My Awards

My Award in Holoworld Fleet Role Playing

Player Awards

On 19.0605 "To the Fleet: This has been in the works for the last week or so... The HWF Awards Council is proud to announce a new Council Award, the:

'Alyza Admiralty Star for Superior Leadership'

"This is a Council Award that is awarded to Fleet Admin who have served in the same admin position for two or more consecutive years and go above and beyond what is required by their position or mandate. A player awarded the Alyza Admiralty Star has continually inspired the fleet through providing strong leadership and is considered one of the best HWF has to offer. Players awarded this Admiralty Star are considered invaluable to the Fleet and shall be considered lifetime honorary Admirals within HWF.

"This award was named for a player that some of us know as Gretchen, but most know as Aly or Alyza. The Award is specifically named for the Player, and not the character of the same name (though the character has also demonstrated great leadership over the years ;) ). No other HWF Awards have been named after a specific player, and this is our humble attempt to show our deepest appreciation for the years and years of leadership provided by Gretchen mka Alyza.

"The HWF Council is proud to present the Alyza Admiralty Star for Superior Leadership to the following player [..] on Stardate 19.0605:

"Gretchen mka Alyza for five plus consecutive years of superior leadership while serving as an outstanding role model for the club in the Admin position of Fleet Commanding Officer.

"Congrats and again, thank you to both of you on behalf of the entire club."
-Geoff Winder, current Fleet CO.

On 19.0528, Outstanding Service Citation for her years of dedicated to HWF through her role as Fleet CO. by Geoff Winder, current Fleet CO.

Fleet Certificate of Gratitude on 19.0528, for her years of excellent service as Fleet CO by Geoff Winder, current Fleet CO.

The Blue Ribbon On 16.0201, "Aly, who plays Specialist Kari, had 6 posts for the month, in a position that only calls for one post per month." was awarded the Blue Ribbon by Paul Cannon, CO of the USS NIGHTINGALE.

The Mot Certificate "The Mot Certificate is awarded to Aly for her continued portrayal of Kari on the NIGHTINGALE. You continue to make significant contributions to the NIGHTINGALE.." On 15.0211 by Paul Cannon who plays the CO of the USS NIGHTINGALE.

"Meritorious Service Citation (def): For continued outstanding roleplaying that sets an example, or for actively serving in an administrative position for more than 3 months." On 12.0730 this was awarded to Aly for service as Ombudsman and exemplary role play

On 12.0505, the Blue ribbon award for writing from the CO of the USS CURIE

On SD 12.0305, Clark Goble's, the Fleet CO said:

"Hi all,

I would like you all to take the time to appreciate one of our players who has made the sacrifice of her time and effort to help make our club better for everyone. Gretchen Shapiro, who most of you know as Aly, is a former Admiral. She currently serves as the Fleet's Web Master, the Ombudsman, and as the CO of DS 101. She is also a great asset to the USS Curie. Aly has worked as hard, if not harder, than any other player I can remember in the Fleet ... and I have been here for quite awhile.

I want it known how much I, and the rest of the fleet, appreciate Aly for all of her hard work. She is by every definition of the word, indispensable.

I am proud to present Aly with the Golden Chain Award which is granted to players who are thought to be indispensable.

Aly, thank you for all of your hard work.

Clark Goble Fleet CO

  • SD 11.0719 Upon my retiredment as Fleet CO

  • On SD 11.0209, Shaun Darlington, the Fleet XO said:

    "Recently, there was a recommendation made to give a certain player an award. The trouble was, according to Fleet rules, it is technically illegal to award this player with the award suggested. It isn't that the player doesn't qualify, far from it, just that the player in question is the only one in the Fleet allowed to give it.

    "After consultation with the Ombudsman by the nominator, it falls on me to break the Fleet rules and Award Aly with the Golden Chain Award. If anyone wants to question my authority to do this, then see me outside. BTW, Raven (the nominator) will be there waiting for you as well. :) "Congratulations Aly. I think Raven's words, below, sum it up."

      Not only are Aly's RP submissions of a consistently high quality, but her NRPG, both to the unit and to the fleet as a whole, is second to none. The amount of time and effort that is put in by her on behalf of HWF, goes, for the most part, unremarked upon. Yet despite all the work she still finds time to be helpful and informative whenever contacted with a question or comment.

      If Aly doesn't class as irreplaceable (Which is what the 'golden chain' award represents) then frankly I don't know who in HWF IS!

      Raven, Unit GM DS101 11.0209
    View the full-sized version of The Golden Chain.

    On SD 9.1230 the Meritorious Service Citation was Presented to Gretchen A. Shapiro For continued outstanding roleplaying that sets an example in the USS CURIE role playing unit.

    Meritorious Service Citation (def): For continued outstanding roleplaying that sets an example, or for actively serving in an administrative position for more than 3 months.

    On SD 9.1129 the following was announced:

      "Since joining AHR, this woman has done remarkable work and shown a commitment above and beyond the call of duty. She has done a magnificent job since taking over as CO of DS101 and has put a lot of time into developing a new race on that station, not to mention her work on numerous other innovations (such as floor plans etc). At the same time as taking on the extra work in her role of SC of Beaver Squadron, she has still managed to be one of the highest posters, without neglecting any of her other ships/characters/duties.

      "For this, I hereby proudly present Gretchen with the Meritorious Service Citation. Live long and prosper Gretchen!


      "Admiral Saishan
      aka Tatya"

    View the full sized version of the Meritorious Service Citation

    Character Awards

    On SD 13.0309 Specialist Kari was awarded the Wounded Lion for being injured in the line of duty

    On SD 13.0127 Capt. Alyza was awarded the Picard Medal of Honor "It is my distinct honor to bestow upon you Picard Medal of Honor for your long time service and dedication to Starfleet and the Cocoon Fleet. You have maintained one of Starfleet's most distant Space Stations and your dedication and service has not gone unnoticed. Thank you Captain and keep up the good work." - Fleet Admiral Fuchsia Tino

    On SD 12.0505 Cmdr. Galia Bitzalel was awarded the Noonian Soong Medal "Commander Bitzalel's innovative and creative use of ships science assets resulted in the location and subsequent first contact of the species we know now as the Trell. Her actions during this mission were instrumental in the overall success of the mission. She will be sorley missed." -Cmdr Leeds

    On SD:11.0304, Commander Galia Bitzalel was awarded the Distinguished Service Star on the USS CURIE, Captain Zahn Z'Dark, CO. This was awarded after the Curie's return from the other end of the Cocoon, where it was stranded.

      "And I am pleased to announce you that Commander Galia Bitzalel has been awarded the Distinguished Service Star, for her outstanding work during this mission. Congratulations, Ms. Bitzalel." - Capt Z'Dark
    View the full-sized version of The Distinguished Service Star.

    On SD 10.0803.1411, LtCmdr 'Mist' Bagamibatoo was awarded The Wounded Lion for being blinded in the line of duty during the battle for the Cocoon against the Klingons. In the words of Cmdr. Firestorm, the CO of the USS GRYPHON upon which she was serving at the time: "LtCmdr.Bagamibatoo, I give you this medal 'The Wounded Lion' in recognition of the injuries you have sustained in the line of duty. You did your best for the crew of the GRYPHON, and that is all that is all I require from my crew. I thank you for your sacrifice." View the full-sized version of The Wounded Lion.

    Galia Bitzalel's Award (from the future)

    On SD 43.0810.1737, then Lt. Galia Bitzalel was awarded the Noonian Soong Medal for averting the changeling threat to Katuba1 by inventing an agent that would put changelings to sleep--as well as solid who did not have the antidote pre-administered. Since this medal was given to her before her abduction to the past, none of her current shipmates on the USS CURIE know she has earned this award. The award itself was left behind in her quarters on her previous ship.

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