Name: Jamie Shield Rank: Ensign Race: Human (Extra-Dimensional) Gender: Male Hair: Silver, worn long, with a braid down the middle Eyes: *CLEAR* Blue Skin: Pale, silver highlights Height: 5' 11.5" Weight: 180 Other talents: Capability to absorb and disperse quantities of energy, while changing its inherent nature (Channeling); telepathic communication with his twin brother across dimensional fabric; extremely dense mental shields Place of Birth: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Earth-Beta3 Age: 21 (Physical) Birth Date: 11:59:59, December 31, 1977 (Other dimension) Mother: Alicia Shield Father: Jake Shield Siblings: Jared Shield (Twin), born 12:00:01, January 1, 1978 Languages: English, French, some Japanese Education: Graduated 25th in his class, majored in sciences, minored in medicine. Quirks: Always writes his logs in third person, text-only. Annoyances: Insulting people in Japanese Ambitions: To find a way to return to his home dimension Psychological profile: Generally well-mannered, hard to get angry, but has a fiery temper, and will lash out physically at anyone who truly gets on his nerves. Jamie Shield was transported, by accident, to this dimension, known in his as Beta2, from his home world in dimension Beta3, seven years ago, at age 14. Apparently, his dimension is out of sync with this one by several hundred years. Upon arriving here, Jamie decided to learn about this dimension as much as possible, as he "might be staying for a very long time." It is not currently known whether or not he will find a way to return home. Jamie will often make use of his unique ability to transform energy to give people small shocks, as a practical joke, and will also use it to do such things as chill a glass of water perfectly, or heat food as he prepares it, which he enjoys doing. The thing he misses most about home is the chance to cook every night. His ability to channel energy, however, is not very strong, and is not easy to use as a weapon, though he can safely absorb phaser fire, even on kill. He can not absorb disrupter fire. Though very strong, Jamie is not a full telepath, due to the fact that he has very dense natural shielding, an anomaly previously unknown in this dimension. Due to the shields, Jamie's mind cannot be read by telepaths such as Betazoids. The only reason that Jamie can contact his brother at all is because his brother, a full telepath, has a mental resonance that is exactly the same as that of Jamie's shields, due to the fact that they are twins. Jared is in actuality very weak as telepaths go. Note: for those of you who don't know, Qui d'autre?=Who else?