THE ZAHAL CHRONOLOGY: HISTORY OF THE CREW OF THE USS ZAHAL Hey, folks! Looking though my "Star Trek Chronology: History of the Future," got me thinking it would be nice to have one for us. Most of the stuff holds up pretty well under close scrutiny, with a few exceptions. These entries come from the bio-files of crew members and compilation of ship posts. Embellishments on my part are for clarification only and have not changed that nature of the entry. These dates are based on the current stardate system and information from bios. While I have tried to avoid "making up" dates, when an important event occurred that had no date, I have supplied what I believe the date could have been. Conjectural dates are noted in the text. (Most of the long editorial notes come from conversations with Aly.) If the crew has any additions, deletions, or corrections, please contact me. When this is all fixed, we can add it to the ZAHAL's webpage. I plan to update this with each mission the ZAHAL completes. +++++ 20TH CENTURY +++++ 1977 December 31, 11:59:59 PM. In another dimension, Jamie Shield is born. He is the first of twins born to Jake and Alicia Shield. 1978 January 1, 12:00:01 am. In another dimension, Jared Shield is born. He is the second of twins born to Jake and Alicia Shield. +++++ 25TH CENTURY +++++ 2379 January 3. Pol Canon born in Captial City, Betazed. He is the son of Parn and Nara Canon. 2383 January 31. Pol's brother, Kris Canon, is born. 2386 May 4. Byata Bitzalel is born. She is the daughter of Yair and Naomi Bitzalel. Pol Canon, now 7, attends a wedding where his interest in alien races is sparked. 2387 Michael Tarruse is born. He is the eldest son of Tarruse Dahnn and Alan, the older brother of Kim Tarruse. 2389 Kim Tarruse is born on a farming province of Bajor. He is the son of Tarruse Dahnn and Alan. March 26. Byata's brother, Egan Bitzalel, is born. 2391 Pol Canon begins piano lessons. 2392 T'Orn is born on Kronos, the Klingon Homeworld. He is the son of Kahless, and the grandson of Kahless the Cloned. Anna Tarruse, sister of Kim Tarruse, is born. She is the daughter of Tarruse Dahnn and Alan. 2393 Kim Tarruse watches as a friend of his is killed. This sparks his life-long interest in medicine. (Editor's Note: Date is conjecture. Assume's Kim was 4 years old. This is included only because it is such an important event in Kim's life.) 2395 Pol Canon enters Planetary University, Betazed. Majors in Species Interaction. 2398 Pol Canon attends an archaeological dig on the far side of Betazed's second moon. 2399 Pol Canon attends an archaeological dig on Keptar VII. 2402 Pol Canon graduates with a Ph.D. in Alien Psychology and Alien Interaction from Planetary University, Betazed. 2403 Jamie Shield, physically 14, is transported to this dimension through unknown means. He retains a telepathic link with Jared, his twin brother, still in his home dimension. Pol Canon opens a Private Counseling Office on Betazed. 2404 Byata Bitzalel enters Starfleet Academy. Her major of study is sciences. She is the first of her family to join Starfleet. T'Orn enters Klingon Warrior Academy. (Editor's Note: Date is conjecture. Assumes T'Orn was 12 when entering Warrior Academy. This is included only because it is such an important event in T'Orn's life. Assumes Klingon Warrior Academy is a 2 year curriculum. See note for T'Orn's Academy entry.) 2405 T'Orn leads a Klingon raiding party. This was a life-changing event. T'Orn would later be haunted by dreams of this. (Editor's Note: This apparently occurred while T'Orn was at the Klingon Warrior Academy. Assumes this is the event referred to in his dream sequences.) Pol Canon closes his Private Counseling Office on Betazed. Pol finds the work unfulfilling. 2406 T'Orn, recently graduated from the Klingon Warrior Academy, enters Starfleet Academy. (Editor's Note: For T'Orn to be 18 in 2510 upon graduation, he had to enter Starfleet Academy at age 14. T'Orn could not have graduated early, as all 4 years at the Academy are accounted for in his bio.) Wanting to explore this dimension more fully, Jamie Shield enters Starfleet Academy. Despite protests from his girlfriend, Pol Canon enters Starfleet Academy. Kim Tarruse joins Starfleet Academy. He is undecided on a major. Kim excelled in medicine but was required to re-take basic operations orientation. 2407 Steven Hawkins joins Starfleet Academy. (Editor's Note: This is a supporting character from T'Orn's bio. Apparently, Hawkins was a first year cadet during T'Orn's sophomore year. See next entry.) T'Orn is involved in an altercation at Starfleet Academy. T'Orn got involved in defending his friend, freshman Cadet Steven Hawkins. T'Orn was the only one left standing when security arrived. One of the Cadets had a concussion, and entered a coma. (Editor's Note: The apparently happened during T'Orn's 2nd year at the Academy since his bio says he had no friends during his "3rd and 4th year of the Academy." As of SD 10.0720, this Cadet is still comatose.) Now in the second year at the Academy, Kim Tarruse maps the DNA structure of a new species of flower. Kim decides to major in xeno-biology/medicine with a minor in botany. Pol Canon takes a 3-month leave of absence from the Academy to attend an archaeological dig on Breck II. 2409 Byata Bitzalel graduates from Starfleet Academy with honors. She is 20th in her class. Kim Tarruse receives a reprimand for conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet officer -- Tarusse was put on suspension for being in a bar room brawl with three other cadets. The brawl started when an older cadet insulted a Kzinti officer. Following training at OTC, Ens. Bitzalel is assigned to the USS Ohio as 3rd shift Science Lead Officer Pol Canon accepts a six month field assignment to the ice world of Yanrel III. In recognition of her work on the OHIO, Ens. Bitzalel is promoted to Lt. (jg) and assigned to the USS LEXINGTON as Chief Science Officer. Capt. Bagamibatoo commands the LEXINGTON during her assignment. Lt. (jg) Bitzalel is promoted to full Lieutenant. Stardate 9.1003. The USS LEXINGTON is destroyed by Klingons. Kim Tarruse returns to Starfleet Academy following his suspension. Following the destruction of the LEXINGTON, Lt. Bitzalel is assigned to training duty at Starbase OMEGA. 2410 Jamie Shield graduates from Starfleet Academy, 25th in his class. He majored in sciences with a minor in medicine. Pol Canon graduates from Starfleet Academy, majoring in Counseling, with a minor in medicine. T'Orn graduates from Starfleet Academy, majoring in security/tactical. Lt. Bitzalel is promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Kim Tarruse graduates Starfleet Academy with Honors. He majored in xeno-biology/medicine with a minor in botany. His graduation is six months late due to an earlier suspension. (Editor's Note: The length of Kim's suspension is conjecture.) Kim Tarruse arrives at Starbase OMEGA from training at OTC. Jamie Shield arrives at Starbase OMEGA, undergoing training at OTC. Pol Canon arrives at Starbase OMEGA, undergoing training at OTC. Pol meets a Vulcan, Sovak, during the training. LtCmdr. Bitzalel is given command of the USS ZAHAL, a Samauri-class starship. Ens. Kim Tarruse is assigned as Chief Medical Officer of the USS ZAHAL. Ens. Jamie Shield is assigned as Chief Science Officer of the USS ZAHAL. Ens. Pol Canon is assigned as Counselor to the USS ZAHAL. Ens. T'Orn is assigned as Security Chief/Tactical to the USS ZAHAL. Ens. Wolf is reassigned as Flight Control Officer to the USS ZAHAL. He had previously held this position on the ZAHAL's last mission. Ens. Sovak is assigned to the USS KRIEGER as Chief Science Officer and Chief Medical Officer. Prior to leaving Starbase OMEGA, Pol and Sovak mind meld. "Mystery at Vagra III" The new crew of the ZAHAL spends some time getting to know each other. The crew meets with the Counselor at the Captain's request, and everyone undergoes a physical exam by Dr. Kim. The crew participates in battle drills and Bat'leth training. Malfunctioning replicators provide gach as the only food onboard. After transferring aboard the ZAHAL, Ens. Shield enters a comatose state. It is determined that his telepathic link with his brother was responsible for this. Counselor Pol Canon is adversely affected by Jamie's limited telepathic abilities. Dr. Kim Tarruse administers Hansen Compound to Pol, causing him to lose his telepathic ability. (He is still empathic.) Hansen Compound is usually only administered to telepathic criminals to strip them of their telepathic abilities. The Compound was given because his mind was being drawn into another dimension due to telepathic contact with Ens. Jamie Shield, Chief Science Officer of the USS ZAHAL. LtCmdr Kalen 7, a former Bijani assimilated as a Borg, is assigned to the USS ZAHAL as First Officer / Operations Officer. Pol Canon is injured after being attacked by LtCmdr Kalen 7, FO of the ZAHAL. Kalen is Borg and Pol was attempting a directed memory recall when attacked. As Kalen is confined to Sickbay for unknown duration, Pol is assigned as a2O (acting Second Officer) of USS ZAHAL.