Web Bibliography
"How to Be Organized" Wikihow.com Being orderly is very important. Disorganization is congesting your life and you feel so helpless, like most people including myself and you're feeling scattered and frustrated as a result, then it's time to get organized. Stop putting things off and start picking things up. http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Organized
"Top 5 tips for note taking  jerz.setonhill.edu Go to class prepared, Improve your listening skills. Pay close attention to content; develop a note taking method that works for you... Review and edit your notes. These steps are very important and can help be a better student.http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/notes-tips.htm
"Being a good motherwikihow.com is being patient and understanding loves your kids unconditional. Be a supportive parent just try to be the best parent you can be. http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Mother
Being a great cook lenz.unl.edu is very important this website will help you learn the basic steps to being a great cook especially when you have a family.http://lenz.unl.edu/wordpress/
Have you ever wonder how to do your hair? wikihow.com/Do-Your-Hair-for-School for school class work or just for fun.http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Your-Hair-for-School
Have lived in a cluttered house interiordec.about.com that is boring and the colors look awful well here is some help you will need to decorate your house http://interiordec.about.com
This site can help you build your own make-a-web-site.comand help create a profile and establish your own webpage .So you don't have to wonder any more start your own sitehttp://www.make-a-web-site.com
Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Start your own business .com Have you ever got tired of working for other people. Have you ever want to be your own boss? This site will get you own the right tract to starting your own business http://www.wikihow.com/Start-Your-Own-Business
Are you in college associatedcontent.com and you want to get the best out of the experience and be successful in achieving your degree this site will show you how to be a successful college student.http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/379623/ten_steps_to_becoming_a_successful.html
Have you u ever wonder where e is your money going? Ourfamilyplace.com or How come I am always broke? Why is there never enough money to buy things I really need. Then this site is very important. http://www.ourfamilyplace.com/homebuyer/moneytips.html
"Can you afford school? Bookrags.com That the questions Americans ask themselves .This site would be perfect for people that need a scholarship for there education. http://www.bookrags.com/articles/42.html
"Nurse are needed all across the country.Discovernursing.com There is such a nurse shortage. Have you ever thought about changing you career to becoming a registered nurse? This site shows you the steps to become and RN.http://www.discovernursing.com/
"Are you good in math? Math.com Or do you need some help. If youre looking for a site that can help you with your math skills this is the perfect site for you.http://www.math.com
"Do you live in your own house?Michaelbluejay.com Or do you live in an apartment .Buying your house give you u a since of responsibility ownership and pride this sit is going to get you on the right path to buying your home.http://michaelbluejay.com/house
"Are you spending too much at the grocery store?Grocerycouponguide.com Do you want to save your money on groceries and on clothes this site shows you how to save money by coupons.http://www.grocerycouponguide.com/articles/where-to-find-coupons
"Have you ever wonder how to be organized"? Wikihow.com/Be-Organize are the perfect website to get thing straight for you. This website will give you helpful tips that will prepare you to get organize. So you can be on the right path to being clutter free. www.wikio.combe organize
"I often find my self in class wondering how I can be an effective note taker. Wikihow.com/Take-Better-Notest his site tells you to be organize, prepare and be a brainstormed. So you'll be pass test and excelling like everyone else with great note taking skills. http://www.wikihow.com /Take-Better-Notes
"Do ever wonder if you can eat healthy on a budget"? wikihow.com/Eat-Healthy-on-a-Budget is the site where you find out all the information you need .This tell you where you find foods cheap and delicious So if you want to be healthy and lose 5 extra pounds this site is the one for you http://www.wikihow.com
"Do you often find yourself in the grocery store wondering what are you going to cook"? Also think I only have 20 dollars? This website wikihow.com /Be-a-Great-Cook-on-a-Very-Low-Budget this website is your answer. It give you tips on how and when to go to the market how to find coupons and how to budget. http://www.wikihow.com /Be-a-Great-Cook-on-a-Very-Low-Budget
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