

Some seek your flesh,
Another game to win,
While I seek
to touch your thoughts
And love you with
my fountain pen.

Robert E. Kogan

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Your Level Head

When I seek more than I'm able--
When I write more than I've read--
When I act a bit unstable--
You'll keep a level head.

When the world is not worth living
And I fear more than I dread--
When no one cares for giving--
You'll keep a level head.

When I no longer can remember
One word I've ever said--
And my June becomes September--
You'll keep a level head.

When I grow tired and weary--
No one to see me fed--
When my words are trite and dreary--
You'll keep a level head.

But as long as I can love you--
And hold you close instead--
You'll never have a moment
To use your level head.

Robert E. Kogan

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Your Strength

When at last we finally meet
I will not ask, beg, plead or cry;
For you to give me all your love.
You have more strength than I.

And I shall love you for your strength,
And should it falter, love that too--
For both in strength and in weakness
I am consumed in loving you.

And even now when we're apart,
You'll always hear me sigh--
Wishing I had known you when--
You had more strength than I.

Robert E. Kogan

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Within My Mind
(A Villanelle)

Within my mind I've placed you in a shrine
A pedestal, where you have merged with me
When I sleep, it's your eyes that close, not mine.

We are as one, our hearts and soul combine
And thoughts of love are all that I can see--
Within my mind I've placed you in a shrine.

But still, your spirit I shall not confine
A butterfly must soar, must be set free--
When I sleep, it's your eyes that close, not mine.

Within my thoughts--I see you as divine
I seek no other source for company.
Within my mind, I've placed you in a shrine.

You are the dawning ray of days sunshine,
And at days end, your starlight comforts me.
When I sleep, it's your eyes that close, not mine.

It is your hand, not mine that touches me--
It is your lips, not mine that are lonely.
Within my mind I've placed you in a shrine.
When I sleep, it's your eyes that close, not mine.

Robert E. Kogan

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We Never Had A Chance

There never was a time
When I could hold you-- call you mine.
And all that I can ever do
Is dream these thought I have of you.
Recreate a different past
Where our love would always last.
I never even had a chance
To ask you for the final dance--
Play foolish games and pantomime
Or read to you my latest rhyme.
No memories of joy or bliss,
Or eyes that closed on our first kiss.
We never walked on beach or sand,
Or gently held each others hand.
We never had a favorite song,
To comfort us the whole night long.
We never made a perfect team,
We never shared a lovers dream.
For there never was a time
When I could hold you-- call you mine.

Robert E. Kogan

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Come Morning

With morning sun to greet my eye,
And Spring arrives to dry the dew,
I waken to another day
While thoughts remain of you.

Another day to wash away
The dreams I dreamed last night,
But I still feel your gentle kiss,
Within the morning light.

I'll keep it locked within my heart--
That's where your kisses stay,
And treasure it as I go forth--
To start another day.

Robert E. Kogan

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Another Morning

If I cannot stop the sun from rising,
The morning sky both red and blue--
If I can't prevent each morning coming
How can I prevent my wanting you?
I can't control the noon day sunshine
Its warmth taking away the dew,
If I can't prevent the earth from turning,
How can I prevent my wanting you?
If I can't control the night time coming,
The stars and moon for me to view,
While loving you the whole day through--
How can I prevent my wanting you?

Robert E. Kogan

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Come live with me

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.

And we will sit upon rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant poises,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The shepherd's swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

Christopher Marlowe 1599

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He calls to me

He calls to me across the miles
Night winds carry his whispers
They float on the breeze and through my windows
Falling gently upon my ears
- Hush -
I hear him now.

He calls to me from the heavens
Glittering stars cannot compare to the sparkle of his eyes
When he looks at me, I am consumed by the fire
I see him now.

He calls to me through my dreams
Dancing together in the shadows of my sleep
Where we laugh and love once again
I am in his arms
I feel him now.

He calls to me
Every moment of every day
Distance couldn't keep us apart
When destiny drew us together
I'll hold him for eternity
As long as he keeps calling.

Tara Simms

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Night Images

I'm sitting here in the dark alone,
with images of you in my mind..
Your warmth and kindness,
the gentle way you talk to me..
I wonder where you are and what you are doing
when you are not with me..
Are you thinking of me,
are you wondering the same..
I don't know why you're in my heart,
for we are virtual strangers..
But for some reason I can't go thru
a day without talking to you..
Pretending that I'm touching your
face with my hand..
Whispering soft whispers in your ear..
I know our lives will never cross the same path..
But.. just know this..
As I'm sitting here in the dark..
the images of the night..
are of you..

Luv2wav @ AOL.COM

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Teach me about your kind of love

Teach me about your kind of love.
Teach me about the sweetness
of your spirit.

Walk me through an unknown world
of infinite delights.

Touch me gently with your hands.
Let your fingers caress my senses
and slide down my skin
from the root of my hair to
the end of my toes.

Teach me about your patience.

Let your tongue become my sweet
companion and my patient teacher.
Your tongue will keep our secrets.

Your fingers will discover once more
the hidden pleasures that my body,
too tired and too unaware have
forgotten lately.

Teach me that you too are -at once-
teacher and apprentice.

Teach me how to reach the heavens!

Ana Brown Hern 1994

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When we two parted

When we two parted In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted To sever the years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder, thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.
The dew of the morning
Sunk, chill on my brow,
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame;
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame.
They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me...
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well..
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.
In secret we met
In silence I grieve
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

Lord Byron (1788-1824)

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Give and take

Taking is making our ego waking,
Enslaving us both from the start.
Demanding a love we both never felt,
Possessing, not loving your heart.
Love is giving, never taking
Sharing my soul and my heart.
Love is receiving, never demanding
The love you returned from the start.

Robert E. Kogan

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To Shaun

How many months now
One, two, three
Since you last laid
Your eyes on me?

I can see through all
The pain in your eyes
You think you've hidden well
But I know that disguise

Our door has been closed now
I know it is for real,
But that does not condone
The way that I feel.

The pain, it continues
Right here, deep inside.
I tell not one soul
As I still have my pride.

Although its been bruised
And battered and torn
My dreams have been shattered
My dignity worn.

My dreams will be with me
For eternity
My one consolation
Not all will see

For I am an actress
And one of the best
They'll think that my passion
Has not been suppressed.

That candle you lit
Will it ever go out?
They all say in time
But I have a small doubt

I can't help but thinking
Of all that could be
But you know that I live life
Like a fantasy

What hurts me most
Is knowing you care.
You don't have to tell me
I know you'll be there

But never in person,
Just spirit and soul,
What's just out of reach
Is always one's goal.!


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A place

There is a place within my heart

Where memories of you lie.

A place I visit from time to time;

A place that shall never die.

A place that no one knows about

Except for a very few.

A place that I have set aside

Especially for you.

I go to this place whenever I feel

Lonely when we're apart.

I go to this place whenever I need

You to touch my heart.

You shall always be in this place;

No one could fill your shoes.

No one else could take your place,

For I give my heart to you.

Ron Townsend
Cleveland, Tennessee USA

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His paradise

Bring me to his paradise
a feeling of within,
naked to his loving eyes
caressing me with sin
I long to feel his softest kiss
upon my dampened skin

Bring me to his paradise,
and let our bodies meet
the trickle of the rain outside
would shower us with heat,
I wish to be his fantasy
and make our love complete.

Amanda D Besserer

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How Do I Love Thee?

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,--I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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I Love You!

You're kissable and cuddly;
You're lovable and sweet;
You thrill me every minute,
And sweep me off my feet.

You're charming and disarming,
Desirable and true.
You inspire and impress me,
And that's why I love you!

Ara John Movsesian

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I believe in miracles

I believe in miracles and dreams that will come true~~

I believe in friendships and tender moments through and through.

I believe in stardust and moonbeams all aglow~~

I believe there's magic and more there that we know.

I believe in reaching out and touching from the heart~~

I believe that if we touch, a gift we can impart.

I believe that if you cry your tears are not in vain~~

And when you are sad and lonely, others know your pain.

I believe that when we laugh a sparkle starts to shine~~

And I just know that spark will spread from more hearts than just mine.

I believe that hidden in the quiet of the night~~

there's magic moths and gypsies a fairy and a sprite.

I believe that if you dance the dances of your heart~~

that greater happiness will find a brand new way to start.

I believe the gifts you have are there for you to share~~

And when you give them from the heart, the whole world knows your care.

I believe that if you give, even just to one~~

that gift will grow in magnitude before the day is done.

I believe that comfort comes from giving part of me~~

And if I share with others, there's more for all to see.

I believe that love is still the greatest gift of all~~

and when it's given from the heart then not one of us will fall.

Author Unknown

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I want

I want someone who's honest
I want a love that's true
I cannot help but wonder
If that someone could be you

I want someone to want me
One who'll never wish to part
I want someone to need me
And the love that's in my heart

I want someone to dream with
Someone I can hold
One who's not afraid to cry
And has a heart of gold

Someone who will sacrifice
Who wants to really live
One who craves a loving heart
And has the same to give

I want someone to show me
A love that's pure and true
I want someone to love me
As much as I love you

William Thomas Kinsey

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If thou must love me

If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
'I love her for her smile--her look--her way
Of speaking gently,--for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of pleasant ease on such a day'--
For these things in themselves, Beloved, may
Be changed, or change for thee,--and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheeks dry,--
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby !
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou mayst love on, through love's eternity.

Elizabeth Barratt Browning
Sonnets from the Portuguese, XIV

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I don't know where I'm going.
Don't remember where I've been.
But I've got a funny feeling,
I'm headed there again.
I think back to when it started,
To the moment when I fell.
When I thought I was in heaven,
And I found myself in hell.
I never do the thinking,
Till after I have lost,
The will to live my life alone,
No matter what the cost.
So this time I'll be careful,
This time I'll be smart.
I'll watch the signs,
And read the minds,
Before the loving starts.
And when I meet a lady,
That takes my breath away,
Who makes me leave the hurt behind,
And love another day.
I'll tell her she will have to wait,
For me to come around.
And have a little patience,
Till I get to solid ground.

Don't count on it.

Ed Walter

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Night Song

Sweep me up,and away

to where the stars are painted

against the sky.

Take my worries of the day,

and replace them with sweet dreams

of freedom,

of places where all is well,

and reality is what I wish it to be.

Free my soul,

and ease my mind...

Let me drink from your rivers of song

for my lips are parched,

and your mesmeric lullaby is all

I need to quench my thirst.

Dawn Baker

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My Miracle

Some people will spend their entire lives
Searching for that one person
That compliments them perfectly.
And never find them.
Some people spend all of their time
So wrapped up in relationships with the wrong people
That when they meet that one person
They don�t even realize it.
Some people don�t meet their soul mates
Until they are well into their last years.
With all of the millions of people on this earth
The chances you have of meeting that person
That one person that makes you whole,
Are so incredibly slim.
And to meet that person, right when you need them most,
Is nothing short of a miracle.
I believe that I have found my miracle.
And nothing makes me happier
Than being wrapped up in his arms.
To lay next to him, and look him in the eye.
Search deep into his soul,
And know that I am the only one for him.
It makes me wish I could spend the rest of my life there.
Feeling his heart beat in time with mine.


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One Way Love

A one way love can never thrive;
It needs reciprocation.
And so in order to survive
My love needs affirmation.

So throw your caution to the sky,
And let your heart command.
You'll find that it will not deny
A love which must expand.

Come now, to me, with open arms
And sweep me off my feet;
And then display for me your charms,
To make my love complete.

My one way love will terminate
Without your inspiration.
So, therefore, please reciprocate
With no more hesitation.

Ara John Movsesian

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Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

William Shakespeare
Sonnet CXVI

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Loneliness is the greatest pain that one can ever feel
Some say it is imagined, yet, others know it's real

Loneliness is the greatest pain the heart can ever bear
When there is none to love you, when there is none to care

Loneliness is the greatest pain, when one is not needed
When you call out for companionship...and your calls are unheeded

Loneliness is the greatest pain... I can tell you it is true
Loneliness is when you love someone... and they don't love you.


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Passion's Flames

A touch, soft and tender.
A whisper, full of desire
A gasp of sweet surrender
As passion fuels the fire

No words spoken between them
No promises to be kept
No lies being told tonight
No looking back - no regrets

Longing to hold each other
Such precious little time
Both vowed to another
Being lonely their only crime

Tomorrow bringing sorrow
A brief moment of shame
With the memory of this one night
A release from passion's flames

Jeffrey Carter

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Ready For Love

Take my hand and lead the way;
tell me all you want to say.
Whisper softly in my ear,
all those things I want to hear.
Kiss my lips and touch my skin;
bring out passions deep within.
Pull me close and hold me near;
take away my pain and fear.
In the darkness of the night,
be my beacon, shine your light.
In the brightness of the sun,
show me that you are the one.
Give me wings so I can fly;
for I can soar when you're nearby.
Enter my heart, break down the wall,
it's time for me to watch it fall.
I've been a prisoner, can't you see?
Break my chains and set me free.
Strip me of my armor tight;
you'll find I won't put up a fight.
Release my soul held deep within . . .
I'm ready now, let love begin.


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Shall I Compare Thee

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
Thou are more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

William Shakespeare
Sonnet XVIII

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In the end

Remember the laughter
till the end of time,
Long after the kiss of a fragrant rose,
as we watch the final sunset
disappear into the night.

Hold on to these thoughts,
your heart will always be mine...
Long after the stars burn out,
and the moon no longer shines
lighting the way through darkness.

Keep safe the memories,
for these are the ties that bind,
long after the moments of rapture are gone.
Hold on to my love,
for echoes of the heart
never disappear.....

Dawn Baker

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To Put It Simply, I Want You

I want to be your companion
and walk hand in hand,
your strength enveloping mine.
Autumn leaves falling,
scuffing feet and laughter,
sharing nights, not finished by the dark.

I want to be your confidant
as you pen your deepest
thoughts, as your heartaches
bleed and finally break free.
Your dreams, I keep as if my own.
I want to smile as you smile
and giggle with you
at nothing at all.

I want to be your lover
and find the passions
that move you to action.
I want to be the softness
that induces you to trust.
I want to be the naughty
that makes you come back for more.
I want to please you.

I want to share your breakfast
and your dinner,
I want you in the shower
and in your bed and
with soft steps to bring you coffee
(I take mine black)
Your strong arms, the legs
that power your thrust,
your lips of pleasure,
these are the fuel of my desire

no it is no secret, my love,
and to put it very simply,
I want you.


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In secret we meet

In silence I wait

Longing for your love

We've opened the gate.

Confessions in a kiss

Expression in a glance

A touch so craved

My mind in a trance.

A dream of a touch

So fresh and so new

I wish to be closer

Closer to your.

Happy together

Scared when away

Always together

One sweet day.

Walter King

Chatham, Ontario, CANADA

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I want to be

I want . . . to be the breeze that gently touches your face
the kiss that lingers on your lips but, never leaves a trace
to be the sound of your heartbeat strong as the tide
like the treasures of the deep of what is hidden inside
to be the one in your dreams when the darkness falls,
the first name on your lips when the sunrise calls
to be the passion so hot like the flame of a fire
the one that you crave the one that you desire

Christine Mc Climans

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Symphony of love

I will play the melody if you will harmonise
our emotions be the orchestra, ecstasy the prize.
Slowly, softly, starts this piece, my fingers caress the keys,
in this, a solo opening that whispers like a breeze.
For several bars the music flows, you start to harmonise.
Relaxed, inspired, a tune is born, a duet realised.
Orchestral backing enters now, the tempo is increased,
from slow to just a medium pace, it seems will never cease.
The speed increases even more, the volume rises too.
The orchestra's ecstatic now, a crescendo to our tune.
Every note is clear and pure, every tone is true,
movement in perfect harmony, is felt in me and you.
Gently now, our tune slows down with the beauty of a dove,
for together we just composed, our symphony....of love.

That's from me to you. XXXXXX


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Sonnet 41

I, being born a woman and distressed
By all the needs and notions of my kind
Am urged by your propinquity to find
Your person fair, and feel a certain zest
To bear your body�s weight upon my breast;
So subtly is the fume of life designed
To clarify the pulse and cloud the mind
And leave me once again undone, possessed.
Think not for this, however, the poor treason
Of my stout blood against my staggering brain,
I shall remember you with love, or seasonm
My scorn with pity -let me make it plain.
I find this frenzy insufficient reason
For conversation when we meet again.

Edna St Vincent Millay.

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A Distant Love

Apart by distance, but never in heart
Although not together, we're never apart
There is something written about our love
In the sun, the moon, and the stars above
Destined to be, thats what we are
Distance can never be too far
Hearts together, bound as one
Souls united, a lifetime begun
My heart, my mind, my body, my soul
My hopes, my dreams, you have control
My love for you will always stay
Always, forever, plus a day!!!

by SonaDora

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Amaro Lagrimar - Carnal Knowledge

Di lagrime e di foco nutrir l'alma: 
Con secca speme rinverdir la voglia: 
Legar di nuovo il cor, quando discioglia 
Segno maggior la vista altiera ed alma, 
M'insegna Amor: e agevolar la salma 
Mentre pi� alto il bel pensier m'invoglia: 
E nel dolce cader seemar la doglia, 
Perch' abbia altrui del mio lanuir la palma. 
Soave cibo mi � pianto e l'ardore, 
Le perdute speranze ungiusto freno, 
Che indietro volge gia corso desire: 
Il tormento m'apporta largo onore: 
Che per virtu del bel lune screno 
Di pari alla merce piace il martire. 

Love teaches me to feed on flames and tears; to turn withered hope green through desire; to re-enslave my heart each time Love frees his noble face from that heavy disdain; Love also teaches me to bear his weight when I dream he's there alluring, touching me, and in the sweet encounter the pain's gone and my beloved enjoys my languors; Sweet are these tears, delicious this passion. How is this--that I have lost all hope saves me--in the back of my mind the sense I can renounce the desire coursing through my body--that people honor torment when you smile serenely. Thus Love teaches me ...

Vittoria Colonna

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I wish I were your lover


I wish I could hold you
kiss you
trace my fingers around your lips.

I wish I could walk along the beach
hand in hand
watching the sunset over the

I wish we could sit face to face
and just talk for hours

I wish one wish most of all

Damn ...
Wish I was your lover
I'd rock you till the daylight comes
Make sure you are smiling and warm 


Written by : Luv2wav @ �1998

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My heart I left with you

The light inside my soul,
Is dimming every day,
I wake up empty hearted,
Because I'm so far away.

You ignite my inspiration,
And make my soul burn true,
Firing my imagination,
with all my thoughts of you.

One day I hope you'll see,
That you are all I need,
And I hope you miss me too,
Because my heart I left with you.

by Sprite

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A Rose

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose a dove. 
But I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips. 

John Boyle-O'Reilly.

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Love came too late

You gave me love when I wanted it the most.
But what I have done to you, I can't even boast.
I can only love you now from afar.
I've locked myself behind these bars.
Bars of love for another that I don't know is even true.
Why does love have to make you feel so blue?
Please forgive me for this heartbreak.
Our love is a love that came too late.

Mississippi Mama, (U.S.A.)

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Feel me

Feel me
Feel my hand clasp your's
Feel me
Feel my breath upon your cheek
Feel me
Feel my lips on your lips
Feel me
Feel our tongues make love

Feel me
Feel my fingers on your skin
Feel me
Feel my breasts against your chest
Feel me
Feel my hands slide down your body
Feel me
Feel my lips caress your sex

Feel me
Feel my hand cup you
Feel me
Feel my mouth as it squeezes and sucks 
Feel me
Feel the pressure build
Feel me
Fill me

Amarylis (c) (2001)

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I love you

I Love You
For the light you brought into my life...
I love you.
For the respect you show me...
I love you.
For the smile you put on my face...
I love you.
For being my rock when I am weak...
I love you.
For the fun you brought back into me...
I love you.
For helping me trust again...
I love you.
For holding me close when I am scared...
I love you.
For reminding me how very special I am to you...
I love you.
For letting me know everyday that you love me...
I love you!!

Kendra Fawcett

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Make Love to me

Take me in your arms
Kiss me long and deep
Feel my passion rise

Make love to me.

Remove my clothes
Caress my soft skin
With your fingertips

Feel the softness
Of my tender breasts
Beneath your hands

Touch them stroke them
Squeeze them knead them
Cover them with kisses

Close your lips around the nipples
Feel their hardness
With your tongue

Make love to me.

Lower your head 
Between my legs
To my sweet honey pot

Press your warm lips 
To my hot wet ones
Kiss them hungrily

Taste my rosebud
Kiss it lick it
Suck it bite it

Delve into me
With your hot tongue
Devour me

Taste my essence
As I scream your name
In orgasm

Make love to me.

Norma Jeanne

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Meeting of hearts

How do hearts really meet?
Do they meet face to face?
In response to a voice or smile?
No, they meet with words
Laughs, joy and respect.
Do they have to be in the same room?
Do they have to be in the same town?
No, they have to be in the same space
The same wave length, the same thought.
The same heart waves reaching out.
Meeting in a room or in cyberspace
Hearts recognize a soul mate
Someone who will be an important friend.
Hearts know with total assurance
Who the other person really is.
When the time is right and the person
Comes along with the same thought
The same idea, the same dream of love,
The meeting of the hearts will happen
As the fates have ordained they should.
Sometimes soul mates never meet in person
Sometimes, luckily, they do and then
They really know that they were meant to meet
And have a chance to see if the love that started
Will have a chance to live and thrive and grow.

Beverley Anderson, (Canada)

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I need you

I want you as my friend
To cherish forever and a day
I never meant to hurt you
I know one day I'll pay
You know my whims and ways
all my ups and downs
You know how to make me smile
how to get rid of the frowns
I never want to lose you
I need you as my friend
You are very special to me
Please don't let this come to an end
I know you love me deeply
I wish mine was as true
Please say you'll always be there
cos my friend, I'll always need you. 

Mississippi mama, (U.S.A.)

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Secret Lovers

Across the dark alley I run
Straight into your arms
Embracing in tender serenity
You sway me with your charms.
The streetlights dance with us
Eyes spy while we kiss
Holding on to each other
In our secret moment of bliss.
The time goes by so quickly
Soon we say goodbye
Hurrying off to everyday life
Once more to live a lie.

Nicole Rahaman, (Trinidad)

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The Connection

Have you known when I am with you
Can you sense my presence there
Do my thoughts drift in your window
Just to whisper how I care.

Have you woken from a bad dream
Tears streaming down your face
Then felt an arm around you..
From a very distant place

Do you know that as you're gazing
At the moon and stars above
The twinkles in the darkest night
Are bringing you my love

We've felt that strong connection
That bond right from the start
Our thoughts..our much in tune
Though lives lived worlds apart

I'll always be here for you
No matter what ~~~you know
We've come so far together
And my heart cannot let go

Life's journey holds no promise..
The path is often cold
But as you go along your way..
You'll have my hand to hold

Ebbtide, (Maryland, USA.)

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My Destiny

In my heart
In my soul
In my mind
You are my destiny.
You have made me complete
You make me laugh
You make me smile
You are my destiny.
My heart aches, when yours aches
I cry, when you cry
I�m happy, when you�re happy
You are my destiny.
We have become one
In everything we do
My life is yours for keeps
You are my destiny.
My heart is yours
My soul is yours
My mind is yours
You are my destiny.

Virginia Jones, (Canada)

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Wanting you in the moonlight
  Feeling you in my soul  
Touching you close to your heart  
Tasting you with my tongue  
Taking you to heaven in ways you never knew  
Kissing you in the rain 
 Making love to you underneath the stars  
Needing you for the rest of my life  
Loving you for an eternity and beyond 

By Margaret Marr

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Your eyes

They speak... 
They speak of your thoughts... 
Your inner-self... 
Your innocence... 
Your deepest feelings... 
So interesting... 
So mysterious... 
Never can tell... 
what you are thinking... 
They tell the truth... 
There's no lying... 
They're so special... 
But... on top of it all... 
...for having such a gorgeous pair of talking eyes


author unknown

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Love Song

I love you from the moment I wake up
I love you when I'm worn out and shagged
From the morning face, pretty in make up
To the nightime face tired and hagged 

I love you when I�m sexy and horny
And I wiggle my bum in your face
And you giggle and laugh as you warn me
That a spanking�s still not out of place

I love you when I feel others hate me
Or I come home in some kind of bother
And you take me aside, sit me down and placate me
Like I really do still need a mother

I love you even when I am pissed off
And I�m bitter and childish and cutting
Like I don�t know when enough is enough
And my big mouth just really needs shutting

I love you with all of my heart, and the rest,
Like my kidneys, my liver, my spleen,
From my ear lobes to toenails, but especially the best
Of the tastier bits in between.

melis mardell

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Love Song-Translated by Stephen Mitchell

How can I keep my soul in me, so that it doesn't touch your soul?
How can I raise it high enough, past you, to other things?
I would like to shelter it, among remote lost objects,
in some dark and silent place that doesn't resonate
when your depths resound.

Yet everything that touches us, me and you,
takes us together like a violin's bow,
which draws one voice out of two separate strings.
Upon what instrument are we two spanned?
And what musician holds us in his hand?

Oh sweetest song.

Ranier Marie Rilke

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Memories of you

days go by as

I live my life

thinking about nothing

then suddenly, like a bubble

rising to the surface of a pond

your face comes to mind

I wonder how you are

where you are

what�s going on in your life

and, maybe

do you ever think of me

once upon a time

you were my life

my muse, my inspiration

my heart and

what became of us

why did it end and

why did I just think of you

there must have been something there

once upon a time

for me to think of you now

Ron Kinard � 2002

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Too late

I offered you honeyed words, sweet dripping 
sentences of love and tenderness.
You listened in silence,
absorbing like blotting paper,
or the miasmic swamp that takes all
and returns nothing.

I gave you caresses that were shrugged aside
carelessly ignored.
Until the pain of rejection became the norm
and we passed like strangers.
Acknowledging the presence of a
slight acquaintance 

Now you ask for reassurance and hope
now when it suits you.
Did you not learn that love needs nourishing.
Neglected it shrivels
like a plant starved of sunlight
in a darkened room.

Amarylis (c) 2003

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She wants it

she wants it &
she wants it now
she wants it &
she'll tell you how

she wants it in 
the afternoon
she wants it slow
& quick and soon

she wants it soft
she wants it rough
she wants it
til she's had enough

she wants it loud
& silenced too
but more than that 
she must have you


Author unknown

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Take me as I am

I want to love you
the best I can,
I want to give you

all that I have...
I want to give you

everything you need,

I want to give you

a part of me...

I want to be the one
that kisses the worries away,

I want to be the one

that says everything will be ok...

I want to be the one
to always be there, in everyway,
I want to be the one

you think of from day to day...

I want to be your
most precious gift in life,
I want to be the one
that sleeps next to you at night...

I want to be your encourager
and help you through,

I want to be

your dream come true...

I want to be the one
that lifts up your soul,

I want to be the one

that gives it my all...
I want to be your lover

I want to be your friend,
so take me now

for who I am...

Kimberley Flagler, (U.S.A.)

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Unfortunate coincidence

By the time he swears you�re his
Shivering and sighing
And he vows his passion is
Infinite, undying
Lady, make a note of this,
One of you is lying.

Dorothy Parker.

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Variations on the Word "Sleep"

I would like to watch you sleeping,
which may not happen.
I would like to watch you,
sleeping. I would like to sleep
with you, to enter
your sleep as its smooth dark wave
slides over my head

and walk with you through that lucent
wavering forest of bluegreen leaves
with its watery sun & three moons
towards the cave where you must descend,
towards your worst fear

I would like to give you the silver
branch, the small white flower, the one
word that will protect you
from the grief at the center
of your dream, from the grief
at the center. I would like to follow
you up the long stairway
again & become
the boat that would row you back
carefully, a flame
in two cupped hands
to where your body lies
beside me, and you enter
it as easily as breathing in

I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment 
only.I would like to be that unnoticed
& that necessary.

Margaret Atwood

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