Bio: Kalen 7 of 7 age:?? race: Borg (formererly Bijani) birthplace: Unknown parents: Uknown but they were assimalted that much is known... appearance: borg no hair purplish skin, but instead of a black suit it has been adapted to look like a starfleet uniform. One humanoid arm one assimilated arm. stats. height:6' weight:250 lbs. history: Kalen was a Bijani who was transfering colonists from Bijan 1 to Bijan 2 when a borg cube found his ship.. they were on their way to wolf 359... his whole ship , including his family, were assimilated. He vaguely rembers the ship he was on. He thinks it was his ship, but he knows their were 7 people on board. 2 were his parents the others he is not sure of. He was pinned under a beam when the Borg cube attacked and so was semi conscious when they hit. He awoke to the horror of being borg. He could not rember much do to the shock to his mind and his body. He could here that the borg had engaged some one called the Federation and knew they were friendly. He noticed in the cube several places where there were ships of different kinds. He stole a shuttle craft and escaped before the cube's destruction.. the destruction shut his circuitry off and his shuttle fell silent and adrift.. Sf Sec found his shuttle going through the wreckage and once they realised what they had onboard they took him to earth. He was researched exstensively and after several years Data Soong was placed on the project (during Data's appointment to Satrfleet Academy.) Data gave Kalen his sense of individualality back. Kalen chose to remain borg outside until he could reclaim his memory. Most of his borg hardware has reamianed intact except for the subspace relay, and all of his equipment for assimalting humanoids. These keep him from contacting the collective and from assimalting others. His neural processor is intact allowing him to sift through the memories of several borg.. mostly those on his ship. He continues to try to regain his memory. Kalen cherishes his cat Bosco. A milky white tabby with a grey star on his fore head. He sleeps standing up hooked up to the ships power supply to recharge. His dreams, thoughts, and everyday occurences are all reorded in a little black box which the capt has access to. This is an added security measure to prevent any attempted take over by the Borg collective. The box also helps him filter out his thoughts and dreams fromt he rest of the personalities so he can one be himself again. ======================================================= Secondary infromation Graduated Starfleet academy Sd:10.0210. Graduated Holodeck OTC training Sd: 10.0215 Assigned to USS Clark sd: 10.0217 Clarks destruction. sd: 10.0520 Assigned to USS Zahal. sd" 10.0712