Cocoon Maps

NOTE: This sector has been "red-flagged" by Cocoon Fleet command. It is considered dangerous and is off limits to any vessel not authorized by Cocoon Fleet Command. Patrol vessels have been dispatched to enforce these restrictions.

The Terrellian Sector: The Terrellian Sector remained as an unexplored sector of Cocoon space until the USS ATHENE arrived there on 15.1209. The Athene was backtracking the path of an alien object which was intercepted while on a collision course with the Cocoon Portal in the Portal Sector. The Object was found to have originated in the Terrellian Sector. Upon arriving, the Athene found two ancient races at war with one another; the Suanni and the Terrellians. Both races were found to be "near-Q' in their evolution. The two races had been at war for hundreds of years while virtually ignoring the rest of the Cocoon. The alien object the Athene was hauling was then found to be a "seed bomb" launched by the Suanni and meant to spread their genetic seed all over the Cocoon, while destroying nearly everything else in the process. The Suanni were found to be very hostile against the Federation and would accept no attempts at negotiations. With the help of the Terrellians (of which only seven individuals remained), the Seed Bomb was launched into the heart of a Suanni Seed Farm. The resulting explosion resulted in the deaths of all known Suanni and major side effects in the Terrellian Sector and surrounding sectors. These side effects include the Suanni Nebulae and several randomly ocurring pockets of unstable space. The pockets of unstable space have yet to be defined. They are known to be randomly ocurring and extremely dangerous to space vessels. They are capable of destroying a ship in the blink of an eye. There are seven Class M planets in the Terrellian Sector. One is known to possess a "post industrial" earth-like population with limited space travel abilities. A second planet is known to be used as a prison colony by an unknown alien species. The other five planets in the sector have yet to be explored. The sector is currently being explored and studied by Federation Science Vessels.

The Suanni Nebulae: As a result of the exploding seed bomb, the Suanni Nebulae was created. Upon further study, it was found that the nebulae was a living creature still trying to acclimate itself to its surroundings. Eventually, the Suanni Nebulae left the Terrellian Sector proving it had "warp-like" travel abilities. The current location of the Suanni Nebulae is unknown. Should it reappear in a heavily populated sector, the results would be catastrophic, considering the nebulae's extreme gravitational pull and the unstable space it creates in surrounding areas.


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This page © copyright 2005 by Gretchen S., with text, font choice, and map by Clark G.

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