>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< USS ZAHAL Roster >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< USS ZAHAL, NCC-72601 COCOON FLEET Last update: SD 10.0719 Ammendments: see entries marked with an * *Required: CEO Crew Roster LtCmdr Batya Bitzalel CO F. Human act/perm Lt.Cmdr Kalen 7 FO/Ops M. Borg (Bijani) act/perm *Ens. Pol Canon CNS/a2O M. Betazoid act/perm Ens. T'orn CSO M. Klingon act/perm Ens. Jamie Shield CSciO M. Human# act/perm Ens. Wolf FCO M. Klingon act/perm Ens. Kim Tarruse CMO M. Human/Bajoran act/perm *Ens Fox CEO F. Human NPC This order attempts to reflect the chain of command, I think *Comdr Yaardack Stanfelth FXO M. ??? act/perm Comdr Starian SC M Human act/perm (Note: neither of these 2 Commodores are on the station itself, Stanfelth and Starian are on SB Omega) NOTES: M. = Male F. = Female # = Jamie is a human from another dimension ================================================ Character and Players: Bitzalel Gretchen A. ghaas@cyberdrive.net Shapiro (Aly) alyza@juno.com Kalen 7 Aaron Mithcam smiles18@eaznet.com T'Orn Tim Phillips dyona@erols.com Shield James Healy sol_royalty@usa.net Wolf Zeljko Segin fsegin@os.tel.hr Kim Pete Lovatt death@spam.u-net.com Canon Paul Cannon shazam@toddalan.com Mail-to-News Gateway: mail2news-YYYYMMDD-alt.holoworld.rpg+alt.holoworld.rpg@anon.lcs.mit.edu Replace the 'YYYYMMDD' with the date you post on...eg, today would be: 19980719 Ship's GM None Fleet CO Adml Bagamibatoo Admiral@holoworld.net Fleet XO Phil Long FXO@holoworld.net Condor SC Cmodr Starian viper@holoworld.net ZAHAL Maillist zahal@holoworld.net *The homepage of the USS ZAHAL is: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/1040/zahal.htm Where we're all hailing from: Gretchen Shapiro (Aly) Cleveland, Ohio, USA Aaron Mithcam Tim Phillips Yorktown, VA., USA James Healy Zeljko Segin Croatia Pete Lovatt United Kingdom Paul Cannon Maysville, North Carolina, USA Please tell me where you are hailing from so I can complete this. ------ Please e-mail corrections to ghaas@cyberdrive.net -- Live long and prosper Gretchen/Aly LtCmdr Batya Bitzalel, CO USS ZAHAL (human) ============================================ ghaas@cyberdrive.net & alyza@juno.com URL: http://www.cyberdrive.net/~ghaas ICQ# 4552060 All my Trek pages: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/1040/trek.html ============================================ "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?" (Hillel, Mishneh, Pirke Avot)