****************** BIO FOR CSO ****************** Name: Dixie Blaade Rank: Ensign Current Assignment: USS ZAHAL Current Possiton: Chief Security Officer (CSO) Service Number: 51278-567-B8758-D85 Species: Human Sex: Female Skin: Medium Tan, and very smooth Hair Color: Blond, just above the shoulder Eye Color: Briliant Green Height: 1.68 meters Weight: 54 kg Age: 19 Fitness: Very Athletic Birth Date: 23891015 Birth Place: Florida, USA, Earth Father: 23970516 diseased Mother: 23970516 diseased Siblings: 23970516 diseased Affiliation: Star Fleet Education: Star Fleet Acadamy Major: Combat Maneuvering Minor: Peace Negotiations History: Dixie has grown up within the foster child system. At a very young age she heard voices that pushed her over the limit and contoled her actions. At age 8 she was possesed by the voices and killed her family. When security arrived, her father, mother, and brother were all dead. She was immediately taken into a full security facility for help. The Medical Examiners determined it was a rare occurance of posession but decided to retain her for observation. For five years she was observed to detemine if it would happen again. Since age 13 she has been living with different families and trying to start her life over. There have been no more voices or evidence of posessions, and no more problems obeying the law. She has done very well in her general schooling and is average in all categories except two. Her psychological area has been rated slightly below average, due to the flashbacks of her parents killings. The Cheif Medical Officer has cleared her for Star Fleet duty, as long as she continualy comes in for check ups. The other category she is not average in is hand to hand combat. She scored third in her class and is expected to excell even further. Dixie has also taken on learning the Assault Fighter. She has had 6 months of training and is on the border of average to above average. While at the Acadamy, Dixie has retained her average status in all areas, has improved her psychological profile, and excelled to first in her class for hand to hand combat. She majored in Combat Maneuvering in the Acadamy and has taken her test for enterance into the Star Fleet. She now awaits the outcome of her test to find out if she has been accepted. Dixie was accepted into Star Fleet and reported for her orders. Dixie underwent training in Holodeck III. With one other Ensign. At the conclusion of her training, she was assigned to the USS ZAHAL as CSO. Starfleet History: 06.0812 Began Starfleet Acadamy Training 10.0602 Graduated from SFA 10.0818 Began advanced training at Omega Training Centre HD III 10.0909 Graduated from OTC Medical History: Stardate-Case-Number-Summary. 23891015-D5162-15B-Born Florida, USA, Earth. [Error in system, not complete] Disaplenary History: Stardate-Case-Number-Summary. 24070516-D583-255-47B-One year leave privlagees revoked under code 856-334B-2. 24081105-D825-552-03B-Three months R&R revoked, Three monts time of R&R used as aid for Computer instuctor under codes 948-2 and 494X-84b. References: "Ensign Blaade shows great initiative and vision, and is not afraid to step forward should the need arise. I am confident she will excel in whatever role the fleet assigns her." --Lieutenant John Dekker, OTC Instructor Holodeck III, SD: 10.0804 "I was not requested to offer the recommendation for Ms. Blaade. I wanted her to have the chance she deserves. Her early years have been difficult, but she has proved to be worthy of her efforts. Since she joined SFA she has only received two violations. The first was for leaving the Acadamy without authorization, to visit her home. It was the anniversary of ther family and she left to visit the graves. Since the leave was unauthorized she was in violation. Her leave privlages were revoked for the next year. The second violation was for accessing confidential information within the Acadamy computer systme. She has no clearance, and was able to access informatin on Star Fleet. The information she obtained was not tampered with. Her explanation was indicated as accidental on attempt to register for Star Fleet. She said she was looking for deatiled information to put in a request for a specific assignment. Her R&R privlages were revoked for three months with the additon of the equal amount of time put toward use in the computer training center fileing and sorting data for the instructor. These violations are minor and have been put into her permant file from SFA. Please accept this letter of recommendation under the ideal that Ms. Blaade would make a very capable and dependable Star Fleet Officer." --Admiral Riottin Juddge, SFA Administrator "Dixie Blaade is one of my favorie students. Although she only has an average rating overall, I believe she is one of the best. When she puts her mind to a task, she completes it and on time, if not early. In my Combat Maneuvers course, she has taken the most obscure direction on what to do, to see her in action is a marvel. Her rating of average comes from the SFA system because she does not see what is obvious. Her knoledge takes her out of our capabilities in combat and into her's where she excelles in defense to offence. I would highly recommend her for any position." --Lt. Commander Duke Johnson, Instuctor Combat Maneuvers, SFA "I have worked with Dixie since she joined SFA. Her psycholocial background is one of horrid amazement. With the loss of her entire family and being moved around from one home to another, I am amazed at how well she is doing. She keeps all her appointments and is at least 5 min. early for each one. We started with weekly meetings for the first quarter. She was doing so well we moved to monthly meetings. When the anniversary date of ther parents death came around, she did have a slight withdraw from everyone. In the middle of one of her classes, she stopped, looked around, and just stood there not hearing or seeing anything. She was brough to my office by her Instructor, we were here for two hours with no more that five words said. I sent her home with her foster parents and she returned the next morning for an appointment. The appointment went as usual, I asked about the previous day, and she couldn't remember what happened. This has happened a total of 8 times within her 4 years at the Acadamy. She does suffer from occasional mental flashbacks. They are of the knight of her families deaths, but have only occured twice in the past three months. Dixie is a very stong person. She is willing to do what it takes to contol her problems. I recommend that she be placed under slight observation to familiarize yourself with her. Please contact me if there are any questions. I am very fond of Dixie and feel she deserves the chance to prove herself. Please take her for who she is now and what she can do now, not what has happened in her past. The following records may help. Blaade Family Murders: File B4879-86CA; Dixie Blaade Medical Record: File B1557-76DB" --Dr. Wai Lai'naia, Counsellor, SFA "Dixie was born a normal child, to a happy family. She had one older brother by two years. I was there when her family was brought in after the accident. I won't hide anything, it was bad, they had no chance. All three arrived D.O.A. The next day I visited Dixie in the Mental Stability Security Ward. She was scared, as if she didn't know what was going on, she just kept asking for her mommy. I requested to be on the decision board for her review. There was one doctor who was insistant upon it being Dixie's predetermined decision to do this, he was wrong. The other six doctors, including myself gave her a clean bill of health and determined it was a deffinant posession after three months of testing. Because of the persistance of the one doctor, Dixie remained in the ward for about five years. During that time I was her main medical doctor. She went through the normal childhood things, a broken arm at age 10, some sprained anckles at age 11, three to be exact. A total of four cases of the flu. Gerneral stuff like that. When she was 13 she was cleard to re-enter society. She was placed into the foster child program and frequently moved from one house to another. People were afraid of her past, which is just that a past. She is not dangerous at all. At age 14 she would visit often suffering from pulled muscels, brused ribs and all types of sprains. She started hand to hand self defense training. At age 15 she was in an accident and suffered a fractured leg. The leg healed with no problem. Dixie is a very good girl. When she left for the SFA I sent her file in. I gave her the final examination after SFA testing to confirm that of the SFA Medical Staff. Dixie Blaade is cleared for any duty. A copy of the medical exam has been inclued in her file: B1557-76DB" --Dr. Pire Wolfin, Earth Planatary Medical Supervisor