The Kyathane Sector

The Kyathane Sector was explored by the USS CURIE.

  • Twin Star system
  • Kerach
  • Satan (or the Adversary)
  • The Scree Waa
  • Rhudes World

    The Twin Star System

    Encountered just after entering the part of sector outside Dergrad space, the twin star system was such that one star was pulling a stream of matter from the other. A spectacular visual effect.


    This planet, the planet of origin of the Tekcircs, is now in an ice age. While there, the CURIE away team, arriving on the USS FUJI shuttle craft, found some ruins near the northern glacial edge and below one of the stones, a beacon pointing south. Upon following the beacon, the found a downed shuttle craft that had been damaged and was appearantly not capable of space flight any longer. Foot prints from the owners were found leading to a cavern. It was there that the away team met a party of Tekcirc lead by Oicconip. The Tekcircs now live on another planet, since their birth world is not livable for them currently. Nonetheless, they still claim Kerach (meaning cold, it is what the away team named the planet).

    The Tekcircs were on Kerach looking for a tablet that is sacred to them. They call G-d Ottepig and believe that the tablet will help them gain favor and keep them from begin harmed by the Scree Waa, who attacked them when the Tekcirc crossed briefly through what the Scree Waa consider their space.

    The Tekcirc look like 5 foot tall, upright walking crickets and communicate by rubbing one set of legs together. It took the universal translator a while to learn their language. Upon aiding the Tekcirc by repairing their small ship (their CEO had been killed), the away team left for the next planet, named Satan by Galia Bitzalel, the CSioO

    Satan (or the Adversary)

    This planet, the second planet investigated by the away team using the USS FUJI shuttle. The planet is full of life compared to the ice age Kerach. It is also a very dangerous place. Having a gravity that of Vulcan, a relatively high sulfur content in the area the FUJI team chose to investigate caused sudden rain storms. Some of the plant life in the jungle area chosen for the investigation proved to be dangerous. A certain flower grows with energy, bursts, releasing purple goo on anyone in the way. This purple goo is enough to kill a human (on of the CURIE's science staff died thus) or put the CURIE's Romulan exchange officer in sickbay for a while.

    While one half of the away team investigated the jungle, the other went down into a grassy vale. Why the valley had no jungle vegitation being so close to the jungle area became clear to Galia when rain started to fall. The valley was a wadi, and she ordered the party to climb. Unfortunatly, she stepped on a loose rock, and was swept away in a flash flood. Kelen jumped in after her, while an assistant doctor continued to climb so as to bring help. Kelen caught up with Galia, who is not a strong swimmer, and they held on to each other until they valley became more shallow and the waters more calm. They were then able to make it to shore, where they collapsed from exaustion.

    Kelen awoke first, and then Galia, who had swollowed a great deal of water and injured her arm. Kelen bound Galia's arm with fabric from his tunic, loosing a peice of it on the ground. Galia was briefly ill, ridding herself of some of the water she had swollowed. When the rains began again, the 2 went for shelter into the jungle. Galia tried not to show just how bad she felt, but when she collapsed, her condition was obvious. Kelen carried her to a rocky overhang and did what he could to make her comfortable. Their they stayed the night. The next morning, while taking her pulse, he located the EMH from the future she had in a special pocket in her sleave and activated it. The cylinder disappeared and an EMH appeared.

    After examining Galia without any equipment, the EMH said Galia would die if she was not taken to sickbay soon. Kelen left Galia with the EMH and went for help. Once he was near to where they had been when the first rainstorm began, he was found by the FUJI. He took them to the shore nearest Galia and then ran off ahead to disable the EMH so no one else would learn Galia's secret.

    Back on the CURIE, Dr. Noren saved Galia's life. Galia was trying to communicate with Caleb after she awoke and used the Hebrew for adversary. Caleb thought she was naming the planet, and thus it was named.

    The Scree Waa

    The Scree Waa live on 2 class-L worlds, one a colony around a dwarf star. They are skinny purple beings with beaks. They are also xenophobic and attack anyone who enters their territory. It is advised that their territory be avoided by any future Starfleet expedition to this sector


    This planet has a civilazation that was sending out broadcasts the CURIE picked up. Weather the beings there and their world will be investigated has yet to be determined, as they do not have warp capability. The universal translator has also been unable to translate their language as of yet.

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