Scenes from a Revelation, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic
by Amanda Rex

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Rating: NC-17
Timeframe: Starting mid-Once More With Feeling, continuing through Wrecked and beyond
Spoilers: Up to and including Wrecked
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own it all. No trademark infringement is intended.
Thanks: I'd like to thank my friend J, who came over to watch football with my husband and didn't notice I was sitting in the same room with them, writing this. Also, as always, thank you to willa for the speedy beta.

This story is told from two different perspectives, first from Buffy's perspective, and then from Spike's. They are both stand-alone stories, but you'll only get the full picture by reading both of them.

Buffy POV: ...and then I'll be done

Spike POV: The Beast

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