


This book was inspired by Marie, a wonderful and inspiring woman who refuses to let a severe chronic illness stop her dreams. If Marie could she would ease the pains of the world with fresh, warm pans of brownies. With this book Marie's Brownie Hugs are being given to the world. C-FIDSers, Inc. is the recipient of all profits raised from the sales of the hard copy version of this book.


The Recipes

Sinfully Chocolate - rich and unrepentant

Quick as a Mix - start with a brownie or cake mix

Light as a Feather - low fat and low sugar goodies

Blond and Beautiful - an assortment of taste treats

Whole Grain Wholesome - full bodied richness

Squares and Cookies- almost Brownies that are just too good to leave out


Wit and Wisdom


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� Phyllis Griffiths, 2001

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