BIO Name: Batya Bitzalel Rank: LtCmdr Race: Human Gender: Female Hair: Dark Brown, worn long Eyes: Brown Skin: Tanned Height: 5' 2" Weight: 119 Place of Birth: Jerusalem, Israel, Earth Age: 24 Birth Date: May 4, 2486 Mother: Naomi Bitzalel Father: Yair Bitzalel Siblings: Etan Bitzalel, born March 26, 2489 Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, some Aramaic, Standard Education: Graduated Starfleet Academy with honors, 20th in her class. She majored in sciences. Service Record: SD 90108 Graduated from Starfleet Academy SD 9.0120 Graduated from OTC, assigned to USS Ohio as 3rd shift science lead SD 9.0714 Promoted to Lt(jg) SD 0.0816 Assigned to USS LEXINGTON under Capt. Bagamibatoo as CSciO SD 9.0905 Promoted to full Lt. SD 9.1003 USS LEXIGTON destroyed by Klingons SD 9.1124 Arrival at SB OMEGA after destruction of USS LEXINGTON by Klingons SD 9.1206 Lt. Bitzalel, now a trainer for OTC, gets her first class in HD III SD 10.0701 Promoted to Lt.Cmdr SD 10.0705 Assigned as CO of USS ZAHAL Her family had a long history, one of which Batya could be proud. Her ancestors could be traced back all the way to the time of King Solomon, though they had not always lived in Israel. The family of her father had sojourned in Hungary and then the United States of America, before one of her ancestors had immigrated back to Israel. This ancestor was a courageous young widow, who picked up and left everything behind to take herself and her 2 children to Israel in the late 1990's. When she arrived, she changed her last name to the Hebrew name of her father. One of her 2 children, Etan (Ethan) Bitzalel, was to be the ancestor of Batya. Her own brother was named after that ancestor. She was educated in a Yeshiva in her home city, learning some Talmud as well as many other useful things. To this day, she is still religious, Dati in her native language of Hebrew. Her Standard is accented but easy to understand. As a Sabra, or native of the land of Israel, she is somewhat prickly and stern on the outside, but soft and caring on the inside. Batya was the first in her family to join Starfleet, a bit of a trail blazer. -- Live long and prosper \\// Gretchen/Aly LtCmdr Batya Bitzalel, CO USS ZAHAL, NCC-72601 (human) ============================================ & URL: ICQ# 4552060 All my Trek pages: ============================================ "All the world is a narrow bridge, but the point is don't be afraid at all." (Rav Nachman of Breslav)