LtCmdr. "Mist" Bagamibatoo

Bio of LtCmdr. "Mist" Bagamibatoo:

Name: LtCmdr. Awanibiisaa Aanakwadoon Bagamibatoo (Misty Cloud Running)
Age: 24
Height: 5'4"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey, like a misty cloud
Mother: Miskwaawaak Waawaashkeshi Bagamibatoo (Red Deer Running)
Father: Akwaandawebizo Aanimad Bagamibatoo (Fast Wind Running)
Siblings:5, all older, including Admiral Bagamibatoo, CO of the Cocoon fleet
Place of Birth: Bena, between lakes Winnibigoshish and Leesh (North America, what used to be known as Minnesota, USA)
Species: Human
Tribe: Anishinabe (aka Ojibwe or Chippewa)
Beliefs: Traditional beliefs of the Anishinabe people

Service Record:

  • SD 90108 Graduated from Starfleet Academy
  • SD 9.0120 Graduated from OTC, assigned to USS Ohio as 2nd shift science lead
  • SD 9.0814 Promoted to Lt(jg)
  • SD 9.1028 Promoted to full Lieutenant
  • SD 9.1226 Promoted to LtCmdr, temporarily transfered to USS ROANOKE as CSciO
  • SD 10.0519 Assigned to the USS GRYPHON as CSciO
  • SD 10.0727 Blinded by an exploding panel, Mist is take off active duty to recover
  • SD 10.0803 Cmdr Firestorm of the USS GRYPHON awards Mist the Wounded Lion
  • SD 10.0920 Mist's sight is returned in some way by artificial eyes
  • SD 10.0929 Mist becomes a temp secretary to the FXO while learning to use the input from her new eyes
  • SD 11.0107 Assigned to USS DURHAM
  • SD 11.0224 Presumed dead in a shuttle explosion, really beamed out at the last moment by SFSec

    Mist, as she is usually called, grew up in the wilderness of the lands of her people, a land that includes what used to be known as "Chippewa National Forest". This land was once taken away from her people, but purchased back by them after the Eugenics War. Mist knows how to survive in the woods and was taught how to hunt, though she cannot bring herself to do so. "After all, what did they do to me?" Her parents did not want her to join starfleet, but to stay with her people and raise a family. Mist, however, had other plans, and she acted upon them. She still believes and hold dear the values of her people, but does not think one needs to stay on the land to be a good Anishinabe.

    Mist's grey eyes are very unusual for her people, and her parents innitially thought that something was wrong, that perhaps their daughter was blind. This proved not to be the case, though her eyes are more sensitive to sunlight than is normal for a human. It is her eye color that inspired her parents to give her her name.

    When Mist is off duty, she prefers to dress in black clothing, as she believes it looks good on her. Not that anyone will likely see her off-duty, as she will most likely be found in her own quarters reading or taking a walk in the holodeck. Of course, that could change as she slowly makes friends on the ship....

    Mist has a dislike of Romulans, Cardassians, and anyone whom she sees as an imprialistic power like those who took her anscetor's lands

    Mist was blinded by an exploding panel while trying to raise shields during the recent war with the rebel Klingons in the battle for the Cocoon. She was placed on leave while she recovers in SB Omega. The Gryphon will get a new CSciO

    On SD 10.0803.1411 Mist was awarded the Wounded Lion by Cmdr Firestorm, CO of the USS GRYPHON while still in SB OMEGA's sickbay. In his own words "LtCmdr.Bagamibatoo, I give you this medal 'The Wounded Lion' in recognition of the injuries you have sustained in the line of duty. You did your best for the crew of the GRYPHON, and that is all that is all I require from my crew. I thank you for your sacrifice."

    Psychological Profile

    Mist is very shy, and does not approach people to socialize, fearing rejection. She will, however, talk to someone who speaks to her first, and most of her few friendships were initiated by the other person. She becomes extremely loyal to those whom she is able to become friends with. When it comes to science, however, she springs to life, loving to discuss anything science related, if she sees an appropriate opening. Unless prompted by another, Mist spends her off hours alone, reading. Sometimes, however, this makes her feel isolated and alone and even somewhat depressed. Dispite her periodic bouts of depression, she has never yet let it get in the way of doing her duty. She is also very easily hurt, and perhaps this is part of the reason behind her shyness. It is recommended that an attempt be made to try and bring her out of her self-imposed isolation.

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