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 Para efectuar esta animación necesitarás dos imágenes centradas, al igual que sean transparentes [Sí así lo deseas] Como Because the twist in this tag requires that you centre your name and tube exactly central, the way I do it may be slightly longer but essentially it takes all that centring out so making it easier <G> easy I like! so: 



 1 open up your transparent image, I am using 300 x 200 (remember the larger your image the longer loading time this tag will take)

 2 Choose your tube and size to fit your image, (dont forget if you resize goto effects-sharpen-sharpen

 3. copy and paste your tube as a new layer into your transparent image, it is now perfectly centred and we can minimise it for now

4. Open up new image same size as for your tube(in this case 300 x 200) and choose your text tool type in your name in font and colours of your choice I used Rockwell condensed, vector and anitalias checked and pulled out my text, then inner bevel, again your choice.

5. Open up another image, and again copy and paste your text as a new layer into your new image, again perfectly centred you can get rid of the other text image we dont need it now.

6 bring up your tube image and on both your images goto layers-merge-merge visible.

7. Save both these images where you can find them easily and name them image1.psp & image2.psp.

8, open up Animation shop and goto File-animation wizard at the following settings: 

9. click on add image, locate your saved images and add them:

10. click next and finish. Now click on your first frame and then right click and choose insert image transition-twist settings as:

and make sure your tube twists into your text, click ok.

11.Now go back to your very first frame then click on it and then right click then choose copy, goto your last frame click on it, right click and 
Paste-after current frame;

12. Go to your last but one frame, (should be your tube) and click-right click on it-insert image transition and twist again, ok.

13. View your animation, if there are no jumps in your animation, well done you got it right first go, (I practised this so often and kept inserting the last image transition in the wrong place.) 
Thats it you are done apart from saving. (save as a Gif) 

I resized my animation by 75% here it is:(2002 Neme5is) 


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